"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

When he learned that Qin Yun had reached Level 20, his father Qin Feng was so excited that he slapped his thigh and said three good words.

"Hahaha, my son is really promising... he has a bright future!"

He laughed with joy, sat next to Qin Yun, patted his son's shoulder vigorously, and said with great joy: "What a boy! He rose to Level 20 in just one month. You are more promising than your father and I were!"

Qin Yun gritted his teeth in pain, but who knew that this was his father, Iron-Sand Palm, who could only bear the love silently.

"That's right, don't even look at who gave birth to it?!"

His mother, Liu Qin, looked proud and sat on the sofa on the other side of Qin Yun. She reached out and touched his head with gentle eyes.

"Is S Level Talent really that great? Hahaha..."

Dad Qin Feng smiled from ear to ear, still a little in disbelief. He looked up and down at his son and realized for the first time that he seemed to have grown up and he no longer needed to protect him from the wind and rain.

"That is!"

Mom Liu Qin rolled her eyes at her husband and hummed proudly: "You and I are only C-level talent, so of course you don't understand how powerful S-level talent is! Not to mention, my son's career change is still a hidden combat career. …”

"Hehe...yes, yes!"

Dad Qin Feng nodded repeatedly without refuting. He looked at Qin Yun as if he were looking at a peerless treasure and couldn't bear to look away: "S Level Talent is good, S Level Talent is good... In the future, my son will definitely be able to cross the four-level mark." The threshold for transfer was successfully raised to Level 100!”

At that time, he will be one of the top experts in the country, and he may be able to guard one side, and maybe serve as the city lord of a certain main city?

These words of praise made Qin Yun a little bit intolerable. He was really afraid that he would suddenly say, 'My son Qin Yun has the qualifications of a Great Emperor! ’

By then, I will probably have to wonder if my dad has also transmigrated!

"Yes, our son can definitely do it!"

Mom Liu Qin also smiled and nodded, as if she had already seen the day when her son would become famous, standing at the top and attracting everyone's attention!

Speaking of which, a month ago, Lord Ling Yi of the main city of Tianhai had a private conversation with the couple, hoping that Qin Yun and his daughter could fight monsters and upgrade together, and help each other.

Unexpectedly, his son had already made an appointment with the little fat man from the old Liu family to upgrade together. He went out in a hurry that morning and didn't give the two of them a chance to speak.

At that time, Qin Feng and Liu Qin were still a little uneasy, worried that they would offend the city lord Ling Yi. They wondered whether the city lord would be angry, give them two shoes, or even lose their jobs.

But after waiting and waiting for more than ten days, the couple found that nothing had happened. Everything was as usual and calm, as if the city lord had forgotten about this incident.

For this reason, the couple went to apologize. Unexpectedly, the city lord didn't mean to blame them, and even chatted with them for a while.

In this way, Qin Feng and Liu Qin were relieved.

In fact, the two of them discussed it quietly and both felt that the city lord was quite generous and had always had a good reputation as a character. He should not have any grudge against his family over such a trivial matter.

Presumably, the city lord must also be very optimistic about the future of Qin Yun, an S Level Talent!

Otherwise, he would not take the initiative to propose that Qin Yun upgrade with his daughter.

Although the other party’s daughter is also an S Level Talent with a hidden combat profession, our son is not bad either!

They all have the qualifications to hit the fourth level of Level 100, which will certainly make the city lord look at them differently!

Today, seeing with their own eyes the professional level displayed by their son, the couple is already full of expectations for their son's future.

"Son, since you have reached Level 20 now, are you going to take a turn soon?"

Father Qin Feng and mother Liu Qin looked at each other. He coughed lightly, adjusted his tone, and said solemnly: "But don't rush to challenge the single-player job transfer dungeon. You must be fully prepared. If you can't main idea!"

"Yes, son, you have to take it seriously!"

Mom Liu Qin also agreed and warned seriously: "The difficulty of single-player job transfer dungeon is very high and it is not easy to pass. You must first prepare Level 20 equipment and try to improve your professional attributes so that you can be more professional." confident……"

"Your dad and I have saved a little money over the years. If you need to buy Level 20 equipment, just ask!"

