[Name: Ye Mo】

【Occupation: Summoner of All Worlds】

【Talent: SSS Chaos Emperor

「Can share attributes with any summoned beast and add them to itself」

「Every time you level up 10, you will get a Chaos Talent, guaranteed to be S-level."

SSS Chaos Shadow: You can choose a summoned beast and summon the summoned beast's shadow. The summoned beast's shadow inherits 80% of the original body's attributes and skill attributes."Every 50 points of mental power can summon a summoned beast shadow."

S Consumption-free Chaos: All skills can be released without consumption for the first 3 times a day, and all your summoned beasts share this talent.

SS Chaos Gate: Open the Chaos Gate, and an extremely powerful summoned beast will appear inside. If you have the ability, subdue him (only open once a month)

「SSS」Chaos Past and Present: Summon all characters who have a good impression of you, regardless of time, space, or dimension.

If the character agrees, the summon will succeed, but the strength is only 80% of the original body."This talent can only be used once every 10 years.」

「SSS「Passive Talent: Eye of Chaos: Stare at an item for three seconds to view all the information about it!

Time Travel: Used only once a year, you can return to the past, but you will not bring your strength or cultivation back to the past, you can only travel back in consciousness.」】

【Level: Iv.50】

【Strength: 120000+3400】

【HP: 129999+1200】

【Speed: 120000+1200】

【Defense: 120000+1200】

【Mental strength: 240000+2999】

【Summoned beasts: Vegeta, Xuanwu, Hades, Colin】

【Skill:"Blood Demon's Hand: The summoned beast's attack has a 10% blood-sucking effect, and the blood sucked is also added to the summoner, lasting 30 minutes, with a cooldown of three hours.」

「Magic Light Cannon (Learnable by Summoners): Fires a beam of energy light forward, which has a strong penetrating effect and causes 1500% damage to the enemy.」】

【Equipment: Conqueror's Battle Suit, Glory Necklace, Shanchuan Leather Boots,

Kanglong Long Sword: Increases your own strength attribute by 20%, and each attack causes 200% damage!】

【Storage space: 52 resurrection coins, 522 recovery potions】

【Summoned Beasts: Saiyan Vegeta, Xuanwu, Hades, Colin】

【90,000,000 experience points left to reach the next level】

"My current strength is just like this. If I want to continue to improve, I have to enter this so-called hell gate and gain enough experience.……"

Ye Mo said to himself.

At the same time, all the major countries were surprised to find that Longguo had actually revoked the wanted order for Ye Mo!

This revocation was not a big deal, but it caused various agencies around the world to feel a little unbelievable.

You should know that once China issues a wanted order, it is very difficult to withdraw it, unless the wanted person has a supernatural power or has made outstanding contributions to the country to get the opportunity to revoke the wanted order.

But Ye Mo's wanted order was revoked quietly...

At the same time, the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk who was flying over the Dark Forest showed a smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Lord Ye Mo is indeed mysterious and unpredictable. He even made our country withdraw the wanted order against him. It seems that I was right about him!"

Excited, the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk went directly into the cenote of Xuanyuan Ancient Country, ready to meet Ye Mo...

At the same time, as Liu Li Bing's message spread, more and more professionals gathered near the cenote near the Dark Forest. The Divine Abyss, always ready to enter it...

Not long after, one professional after another came here. Some of them snorted coldly after seeing Ye Mo, while others chose to ignore him directly, but no one dared to provoke him.

After all, his strength is there, and everyone comes here to upgrade their levels and get treasures, so there is no need to turn against Ye Mo. However, what attracted everyone's attention was Ye Mu, who was standing in the same place as the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk, and the two seemed to have a good relationship?

Looking at the increasing number of professionals in front of him, Ye Mo turned his head and looked at the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk and said:

"Thank you so much for what you did before, otherwise my mother's safety would not be guaranteed."

"It doesn't matter. Since I choose to join forces with you, I naturally have something I like about you. Besides, I have already said that you have the qualifications to resist the Eye of Fate."

"By the way, we will start destroying the Eye of Destiny soon, and I hope you can join us then."

"Oh, are you going to take action so soon?"

Ye Mo asked in surprise


The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk nodded and said with a serious expression:

"The suppression of the Eye of Fate is getting stronger and stronger. Now many people are restricted to level 88, and even cannot reach level 89.

If it continues, I am afraid that the level suppression will become stronger and stronger, and no professional will be able to break through level 90.……"


Ye Mo nodded.

It seems that after experiencing the Divine Abyss this time, the entire Blue Star will enter a period of change...

As for whether he should join the regular resistance army or fight alone, that remains to be considered. The first priority now is to upgrade his level and improve his own strength...

While he was thinking, many professionals had already arrived at the scene, and there was even a familiar face among them!

""Ye Mo! You beast!!"

A woman in green clothes suddenly rushed towards Ye Mo with her eyes red the moment she saw him!

""Get out of here! You have no sense!"

The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk showed displeasure on his face, and then slapped the woman in green several meters away!


The woman in green was blown to the ground and could not get up. After a long time, she barely got up and stared at the two people with anger.

This scene was also seen by everyone at the scene, but no one helped. They just looked at them coldly and ignored them.

Everyone knew Ye Mo's strength and he was qualified to compete with them.

If it was a one-on-one battle, there might not be anyone who could be his opponent. What's more, the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk standing next to Ye Mo was enough to illustrate his position.

Why bother them now?

You have to know that this world is based on interests. In this world of the first, it is child's play to seek revenge with all your hatred!

At this moment, the woman in green stood up with a miserable face. Anger still surged in her eyes, but she left without saying a word...

Looking at her leaving back, a hint of danger flashed in Ye Mo's eyes!

Letting the tiger go back to the mountain is not a plot he likes. It would be best to kill the woman in green as soon as he enters the Shenyuan to prevent future troubles!

However, his expression did not reveal any murderous intent. He smiled and nodded to the Thousand-Faced Ghost, and said something against his will:

"Hahaha, Senior Ghost Monk, there's no need to do this. We are all Dragon Country professionals. There's no need to fight to the death. Just teach them a lesson.……"

Hearing Ye Mo's words, the professionals all showed disdainful expressions...

There is no need to fight to the death?

What the hell did you do before?

However, everyone did not show any embarrassment, just waiting for the moment when the Divine Abyss opened and everyone entered together...

Then Liu Libing's figure appeared again soon. She looked at everyone present, and at the same time came to the gate of hell, opened her arms and said:

"Everyone, there are unimaginable resources behind this door.

Let's grab these resources, become stronger together, and then destroy the Eye of Fate and achieve the Supreme Dao!"

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Li Bing took the brunt and entered the gate of Shenyuan directly!

The others followed closely and entered this gate of hell one after another.

At the same time, the gate of hell suddenly loosened, and a hint of blood came out and entered Ye Mo's nose...

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