"You, you, you...what gives you the right?!"

The Third Saint roared.

His eyes were filled with deep anxiety. In his opinion, the gods that his clan had served for nearly a thousand years should have passed on their heritage to him, but why did the gods choose such an outsider? This really made him feel pity and anger at the same time.

"Don't have that expression. He chose me for a reason.

Since you can't get it, just come and worship me next time. I believe you will succeed."

Ye Mo said with a fake smile.

However, his consolation was useless, and it made the Third Saint want to cry. At this moment, he felt like"If there is Yu, why is there Liang?"

The Third Saint froze in his place and couldn't recover for a long time. Ye Mo ignored him. He only saw his palm gently condensed a relatively small Tai Cang knife, and then cut it on his calf.……


The flesh was torn apart, and then the blue stripe mark on the calf was directly cut off, and energy began to flow away.

Ye Mo estimated that it would take about three or four days to completely remove Liuli Bing's destiny skill, and then he would be able to recover to his full strength!

However, in the eyes of the Third Saint, his self-mutilation was a waste of Taicang's divine skill, which made him envious and cry!

""Okay, okay, take me to the Xuanyuan Ancient Country. Maybe when I'm in a good mood, I can teach you one or two moves of the Taicang sword."

Hearing this, the Third Saint's eyes flickered. At this moment, he restrained his emotions, but his face was still gloomy as he said:

"Come with me. Twenty miles underground to the east is the ancient country of Xuanyuan. I hope you can really teach me a few tricks."

After that, the two of them took a short rest and waited for the daybreak. When all the weird things outside lost their aggressiveness, they left the ancient temple and headed for the ancient country of Xuanyuan.

Along the way, Ye Mo looked around and found that the closer he got to the so-called ancient country of Xuanyuan, the fewer trees there were around, and there were many more paths.

This kind of country that only existed in ancient times, Ye Mo actually didn't have much intention to enter it.

But the problem is that he has become a wanted criminal worldwide.

If he wants to upgrade, he must go to the abyss.

It's a pity that he can't appear in the Shenyuan Hall of any country now, because once he appears, he will be attacked endlessly.

The safest way for Ye Mo at present is to enter the Shenyuan of the ancient country of Xuanyuan. Only the Shenyuan here can let him feel at ease to pass the level...

Soon the two came to a huge tiankeng.

This tiankeng is extremely vast and covers an area of 300 square meters. If you look down, you can only see a dark place.

"Is this the entrance to your Xuanyuan Ancient Country?"

Ye Mo asked

"Of course, let's go!"

The third saint smiled and then jumped in.

Looking at the bottomless pit, Ye Mo hesitated for a moment and then jumped in.

「"The entrance to an ancient country, nothing special, just a road."

Of course, Ye Mo dared to jump down only after seeing the prompt, otherwise he would have hesitated in such a dark and deep pit.

With the whistling wind in his ears, Ye Mo finally reached the ground successfully after 50 seconds, and at this moment his eyes finally opened up.

This is a high platform, and under the platform are some places like markets.

The strange thing is that although there is no sun underground, there is light, and it is not as dark as imagined.

He originally thought that the people of the ancient country of Xuanyuan lived underground, and they should be the same as the people in the center of the earth in the previous life, with no light and strange looks, but the people here are actually no different from humans, with two eyes and a nose, and they look like humans.

"Meet the Three Holy Sons!"

"Meet the Three Holy Sons!"


The moment the two appeared, the people of all ethnic groups below began to worship the Third Saint Son.

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo was stunned. It seems that the ancient Xuanyuan country is still in the Qing Dynasty, and our Qing Dynasty has not yet fallen.

The Third Saint Son, who was being worshipped at this moment, raised his head, looked around triumphantly, and then turned his eyes to Ye Mo and said with a smile:

"How about it, am I awesome?"

"Take me to the Gate of Hell quickly, stop pretending here."

Ye Mo said coldly.

You have to know that Ye Mo is the leader of the pretentious world, how can a little rookie pretend in front of him?

The moment he saw his cold face, the Third Saint shrank his neck, and then took Ye Mo to the so-called Gate of Hell.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour later, the two came to a giant tree.

The tree was 300 feet high, and even dozens of people couldn't hug it. In the middle of the root of the tree, a red door opened.……

"Look, this is the gate to hell you want, but let me make it clear to you first, once you enter it, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to come back, you must make a decision, and you can't blame me if you die!"

Hearing this, Ye Mo nodded, and then continued to ask:

"Has anyone successfully walked out of other hell gates before? Did they bring anything back?"

When this question came out, the Third Saint's face changed, and then he lowered his voice and said:

"My father had been in and out of the Gate of Hell three times. In addition, each of our ancestors had been in and out of the Gate of Hell at least once and brought out a lot of things. It was not a small number!"

"However, those who can enter the gate of hell and come out successfully are all strong people of our race.

As for those who enter without knowing their own strength and fail to come out, they are ordinary people or weak people.……"

After hearing what the Third Saint said, Ye Mo's eyes moved slightly. He was a little confused at this moment.……

"Think about it, have your ancestors ever brought this thing out of the gate of hell?"

Ye Mo waved his hand, and a small experience pack appeared and was placed in front of the Three Saints.……

"Eh? There are a lot of these things that were passed down from my ancestors, but they are useless and are just piled up there.

After all, I brought them out of the gates of hell with great difficulty, and it would be a pity to throw them away.……"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Mo's eyes lit up!

"How many of these things did your ancestors have? Tell me quickly!"

However, as soon as he finished saying this, Ye Mo regretted it.

He was too impatient, and this would definitely give the Third Prince a handle to control him...

As expected.

After seeing Ye Mo's urgency just now, the Third Saint said hesitantly:

"Hehe... There are at least thousands of these green blocks in my clan, but if you want them, it's not that easy. You have to exchange them for something, otherwise I can't give them to you for free, right?"

The Third Saint said with a smile.

At this moment, Ye Mo no longer had the regret he had just felt. Instead, his pupils shrank and he thought carefully:

"The minimum experience pack is 20,000 experience points. If it is thousands, that's not a small amount, enough for me to level up.

But I'd better take a look first. If the size is too small, it's not worth it for me to exchange it.……"

At the same time, in the distant Dragon Country, Liu Li Bing raised her hand slightly, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.……

"Why does my destiny skill seem to be ineffective?

Logically speaking, even if he is dead now, the skill should still exist. Could it be that it has been cracked?"

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