Ye Mo died, his body turned into a statue, deader than death.

At the same time, in an extremely mysterious dimension,

Ye Mo slowly opened his eyes and looked at the wide river in front of him...

In this river there were creatures of different shapes, and strange looking objects, all of which flowed with the flow of the river...

At this moment, Ye Mo lowered his head and looked at his body, and found that his body was in a translucent state.……

"Is this my consciousness? Then this river should be the so-called River of Time.……"

Ye Mo sighed. How could he use his new talent right after he got it? It was really a headache.

However, this Liuli Bing's clone was really troublesome. Even if his body was cut off by Taicang, he could try to recover.

Why did he explode directly when he was so angry?

Ye Mo was helpless and speechless about Liuli Bing's behavior of flipping the table.

However, it was too late to say anything now, but fortunately, he could travel through time and space, go back to the past for a period of time, and try to change the direction of the future.

But at this moment, Ye Mo did not act rashly. He could see the long river of time in front of him.

He only needed to go upstream and reach a corresponding river stage, and then directly put his consciousness into it.

But before that, he had to plan...

The most important node that led to his death was that Liuli Bing found the sloppy Duanmu Ji, and then directly differentiated into a clone with the same strength as the original body.

This was an important node that led to his death...

So the most important thing for his time travel this time was to snatch back the things in Duanmu Ji's hand that could allow Liuli Bing to differentiate into a clone, and ask enough information.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo no longer hesitated. He looked at the long river of time in front of him and kept searching for the time mark in it.

At this moment, as he slowly observed, he finally locked onto a small river!

In this river, he was trading experience packages with the Third Saint Son.……

"Let's choose this place, other time periods are not perfect!"

Ye Mo made up his mind, and then he jumped into the river in an instant.

As he fell, large ripples appeared in the river, and these ripples continued to flow along the river.

At the beginning, there were still some ripples, but gradually they became calmer and merged with the entire long river of time, which was natural.


"This tea is called Ancient Tea, and it is a specialty product of our Xuanyuan country. After taking a sip, you will feel the incomparable fragrance and the rich history of our ancient Xuanyuan country."

The third saint said slowly

"Stop pretending, hurry up!"

Ye Mo regained consciousness, looked around and spoke immediately


The third Holy Son was stunned, somewhat confused.

However, Ye Mo ignored him and quickly came to the child who had just entered the hall, and then directly let him hold the Awakening Stone!

"Close your eyes and choose Warrior! Hurry up!"

The child was frightened, so he quickly grasped the stone and quickly chose to awaken...

After awakening, the Third Saint immediately noticed the difference in this child!

"It can actually awaken him, and his power system seems to be exactly the same as yours!"

He said with some joy in surprise.

How could Ye Mo have time to care about him?

He just took out a large permanent awakening stone from his backpack and smashed it on the floor, and said to the third prince:

"Hurry up and give me those experience packs. If you don't give them to me, take them yourself!"

Without any nonsense, Ye Mo quickly collected those experience packs and put them all in his pocket!

His anxious scene made the three saints dumbfounded.……

"No, wait a minute, I haven’t experimented with this awakening stone yet?"

"No need for experiments, come to me if you have any questions, I'm in Xuanyuan Ancient Country!"

Ye Mo waved his hand to refuse, and then flew out of the hall without even chatting, rushing towards the gate of hell!

He used all his speed to get to the gate of hell, and at this moment Duanmu Ji was sitting there...

Ye Mo didn't say anything, just stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said:

"Take out the clone pill, or you will die!"

After saying this, Duanmu Ji, who was in a coma, opened his dim old eyes, looked at Ye Mo and said in a trembling voice:

"You want my clone pill? Great! Finally someone knows what it is!!"

Duanmu Ji laughed, then took out a small bag, opened the bag, took out an ice-blue pill from it, and handed it to Ye Mo.

Seeing this, Ye Mo was silent.

"How many clone pills do you have?"

"About seven or eight, what’s wrong?"

"Fine, then you can go die!"

Ye Mo laughed grimly and punched Duanmu Ji's head!


Blood splattered everywhere, the head was smashed into blood foam, and the headless body fell straight down.……


Ye Mo sneered and took the bag of clone pills directly!

But at this moment, another sloppy figure suddenly walked out from behind the tree and looked at Ye Mo speechlessly.……

""How could you kill my clone?"

Duanmu Ji was shocked!

Then he turned around and tried to flee...

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo refused to give in. He grabbed Duanmu Ji's neck in the air, lifted him up in front of him and asked:

"How many clone pills do you have? In addition, I need to know the internal information of this Shenyuan, I believe you must know more about it!"

Looking at Ye Mo's cold expression, Duanmu Ji's expression changed, and he had to tell him everything:

"This gate of hell is another world, and the characters therein are powerful beyond imagination, and there are even many who are stronger than the Lord.

Humph, I advise you not to go in!

As for my clone pills and my clones, there are plenty of them!

Even if you kill me now, there are still thousands of me!"

Duanmu Ji said with a smile.

Ye Mo's expression changed, and he broke his neck again!

"Kill your two clones now, at least they won't appear in front of Liu Li Bing!"

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