"It seems that things are not peaceful inside the Divine Abyss, but it doesn't matter."

Ye Mo rubbed his hands together and then went straight in!


There is an endless blue sky in front of you, but once you look over, you will find that in the center of the blue sky there is a super huge blood-red sphere standing in the center of the entire world.

This blood-red sphere occupies a very large area, even occupying 2/3 of the entire world!

"Something is wrong, this Shen Yuan is a little strange!"

Ye Mo's heart became alert, because the blood-colored ball gave him an extremely oppressive feeling.

This feeling was like there was an unknown terrifying existence inside the blood-colored ball...

At this moment, a Shen Yuan voice that seemed to have been originally set said:

【Dear professionals, welcome to Siyujie】

【Your current mission is to resurrect the First Divine Emperor!】

【The second task is to break the Blood Mother's protective shield.】

【If you complete the task, you will receive a generous reward! 】

These voices spread to all the professionals, which means that everyone has received these two tasks...

At this moment, Ye Mo looked around and found that the location where everyone was teleported was actually very close. He could even see Liu Libing's figure in the distance.……

"Everyone, it seems that this Divine Abyss requires our collective efforts to complete, and it is not enough to rely on the strength of one person alone!"

Liuli Bing said loudly, and at this moment everyone agreed.

After all, the blood-colored cover is not something that can be opened by a single person, and it requires the joint efforts of everyone to have that possibility……

"Well then, everyone, let's complete the first task, revive the first emperor, but we have no clue about the whereabouts of this emperor, so I beg you to search separately, preferably in groups of two!"

Liuli Bing's words immediately received support from everyone. Two people in a group is a very safe way, after all, this abyss does look dangerous...

However, Ye Mo didn't pay attention to the people at this moment, but planned to join forces with the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk after finding him.

Soon, the two of them met together.

"Let's go, let's look to the west, the temperature there seems to be relatively low, it is very likely that the body of the so-called First Divine Emperor is frozen.……"


Soon, Ye Mo and the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk set off on their journey. The two flew towards the west at a very fast speed...

At this moment, as the two of them continued to speed up and get closer and closer to the west, the only strange thing was that the temperature dropped a lot, and even snowflakes began to appear. There were already traces of ice on the ground.……

""Wait a minute!"

Ye Mo suddenly said

"What happened? What did you see?"

The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk asked.

Ye Mo did not speak, but changed direction, swooping down rapidly towards the ground below, and directly took out the Zhuxian Demon Bow in his hand and pulled out a full-black arrow!

On the ground was a woman in green and another woman. The two were moving forward, and seemed to be in the same direction as Ye Mo and the others.

But I didn't expect that they would meet here!

At this moment, Ye Mo suddenly swooped down. Such a sudden scene made the expressions of the two women on the ground change drastically.

The woman in green was even more angry and fearful, and she dodged!

But it was too late. The sharp sword finger shot out from the Night Demon's hand, and directly"hissed" and shot through the woman's shoulder, leaving a long string of red numbers!


Nearly 10 million damage appeared above her head, but it wasn’t over yet!

The face of the girl at the fingertips suddenly aged, her breathing became difficult, and her body began to be covered with wrinkles.

""What did you do, you beast!?" the green-clothed woman said angrily.

However, Ye Mo ignored her and shot another arrow!


In an instant, the woman in green was injured again. After a miserable groan, her face became older and even unstable, and she fell directly to the ground!

However, Ye Mo had no mercy on her at all. He stretched out his hand to summon Dark Vegeta and gave an order:

"Kill her!"

As soon as the voice fell, Dark Vegeta went all out, instantly opening the strongest form and killing the woman in green.

Needless to say, it must have easily solved the woman in green!

After a long time, Ye Mo returned to the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk again, and the two flew towards the west without saying a word...

The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk had no idea to express about Ye Mo's killing.

Kill it, blame the woman in green for her low strength and malicious intentions.

If you want to take revenge without strength, the world will not let you get what you want.

At this moment, as the two continued to fly, the surrounding air became lower and lower, and in a blink of an eye, it was already snowing heavily, and the world was covered with ice and snow...

At this moment, the two slowly landed on the ground and looked up...

It was not land under their feet, but a flat ice field...

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the ice field under his feet, and his eyes suddenly trembled!

"Senior Ghost Monk, something seems to be wrong under this ice field. It seems that there is something……"

Hearing Ye Mo's words, the Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk also looked down.

He saw a twisted giant body frozen under the endless ice field...

This body was so big that it was several thousand feet long!

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