Mom Liu Qin took Qin Yun's hand and said in a very gentle tone: "I saved it all for you. Don't be embarrassed. You have to remember that you only have three chances to change jobs. Don't be careless and don't take risks. , we must be cautious, cautious and more cautious!”

"Yeah, don't be like me and your mother. We failed three times and ended up stuck at level 60 for the rest of our lives. There is no hope for the future!"

Dad Qin Feng nodded and said seriously: "By the way, son, you have to remember that before you challenge the single-player job transfer dungeon, it's best to find a high-quality restaurant and ask an S Level chef to cook one." Have a good meal on the table, and after you eat it, you will get a temporary status bonus!"

"This way, it will be much easier to clear the dungeon..."

"Yes, yes, you also need to prepare all kinds of potions and supplies. Don't find out that you have run out of them. It will be too late to regret!"

My mother, Liu Qin, also spoke immediately, chattering and giving instructions.

This was the husband and wife's many years of experience in the adventurous career of career changers. They wished they could tell it all to Qin Yun and stuff it into his head.


Qin Yun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, a little surprised: "Is there such a thing? Do you want to have a big meal before downloading the dungeon?"

Why does it feel like a monster hunter?

It seems that I have indeed neglected the life profession of chef before. I did not expect this kind of help. I made a mistake!

Is it because the dishes they make use ingredients that are revealed by killing monsters, so they can temporarily increase the attributes of the job changer?

Tsk, tsk, awesome!

"Haha, don't you know? Don't think you can know everything by searching online. For some things, you still have to ask people with practical experience!"

Seeing his son's surprised expression, his father Qin Feng seemed a little proud and smiled.

"See what you can do!"

His mother, Liu Qin, poked his head with her finger and rolled her eyes: "I don't know how to tell my son clearly in advance. What's the point of being proud of here? Morality!"

"Hey, I'm telling him right now!"

Dad Qin Feng begged for mercy repeatedly and was able to escape. Then he looked at Qin Yun: "Anyway, if you don't understand something in the future, just come and ask your parents. Don't just mess around without knowing anything. Got it?"

"Yes Yes Yes,"

Qin Yun nodded helplessly, then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and suppressed a smile: "By the way, I also have something that I forgot to tell you!"

"Huh? What's going on?"

Father Qin Feng and mother Liu Qin blinked and looked at him doubtfully.

"Actually...I've already turned around!"

Qin Yun directly displayed his professional attributes panel, and the words 'Awakening: First Transformation' completely shocked the two of them!

"What? You've already turned around?!"

The couple exclaimed with disbelief on their faces.

"Yes, after I reached Level 20, I ran to clear the dungeon, bought some more equipment, and then tried to challenge the single-player job transfer dungeon, and it was successful!"

Qin Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw the shocked expressions on his parents' faces.

"Ah this..."

The couple rubbed their eyes in disbelief and looked at each other in disbelief: "S Level Talent...is it so powerful?"

I think back then, in order to prepare for the impact, they spent more than half a year polishing it, playing various dungeons, brushing materials and equipment, and only when everything was ready did they dare to challenge the single-player job transfer dungeon.

Only those who have experienced it know the bitterness of it!

They originally planned to ask their son to calm down, polish himself, don't be impetuous, and patiently improve himself. Unexpectedly, he has already made a breakthrough?

No, S Level Talent + hidden combat profession, is the combination of the two so powerful? Can not Understand it!

The two of them were a little unbelievable, but the facts were in front of them and it was impossible to refute.

My son really made a difference!

Not long after I reached Level 20, I passed a difficult level that would be daunting!

But after the shock, the couple was filled with joy.

Although he had known for a long time that the threshold for one turn would definitely not be difficult for the son of S Level Talent, but he didn't expect that he would break through so easily!

This also made the two of them more confident that their son would definitely be able to cross the barrier of Rank 4 and reach Level 100 in the future!

"...What a good boy, how dare you deliberately tease your father?!"

Dad Qin Feng laughed and scolded, and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes.

He felt that the regrets of his life, the helpless sighs that he had woken up several times after dreaming in the middle of the night, were finally able to be vented.

As for his mother, Liu Qin, she gave Qin Yun a tight hug and felt extremely relieved.

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