Qin Yun dared to swear to God that he definitely didn't do it on purpose and had no intention of hiding anything.

He originally wanted to say it, but who knew that after he reached Level 20, his parents told him a lot of things like beans from a bamboo tube.

As a result, he was stabbed in the back, which was a complete accident!

He's really not an assassin...well, he is indeed an assassin, but not this kind of assassin!

In this way, the family of three was having fun, bustling, crying and laughing.

Soon, mother Liu Qin took father Qin Feng to the kitchen to cook dinner.

Qin Yun sat on the sofa to rest for a while and regained his strength. He got up and went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water. After drinking it comfortably, he returned to his room.

His last trip out was not in vain, he still had things to do.

He lined up the 5 green-equipped daggers, 6 Level 1 blue-equipped daggers, and the Level 1 purple-quality dagger awarded by the school on the table, and got ready to work.

"Then, let's begin!"

Qin Yun raised his right hand and summoned the professional weapon in his equipment - the Pale Blade.

Then, he pointed its sharp edge on a Level 1 green-equipped dagger.

‘Ding, if you detect a target that can be swallowed, do you want to activate the ‘Infinite Evolution’ special effect of the Pale Blade? Please confirm: Yes/No. ’

‘Yes, confirmed! ’

He clicked the confirmation button without hesitation. As the light lit up and dissipated, the green dagger was successfully decomposed and absorbed, turning into nutrients for the Pale Blade to improve its quality.

From the original two stars, it was suddenly upgraded to three stars.

The attack power has been increased by 50 points, and various attributes have also been increased by 15 points.

The growth rate is very impressive, which makes people very happy.

Qin Yun did not stop there, and immediately started the next devouring process, aiming the pale blade at another Level 1 green dagger again.

Then, there are the second, third, fourth and fifth...

Finally, with the change of name and color, the Pale Blade was successfully promoted to premium quality!

But what surprised Qin Yun was that this time the level promotion did not unlock new special effects, but added two attribute effects that did not exist before---

Critical hit +15%

Critical damage +50%

They are located just below each attribute and are new attribute effects.

"Ah...there is such a thing?"

Qin Yun was a little surprised. He originally thought he could unlock the third special effect, but he didn't expect that a new attribute effect was added.

Moreover, it’s so powerful!

This time, in his personal professional attribute panel, the critical hit soared to 30%, and the critical hit damage increased to 200%!

What can be expected is that with the damage bonus of the two SSS Level Talent skills, God-killing Blade and Delusion-breaking Eye, his output damage has been greatly increased!

However, this is not the end, he can continue to improve the quality of the Pale Blade.

"Very good, One Star Blue is installed!"

Looking at its properties, Qin Yun only admired it for a moment, and then immediately started the next round of devouring growth.

‘Ding, if you detect a target that can be swallowed, do you want to activate the ‘Infinite Evolution’ special effect of the Pale Blade? Please confirm: Yes/No. ’

‘Yes, confirmed! ’

He made another operation and fed all 6 Level 1 blue-equipped daggers to the Pale Blade, letting it swallow and absorb them and continue to grow.

Soon, a brand new Level 20 purple quality one-star dagger finally appeared!

At this stage, for every blue-equipped dagger swallowed, the Pale Blade can gain 100 points of attack power and 20 points of various attribute points.

When Qin Yun did not hesitate to feed it the Level 1 purple quality dagger awarded by the school, the final attributes appeared---

Name: Pale Blade (Soul Binding)

Type: Weapon

Grade: Rare

Star rating: two stars

Level requirement: Level 20

Occupation Requirements: Assassin

Wearing requirements: Agility 240 points or above

Attribute effect:

Attack power +1500

Strength +310

Constitution +310

Agility +320

Stamina +310

Intelligence +310

Critical hit +15%

Critical damage +50%

Special effect:

1. Infinite Evolution: It can swallow weapons of the same quality and type, improve its own quality attributes, and grow infinitely.

2. Soul Shatter: Every time you kill an enemy, you can randomly obtain 1-10 points of soul energy, which can be stored indefinitely. When this skill is actively released, it will cause real damage to the enemy equal to the current number of soul energy points, regardless of defense, shield, and damage reduction. , damage transfer, invincibility and injury avoidance. (Current stored soul energy: 0 points)

3. Flash: When you actively release this skill, you can move to the target location instantly, with a maximum distance of fifty meters. Each movement will consume a little energy, and a little energy will be automatically restored every ten minutes. (Current energy points: 10/10)

4.? ? ?

The purple quality dagger awarded by the school brought it 200 points of attack power and 50 points of improvement in various attributes, which was a huge growth rate.

Moreover, this time, when the Pale Blade was promoted from blue excellent quality to purple rare quality, a new special effect was once again unlocked: instant flash!

When seeing the effect of its skill, Qin Yun just wanted to say, this wave is not a loss!

Every time it improves its level, it brings a huge increase in attack power and attribute points!

And from low to high, the growth rate obtained each time it is devoured is getting bigger and bigger!

From the white ordinary level, every time you upgrade one star, the attack power increases by 20 points and the attribute points increase by 5 points.

To the green excellent level, every time you upgrade one star, the attack power will increase by 50 points and the attribute points will increase by 15 points.

Then to the blue elite level, every time you upgrade one star, the attack power will increase by 100 points and the attribute points will increase by 20 points.

The last is the purple rare grade. Every time you upgrade one star, the attack power increases by 200 points and the attribute points increase by 50 points.

Each level can swallow and evolve five times in total, ultimately creating the luxurious attributes you see today!

From the initial 250 points of attack power and 10 points of basic attributes, it has grown to the current 1,500 points of attack power and 310 points of various attributes. The improvement is terrifying!

Qin Yun only felt that the hundreds of thousands of dollars he spent back and forth were not a loss at all, and they were worth every penny, fully worthy of his hard work.

It’s a huge profit! What a win!

This weapon alone exceeds the total attributes of his other equipment, more than doubling his personal professional attribute panel!

What is the infinite growth of the Divine Weapon embryo? This is!

Today's Pale Blade's attributes are even comparable to the golden epic equipment he saw in the store!

Qin Yun played with this pale blade happily and couldn't put it down. Its texture was neither stone nor jade nor metal. It felt very warm and felt very good, and its shape was also very beautiful.

He is already looking forward to the day when it will grow into a golden epic!

However, his wallet is now empty, with only a few hundred yuan left, so it is impossible to afford materials.

Moreover, whether it was a weapon shop or a Blacksmith Shop, he had asked in passing, but he could not find Level 1 purple rare quality daggers. The supply was very small and extremely scarce.

There are high-grade ones, but they are very expensive!

He couldn't afford it at all, and he couldn't bear to part with it. It was too luxurious!

Well, let’s take it slow!

Anyway, the current attributes of the Pale Blade are already very good, enough for him to use for a long time.

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