Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 899 The Immortal Duo (For Subscription, For Tickets)

"Lishen? It's that bastard who gave me such a dirty nickname. If you let me know, I'll have to chat with him about life!"

When Xiao Xie heard the title of Lishen, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but complain.

Because Xiao Xie suppressed Shouhe with one punch and blew up First Hokage with one punch, those who did good deeds gave Xiao Xie the nickname of Lishen, representing absolute power.

However, in Xiao Xie's cognition, all these guys like the God of Power, the God of Hercules, and the God of Giant Spirits are all immortals who play dragon tricks, so Xiao Xie is also speechless when he gets the title of God of Power.

"Kakuzu, are you being ignored?"

Hidan saw Xiao Xie talking to himself over there, turned to look at Kakuzu, and asked with a playful smile.

Kakuzu ignored Hidan's teasing, but said to Xiao Xie: "My name is Kakuzu, this guy is Hidan, we have been ordered by the leader of the Xiao organization to invite you to join the Xiao organization, I don't know what your answer is? "

"Xiao Organization, is that the organization founded by Nagato kid? I'm sorry, I'm not interested in playing the house with you." Xiao Xie shrugged after hearing this.

"Nagato? Who is Nagato?" Hidan asked with a puzzled face when he heard Xiao Xie's words.

"What? You two are members of Xiao's organization, don't you even know Payne's real name?" Xiao Xie looked at Hidan and Kakuzu with a puzzled expression, and asked jokingly.

Kakuzu was stunned for a moment, and secretly said in his heart: "It turns out that Payne's real name is Nagato, but how did this guy Xiao Xie know?"

"Okay, since you two have nothing else to do, I'll go first!"

Xiao Xie waved his hand, made an appearance of turning away, turned and walked to the side.


A palm connected with countless black silks smashed the ground in front of Xiao Xie into a big hole, blocking Xiao Xie's way.

"Since you refused to join the organization, I can't let you leave like this. I will accept your bounty!"

Kakuzu flashed, stopped in front of Xiao Xie, looked into Xiao Xie's eyes, and said coldly.

Xiao Xie touched his chin, looked at Kakuzu, and asked curiously: "I remember you, you should be Senju Hashirama's defeated general? How did you dare to shoot at me? Or, yes Do you want money or not?"

"Hehe, your ability to suppress One Tail Shukaku is really good, but as far as I know, Senju Hashirama under Impure World Reincarnation is far less powerful than before, so you are not as strong as rumored!"

Hearing Xiao Xie's words, Kakuzu sneered in a tone that had seen through everything long ago.

Kakuzu was really shocked when he learned that Xiao Xie was able to blow up Senju Hashirama with one punch.

Because Kakuzu has played against Senju Hashirama, he knows better than anyone else that Senju Hashirama's horror, known as the god of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, is far more powerful than Kage-level powerhouses.

But when Kakuzu learned about Impure World Reincarnation, he knew that Senju Hashirama didn't show his pre-birth strength, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

For this reason, Xiao Xie was actually not as powerful as he thought in Kakuzu's heart.

As for Xiao Xie's ability to suppress Shouhe, this matter is nothing in Kakuzu's eyes. After all, if he joins forces with Hidan, he can easily suppress Shouhe.

"So that's the case, it looks like I've been underestimated!" Xiao Xie covered his forehead helplessly when he heard Kakuzu's explanation, then looked at Kakuzu and Hidan, patted his chest, and laughed wildly: "That's the case. , other people in the province say that I bully the children, I will let you cut a knife first! The chest, head or eyes are all fine! Hahaha..."

When Kakuzu heard Xiao Xie's arrogant words, his pupils shrank first, and then the corner of his mouth under the mask couldn't help but raise a sneer.

Originally, Kakuzu thought that there was going to be a fierce battle, but since Xiao Xie was so conceited, it seemed that this battle would soon end.

"Arrogant bastard, feel the pain!"

Hearing this, Hidan couldn't help roaring, and threw the bloody March sickle in his hand towards Xiao Xie's head.


Xiao Xie looked at the March sickle that flew over, a disdainful smile raised on the corner of his mouth, and he stood there without dodging. Under Kakuzu's shocked gaze, Hidan's March sickle slashed on Xiao Xie's head, causing a burst of sparks, but it did not hurt a single hair of Xiao Xie.

"How is that possible?! You bastard's head is too hard!"

Hidan saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened, he couldn't help but pointed at Xiao Xie and shouted.

"What a pity! It seems that you can't even break my defense?"

Xiao Xie shook his head and joked a little when he saw Hidan's gaffe and shouting.

Although Hidan is said to be the strongest at Kage-level, it is more because of his immortality. If you remove this undead body and still have the ability to curse, I am afraid that Hidan is equivalent to a Jōnin!

When Hidan attacked Xiao Xie, Xiao Xie didn't even use Iron Body, he just relied on his own body strength. It made Xiao Xie not even interested in playing with him.

"Forget it, it's my turn to attack!"

Xiao Xie shook his head in disappointment, grabbed the handle of the Sanyue Scythe, pulled it hard, and directly pulled Hidan and the Sanyue Scythe flying over.

"You guy, just stay with me quietly for now!"

A chill flashed in Xiao Xie's eyes, and he punched Hidan, who was pulled over.


Hit by Xiao Xie's punch, Hidan's body, like a shrimp, curled up together, and then flew out at supersonic speed like a cannonball.

"Bang bang bang..."

Hidan smashed it in a row, and hundreds of big trees fell to the ground like a lump of mud.

"Okay... it hurts... all the bones in my body are broken..."

Hidan lay on the ground, feeling the sharp pain from his body, and muttered to himself with some difficulty.

"Next, it's your turn!"

After Xiao Xie crippled Hidan with one punch, he turned his head to look at Kakuzu, who was stunned, playing with his taste.

Hearing Xiao Xie's words, Kakuzu only felt that his throat was dry for a while, he swallowed subconsciously, his eyes froze slightly, a layer of cold sweat formed on his forehead, and he secretly said in his heart: "This monster, the power of a punch is probably no less than , an S-rank ninjutsu, worthy of being called the God of Power!"

"How, do you want to shoot first? Otherwise, as soon as I shoot, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to shoot?" Xiao Xie looked at Kakuzu, who was sweating profusely, and joked.

Kakuzu heard the words, his face became serious, he tore off his windbreaker, revealing the four masks behind his back, obviously Kakuzu was going to go all out. 21010

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