After the child attracted attention, he also successfully achieved his own goal.

After some understanding, the soldiers sent by the elders knew the general information.

It is not difficult to guess.

This child is the concerned brother, and the brother in his mouth is an ordinary soldier in the horse racing area.


He is not a high-ranking official, nor a hidden strong man who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. He is just an ordinary and grassroots soldier.

If it had not attracted the attention of Bai Yi and the elders, I am afraid that no one would care too much about a child's request for help. After all, this small shelter alone accommodates a number that cannot be counted for a while.

After some understanding, the soldier who had asked in the past sorted out all the information.

Not long after.

The soldier slowly walked to the elder in charge and reported:

"Report, the summary information is as follows, summarized into six key information:"


It took only about a minute for the soldier to quickly summarize the six pieces of information.

Short and fast.

Not even a little time was wasted.

After listening to the elder and Bai Yi, they understood everything.

"I see."

The elder nodded and heard the information clearly.

"In that case, can the war zone over there be contacted?"

"Ask for information first."

"If it is really impossible to contact, a team should be sent over to check the situation."

The elder thought seriously for a moment and finally came up with this plan.

Hearing this.

The child immediately squeezed out of the crowd, and the soldiers who were maintaining order outside saw this and wanted to stop him.

But the elder leader gave a look, and the soldiers stopped trying to stop him.

The next moment.

The child ran up to him with an anxious look on his face, his eyes full of complexity.

Just like "You have the ability to save my brother, why don't you go?", the child's thoughts are simple, but also the purest.

However, the child did not say it out loud.

He knew that the world would not revolve around him, and others would not do it just because of his mouth or words.

He did not have that ability yet.

But it was this attitude that made Bai Yi a little concerned.

"Child, do you think your brother is still alive?"

These words were cold and cruel.

"Alive, but dying soon, please save him!" Although the child wanted to cry, his eyes became more and more determined.

The probe appeared in front of Bai Yi, and some data appeared in front of him:

[Human: Florian Favre]

[Profession: [Untransferred]]

[Health: 65\65]

[Basic Attack Power: 3]

This was the first time that Bai Yi used the probe on an ordinary human who had not transferred, and the result was similar to expectations.

"Are you so sure? Your brother is dying?" Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and felt a little strange.

It's not that he doesn't take human life seriously, but mainly because this child is too determined.

So determined that this thing will definitely happen.

Since there is no transfer, how can he know that his brother is dying?

This is really a problem.

"I tell you, can you save my brother?" The child had tears in the corners of his eyes, but he still forced himself to finish the words.

"I can consider it." Bai Yi nodded.

Hearing Bai Yi's promise, the child slowly took out a torn piece of paper from the corner of his clothes.

Rather than a note, it looked like a small piece of paper torn off.

The child held it in his hand and handed it to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi took it and curiously used the probe.

His intuition told him that this piece of paper was a prop.

As expected, when Bai Yi started the probe, a piece of data immediately emerged:

[Prop: Movie Reproduction·Life Card]

[Quality: Yellow-]

[Durability: 1-∞\∞]

[Effect: Paper representing the vitality of the owner, which can be torn and given to relatives or friends who are about to be separated, and the torn papers will attract each other]

[Introduction: Not afraid of water or fire, it is made by mixing your own fingernails into the material, which can tell relatives about their safety in disguise. It is worth noting that the life card will shrink when the owner is weak.

, and return to its original size when it recovers (if it slowly turns into ashes, it means that the owner is not far from death)]

Looking at this prompt, Bai Yi understood the general situation.


Although this child is not a professional and has no special abilities, he can use this prop to understand the specific situation of his brother.

Look at the current status of this life card.

Although it is a little curled up, and its corners slowly turn into wisps of ashes, the whole remains the same and has not dissipated instantly.

This also means.

The owner of the life card, as the child said, is alive, but basically not far from death.

If no one goes to save him, he basically cannot escape the fate of death.


Under the expectant eyes of the child, Bai Yi slowly put away the life card and said:

"I will accept this life card."

"I will go to see your brother."

Bai Yi put away the life card and made a promise to the child.

Although Bai Yi claimed that he was not a kind-hearted person, he was slightly moved by the affection between brothers.

During this journey to Falanxi.

Originally, he came here to gain experience. In this case, it doesn't matter where he gains experience. It's okay to save some people by the way.

"Thank you! Thank you! Woo... Woo..." The child seemed to have completed his mission and finally vented all his emotions.

Once the crying started, he never stopped, until it became louder and louder, and turned into crying with his face covered.

Seeing this, Bai Yi turned around and said to the elder in charge:

"Is it true that we can't contact that war zone?"

"Is the other side wiped out, or is there another reason?"

Bai Yi's words were so sharp that the elder in charge couldn't answer for a while.

At this moment, the soldier's eyes changed, and Bai Yi caught the details.

"Speak, there is nothing to worry about."

"I am here to help you."

Bai Yi looked at the soldier and ordered him to tell everything he knew.

The soldier had kept his mouth shut, but after seeing the look in the eyes of the elder leader, he quickly told the story:

"Under normal circumstances, even if the [Entangled Crystal Ball] is not very stable, it can be contacted at least three times a day."

"But today in the horse racing area, the summary was only completed in the morning."

"So, I personally judge that they may have received a fierce attack, at least... several times more than us..."

Hearing this, Bai Yi's eyes lit up.

What does this mean?

There are a lot of monsters in that place!

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