The old man was very busy, but the old man was very busy.

When Bai Yi came, he confirmed his purpose.

——Gain experience.

Although he encountered many people and things on the road during this period, it did not hinder his original intention.

"Set off immediately."

Bai Yi made a decision and prepared to set off immediately.

At this time.

The elder leader immediately stopped him and asked: "Wait a minute, are you called by Lanécelot Riôgal?"

"If so, we will report the situation here to him."

"If you go to other war zones..."

The elder leader had a headache. The current situation in Falanxi was a bit chaotic, because the communication problem was like fighting alone.

Each region is gathering its own combat power to protect the people and kill as many intelligent robots as possible.

Despite this.

They still try their best to maintain the overall military strategy of Falanxi.

For example, like the current division of war zones, mutual assistance and mutual reporting within the war zones.

Although it is good for other countries to come to reinforce, if this force cannot be perfectly deployed to various parts of Falanxi, it is probably impossible to maximize the combat power.

And the reinforcements from other countries cannot be used perfectly.

This is the headache for the elder leader. He couldn't explain it clearly for a while and wanted to say as much as possible to Bai Yi.

But Bai Yi waved his hand and indicated that it was okay.

Just as the elder leader wanted to call over two communication soldiers and use the prop [Entangled Crystal Ball] to communicate with Lanécelot Riôgal, the leader of the war zone in the distance.

But unexpectedly, Bai Yi didn't intend to waste time like this at all.

The soldier said before that this item is not easy to use at all, and it may only be contacted three times a day.

If you wait for a while, the life card in your hand will have been burned to ashes.

"Huh?" The elder leader wanted to ask something, but was stopped by Bai Yi.

The next moment.

Bai Yi's figure disappeared directly on the spot, replaced by a child-like tall Shadow Decay with a black vortex on his head.

"??!" The elder leader was even more confused, and he couldn't react to what was happening in front of him.

In fact.

This is the result of Bai Yi using [Shadow Exchange].

And why can this job transfer skill be used directly? Thanks to the opening of the Shadow Kingdom in the past, seven Shadow Decays got into the shadows of the five Shaohao brothers.

All the shadow subordinates are not only able to get into Bai Yi's natal shadow.

But all shadows can get in.

After all.

According to the description of the job transfer skill [Shadow Kingdom], the entrance to this other-dimensional world called ‘Shadow Kingdom’ can be any shadow surface.

And the seven Shadow Decay hidden in the five Shaohao brothers.

After receiving certain instructions.

They took advantage of a certain gap and moved into the shadow of the war zone leader named ‘Lanécelot Riôgal’.

And now.

They let the Shadow Decay that had drilled into the shadow of the war zone leader come out from it as a temporary replacement anchor point.


Bai Yi directly used the professional skill-[Shadow Swap] and came to the war zone leader in an instant.

“They are surrounding over there! Heavy firepower coverage!”

“Don’t let those melee models get close! Long-range firepower suppression!”

The war zone leader was shouting loudly, as if he was about to run out of breath in the next second.

The next moment.

When the war zone leader was shouting out his orders, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, scaring him into mental problems.

His identity as a soldier of Falanxi made him instantly aware of the figure behind him.

But it was also because of this.

He was extremely alert. He had no expectation at all that a figure suddenly appeared behind him. This kind of thing was particularly terrifying.

"Who is it?!"

The war zone leader suddenly came to his senses, and the cigar in his hand was transformed into a technological grenade.

"Don't be nervous, it's me." Bai Yi waved his hand, signaling the other party to calm down.

"It's you?!"

The hand of the war zone leader who pulled the safety in his hand suddenly stopped, and the last ring of the safety was still tightly pinched.

They had met before, and their identities were reinforcements from Longguo.

Bai Yi, the war zone leader, aimed at an angle and threw the tech grenade in his hand.


'Boom-! '

A huge explosion sounded, and then a group of intelligent robots in that direction were disturbed by the magnetic field of the remaining tech grenades, and began to operate slowly, even sluggishly.

"Why did you suddenly... Forget it, I won't ask any more."

"What's the matter?!"

The war zone leader didn't react for a while, his eyes were full of red bloodshot, just like a plant squash that was about to jump up and crush zombies.

"It's nothing serious." Bai Yi waved his hand.

"You say it!"

The war zone leader was still nervous. While talking to Bai Yi, he kept looking at the surrounding intelligent robots trying to attack.

"Marseilles, it seems that there is no connection over there. I want to go over and take a look.

If there are many enemies over there, I will deal with them all first." Bai Yi directly explained his thoughts.

"That little who!"

"Come here!" The war zone leader waved his hand and called the signalman who was going to send Bai Yi to Rolanda City.

"Please give orders! Sir!" The signalman ran over immediately.

When he saw Bai Yi, he immediately showed a surprised expression and blurted out: "No, how come you...?"

"Soldier! Has the Marseilles lost contact?!" The war zone leader shouted.

"Normally, it will be judged as lost contact only if it cannot maintain contact for 24 hours. Although there was no successful contact at noon and in the afternoon today,..."

"Lost contact, or not? Soldier!"

"I think... yes! Sir."

The conversation between the two was soon terminated. The war zone leader got the information and immediately replied to Bai Yi:

"Do it according to your idea! Comrade!"

"I hope you can... teleport back... after exploring the Marseilles!" The war zone leader paused, but said it all.

Bai Yi looked at the war zone leader who was in a state of excitement, and didn't say much after all.



Bai Yi waved his hand, and then immediately disappeared in front of the war zone leader.


there was a short shadow decay.

"What the hell is this?! Should I blow it up?!"

"Wait... huh?..."

Before the war zone leader could figure out whether Bai Yi's teleportation depended on this thing in front of him, and whether he should blow up this monster.


the shadow decay directly drilled into his shadow, and disappeared like a raindrop into the sea.

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