"Actually, there are good and bad things. I need a larger green package.

This small one is too useless to me, so I don't like it."

Ye Mo said without blushing. The

Third Son frowned when he heard this.

He thought that most of the green packages in his home were relatively small, not much bigger than the 20,000 experience package in Ye Mo's hand, at most one or two times larger.

There are also larger ones, but there are definitely not thousands of them.……

"How about this, you come and take a look with me first, if the quantity is sufficient, it won’t be too late for us to confirm the transaction!"


The two reached a verbal agreement and then flew to the location mentioned by the Third Saint.

A quarter of an hour later, the two came to a place similar to a palace. After going through several corridors, they finally arrived at their destination.

The house was about 200 square meters, filled with green experience packs of various sizes.

The number was definitely tens of thousands, not just thousands as the Third Saint said!

Seeing this number, Ye Mo swallowed hard. If all were used, he might be able to upgrade to level 60.

But now he must not rob openly. The name of the Third Saint means that he is a strong man among the younger generation of Xuanyuan Ancient Country.

Then there must be some extremely strong people who are older, who may be stronger than professionals.

He has made too many enemies on Blue Star now. If he provokes the Xuanyuan Ancient Country, it will be like adding fuel to the fire.

So he'd better trade with the Third Saint normally.……

"Tell me what you want."

Ye Mo said calmly.

"I'll give you all my green packages in exchange for your Tai Cang knife!"

"How about it? It's a good deal, there are so many of them!"

The Third Saint Son said expectantly. In his opinion, since Ye Mo wanted these green packages so much, he could definitely exchange them for his Taicang Knife. After all, Ye Mo didn't just have this one method!

"No way!"

Ye Mo refused categorically, and then began to explain:

""I got the divine power of Taicang Yidao by my promise to the gods. Do you think these green packages are a divine promise? Huh?"

Ye Mo asked.

Hearing this, the Third Saint was speechless.

Indeed, these green packages were just a bunch of useless things that took up a lot of space.

It was really a bit unrealistic to exchange these useless things for someone else's Taicang Yidao.

"Don't be in a daze there, I'll give you something really good that can make your Xuanyuan Ancient Country completely strong!"

Ye Mo said with a smile.

The Third Saint was stunned when he heard this, and then snorted coldly:

"What could it be that you are talking about so mysteriously?"

Ye Mo shook his head, then took out an awakening stone from his hand and threw it to the Third Saint Son.……

"This thing can awaken special professional abilities in people, and if you continue to gain experience, you will level up and improve your various skills!"

"Now all human beings on the surface of Blue Star are using this method of cultivation. Some people can even split mountains and crush rocks, or even cut a river with a single sword!"

"How is it? Are you interested? Now call a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child over and I will demonstrate it to you on the spot!"

Hearing Ye Mo's words, the Third Saint hesitated for a moment, but his eyes flashed with interest.……

""Okay, wait a moment!"

After the Third Saint Son instructed a servant, the two sat down and drank tea.

"This tea is called Ancient Tea. It has a light fragrance. You can feel the charm of the ancient country of Xuanyuan and the vicissitudes of history after taking a sip!"

The third saint introduced with interest.

"Stop pretending and bring the person here quickly!"

Ye Mo said after taking a sip of tea.

"Don't worry, it's coming soon."

The guard led a child towards the two of them. The child looked quite smart.

""Oh, what a lucky little guy, come here."

Ye Mo waved his hand, and the child came over obediently.

"Hold this stone, close your eyes, and tell me what you see."

So the child listened to Ye Mo and did as he was told.

Soon, several words appeared in his mind that allowed him to choose a career.

"Uncle, he asked me which profession I wanted to choose. It seemed that there were warriors, mages, and cultivators!"

"Choose a soldier. I see your family doesn't have much money, so a soldier is more reliable."

Ye Mo repeated what Da Liu said.

It wasn't because he wanted to say that, but looking at the child's clothes, he looked like a child from a poor family on the street, or even an orphan. His conditions were definitely not that good.

Ye Mo said that for his own good.

"Got it, uncle."

So the child directly chose the warrior, and the next moment a white light lit up on his body, and he immediately noticed the difference!

"You should be able to feel your panel now. Let me show it to you."


Then the child opened and closed his hands, and a simple panel appeared in front of everyone:


【Level: lv.0】

【HP: 5】

【Strength: 6】

【Mental strength: 2】

【Talent: Explosive Warrior: Each attack has an explosion effect and increases the strength attribute by 20%.】

"How is it? He is now a professional."

Ye Mo smiled.

The Third Saint Son was dumbfounded. He could see that this child had undergone a drastic change, and the power in his body seemed to be similar to that of Ye Mo.……

"What, you don't believe it? Then let me show you my panel."

Ye Mo raised his hand and showed his panel to the Third Saint Son:

【Level: Iv.50】

【Strength: 39000+3400】

【HP: 26000+1200】

【Speed: 39999+1200】

【Defense: 39000+1200】

【Mental Power: 48000+2999]

After seeing Ye Mo's panel, the Third Saint Son was already certain that Ye Mo had not lied to him!

"But if I become a professional like you, how do I level up?

I see you are level 50, and that kid is only level 0!"

The Third Saint asked

"I cannot tell you how to upgrade your level for now. After all, we haven't completed the transaction yet.

As for the item I'm trading with you, it's naturally not this small awakening stone, but this!"


Ye Mo brought out a large awakening stone. This awakening stone was a permanent awakening stone that could awaken people all the time.

Although Ye Mo could exchange these experience packs with a few small awakening stones, wouldn't that make him a profiteer?

Besides, was he short of money?

It seemed a bit uneconomical to make enemies with the Third Saint Son just for a few dollars.

"This stone is given to you, and I will take all these green packages. Is that okay with you?"

"Well, you can take it."

After his consent, Ye Mo directly opened the storage space and put all the tens of thousands of green experience packs into his pocket.

However, at the last moment, he left two experience packs and took them to the child.

"Use it, become a professional, you should know how to use it."

The child picked up an experience pack, and then the method of use immediately appeared in his mind.

Within a few seconds, the child directly used 20,000 experience packs, and his level instantly jumped to level 9!

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