Duanmu Ji's body fell down, and after his death, no other Duanmu Ji appeared for a long time.

It seems that he will not appear in front of the gate of hell for the time being, at least not now!

At the same time, Ye Mo did not wait there, he flew up to the bottom of the huge entrance, silently sitting cross-legged in the air, waiting for Liuli Bing to arrive...

Time passed quickly, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, at this time, an ice-blue figure slowly descended from the entrance of the tiankeng, and saw Ye Mo at the entrance at first sight!

"You actually dare to wait for me here, you are so brave! ?"

Liuli Bing laughed angrily.

Then she was about to attack, but Ye Mo suddenly sneered, opened his arms and said:

"Liu Li Bing! Do you know about the clone pill?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Li Bing, who had already prepared to attack, suddenly froze, with a hint of surprise in his eyes... There was silence for a long time, and then Liu Li Bing slowly said:

"How do you know I need that thing?"

Hearing this, the heavy rock in Ye Mo's heart finally relaxed, and then he took out an ice-blue clone pill and shook it in front of Liu Li Bing!

"If anyone else gets this thing, at most they will get an ordinary, extremely weak clone.

But you should have other tricks that can create a clone that's almost as powerful as the original one, right?"

"If my guess is correct, your combat capability will undoubtedly double after getting this thing, that's it!"

Ye Mo said loudly, with full confidence in his eyes.

Seeing that her tricks were exposed, Liuli Bingmian calmed down easily. She rubbed her palms with a hint of danger in her eyes and said:

"The two top-grade elixirs, the Resurrection Pill and the Clone Pill, are in your hands.

If I kill you, all of these will be mine. What right do you have to negotiate with me?"

"I can destroy these things right now and you won’t get any of them!"

"But if you don't kill me, I can still share a great opportunity with you! You have to think it through, Liu Li Bing!"

Ye Mo said calmly, but in fact he was already a little dry in the mouth.

Liu Li Bing is the strongest person on the entire planet.

There may be some stronger people hiding in the dark, but for Ye Mo, Liu Li Bing's strength has exceeded his strength guarantee, and he must take it slowly.

At this moment, there is a ball of blue ice flame slowly flowing in Liu Li Bing's palm.

She keeps thinking about how likely it is to catch Ye Mo and stop him from destroying these two treasures...

However, after thinking for a long time, he found that once he launched an attack, according to Ye Mo's strength, he could definitely block it, and it is even possible to block it for dozens of breaths, which is enough for him to destroy these two treasures...

Taking a step back, she is also very interested in the so-called opportunity mentioned by Ye Mo. It seems that she can't turn against him for the time being.……

"I agree with your proposal. Tell me about the opportunity you mentioned. It would be best if it could interest people!"

Hearing this, Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the giant tree below, pointed at the gate of hell and said:

"See that fiery red gate? That thing is called the Gate of Hell by the people of Xuanyuan Ancient Country, but to us it is the Divine Abyss.

However, that place is a little different from the Divine Abyss, because it is a complete small world.

The Divine Abyss created by Sothoth merged with the things that once existed here to form a super large new Divine Abyss!

Believe me, there is definitely something you want in it!"

Ye Mo said in a persuasive way.

At this moment, Liuli Bing snorted coldly, without even looking at him, and turned to rush towards the Gate of Hell!

Soon she came to the Gate of Hell and looked up to see the situation inside.

After a careful investigation, she finally confirmed that what Ye Mo said was true.

There is indeed a space similar to the abyss in this gate, and it is extremely wide!

"Liu Libing, don't be so anxious. It's probably not easy for you and me to get along well here, because some of the powerful figures in this Hell's Gate have the strength of the ruler of the ancient Xuanyuan Kingdom, that is, your strength.

There are not just one or two such figures, but probably seven or eight, or even hundreds or thousands!

It's unlikely that you and I can gain benefits from this Divine Abyss!"

Liu Libing nodded after hearing this.

According to her observation, this so-called Hell's Gate does have a large area, and the energy that seeps out of it is not inferior to that of her side. What surprised her even more was that deep inside this gate, there seemed to be two powerful forces ready to move.……

"Interesting, what kind of divine abyss is this?

Could it be a fusion of the methods of the ancient Blue Star and the Sothoth Divine Abyss?"

Seeing her interested look, Ye Mo smiled and scratched his head and said:

"Liu Li Bing, cancel the global wanted order against me, and I will give you a clone pill!

And you can also call more people, how about we break into this hell gate together?

You should know that this thing has no level restrictions, it is a great opportunity for many of you strong men to enter together!"

Ye Mo persuaded her step by step, and his purpose was naturally self-evident.

But Liu Li Bing was very confident in her own strength, and now she needed benefits, so of course she would not say anything more!

"It's not impossible to cancel your global wanted order, but the families of the victims want to seek revenge on you, how will you deal with it?"

Liuli Bing seemed to be questioning, but Ye Mo knew that he had not given any guarantee.

He looked calm, and then cut the clone pill in his hand into two halves and threw one half to Liuli Bing.

"If you can get through this abyss, I will give you the other half! If you encounter a critical situation, I can give you the other half in advance!"

Liuli Bing carefully picked up the half of the pill, put it into her own storage space, and then smiled at him:

"I hope you can keep your promise and don’t run away halfway!"



The crisis at this moment was completely resolved, Ye Mo breathed a sigh of relief and���Arrived at the gate of hell.

His wanted order must be revoked, otherwise with his current strength, it would be difficult to dominate the Blue Star, let alone resist so many powerful people.

As for this Divine Abyss, he must try it!

If there is any major gain in it, wouldn’t it be wonderful?

Besides, his current class has not been upgraded yet!

"Use all experience packs!"

【You've been upgraded!】

【Level: lv.50→lv.61 (90,000,000 experience points are needed to upgrade)】

【Strength: 39000 → 120000】

【HP: 26000 → 120000】

【Speed: 39999 → 129999】

【Defense: 39000 → 120000】

【Spirit: 48000 → 240000】

【Congratulations on reaching level 60. The new talent Time Rewind has been issued!】

【Time Travel: Can only be used once a year, can return to the past time period, but will not bring back strength or cultivation, can only be used to travel back in time.」】

"Oh my god, it's really restricted!"

Ye Mo was speechless, but it didn't matter, his panel was still greatly improved. He clicked on his panel and said slowly.

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