Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 900 Killing The Duo (Please Subscribe, Ask For Tickets)


Accompanied by Kakuzu's painful roar, the four masks behind him turned into four mask monsters composed of black lines, from among Kakuzu's body.

"It's interesting." Xiao Xie looked at the four mask monsters separated from Kakuzu's body, showing a look of interest.

Four mask monsters, representing four hearts with different attributes, were taken out by Kakuzu from the body of the hostile ninja.

Wind Style mask, with four legs like an animal, with thin wings and blue face pattern; Earth Style mask monster, with oval body, long arms and green face pattern; Lightning Style mask monster, with tall and wide body, Yellow nose, mask like goblin; Fire Style mask monster, chubby body, red lips.

As for Kakuzu's main body, there should be a water attribute heart, so the five attributes are complete.

"Come on! Come on! Use your strongest move, or you won't have a second chance!"

Xiao Xie looked at Kakuzu and the four masked monsters beside him, stretched out his right hand, hooked his index finger, and said provocatively.

"Wind Style · Crushing! Fire Style · Hard work!"

A flash of solemnity flashed in Kakuzu's eyes, he controlled the Wind Style mask monster and the Fire Style mask monster, and released A-level attack ninjutsu at the same time. Ninjutsu, the power of S-rank ninjutsu burst out in an instant.

"Water Style · Water Curtain! Lightning Style · Pseudo-Darkness!"

Kakuzu himself and the Lightning Style mask monster released Water Style and Lightning Style at the same time, water conducts electricity, and the two ninjutsu merge with each other, which is equivalent to an S-rank ninjutsu.

The two fusion ninjutsu with power equivalent to S-level blasted towards Xiao Xie at the same time, and exploded instantly.


A powerful shock wave spread out towards the surroundings, uprooting the surrounding trees, and razing the entire kilometer to the ground.

"Did you make it?"

Kakuzu looked at the center of the explosion surrounded by smoke, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, it didn't work out, die!"

A playful voice came from the smoke, followed by a Tailed Beast Bomb with a diameter of two meters, which directly tore through the smoke and flew towards Kakuzu.

Feeling the powerful power contained in Tailed Beast Bomb, Kakuzu's face changed greatly, and he quickly let the Earth Style mask monster stand in front of him.


Although the body of the Earth Style mask monster was as hard as diamond, it was instantly smashed to pieces in front of Tailed Beast Bomb.

The next moment Tailed Beast Bomb exploded, and a huge burst of energy exploded, smashing Kakuzu and his mask monster into pieces together.

"It's really boring, I thought you could hold on for a while longer! I didn't expect that you couldn't even catch a single move!"

Xiao Xie looked at the one in front of him, and was blasted out by the Tailed Beast Bomb, a large pit that was several kilometers long and several hundred meters wide, and shook his head speechlessly. Obviously, this guy Kakuzu, in front of Tailed Beast Bomb, has no slag left.

"Forget it, I don't expect them to last long anyway!"

Xiao Xie scratched his head, ignoring the dead Kakuzu, turned around and walked to Hidan's side.

Although Hidan has an immortal body, his resilience is not enough. The bones of Hidan's body were smashed into powder by Xiao Xie's punch, and he couldn't even move. He could only watch Xiao Xie and walk to his side.

"Is it immortal? I have many ways to kill you! However, it's better to use the waste!"

Xiao Xie looked at Hidan, who was lying on the ground, unable to move. He made a mark on his hands and used Impure World Reincarnation.

"You Damn it bastard! Damn it heretic!"

Hidan saw the clumps of gray-white clay, slowly wrapping him, and couldn't help shouting.

"Death is imminent, there is still so much nonsense!" Xiao Xie couldn't help complaining when he heard Hidan's words.

Under the wrapping of the clay, Hidan's mouth was also gagged, and he could no longer make any sound, and after the clay dispersed, the figure of the three elders was revealed.

"How do you feel?" Xiao Xie asked the three elders.

"Reporting to the master, the subordinates can now exert the strength of the ninth-level warrior Initial Stage!" The three elders felt the power in their body and respectfully Kaidō to Xiao Xie.

"Well, not bad, you go back first!"

Xiao Xie nodded, waved his right hand, and sent the three elders back to the coffin.

The original strength of the three elders, that is, the ninth-level warrior Middle Stage, can now exert the strength of the ninth-level warrior Initial Stage, which is already very good.

Moreover, the three elders in the state of Impure World Reincarnation are not afraid of death. As long as they are not injured by their souls, they can recover quickly. In this way, the strength he can exert will probably exceed the strength of his life.

Will and the three elders, both of them are now able to exert the strength of the ninth-level warrior Initial Stage, which is equivalent to the super Kage-level powerhouse, many things, Xiao Xie does not need to take action, they can handle it.


When Kakuzu and Hidan died, Nagato, who was far away in the Land of Rain, also suddenly opened his eyes, revealing the pair of purple Rinnegans.

"Nagato, what's wrong with you?" Konan couldn't help asking when he saw Nagato's ugly face.

"Kakuzu and Hidan, dead!" Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said with a dignified expression.

Hearing this, Konan couldn't help but exclaimed, "What?! The two of them are actually dead!"

Although the strength of Kakuzu and Hidan is not the strongest in Akatsuki's organization, their survivability is definitely the strongest.

The reason why Nagato sent the two of them to invite Xiao Xie was just in case, even if the mission failed, with the productivity of Kakuzu and Hidan, they should be able to come back alive.

"It seems that I still underestimate Xiao Xie, but under the eyes of these gods, no matter how strong he is, he can only bow his head and become a minister!" Nagato's eyes flashed a trace of killing intent, and said coldly.

In those days, Hanzō of the Salamander, known as the demigod, was only tortured and killed in front of the Payne Six Paths, so since then, Nagato believed that no one could stand against his eyes again.


Konan looked at Nagato, who was full of murderous intent, with a flash of confusion in his eyes. Since Yahiko's death, Nagato's character has undergone earth-shaking changes. Only the hatred left makes Konan feel more and more strange.

But in those days Konan, Nagato and Yahiko, the three of them depended on each other for life, and Yahiko died to save Konan, so now whether it is right or wrong, Konan must also help Nagato.


"Ah! It seems that another beautiful woman is thinking of me!"

Xiao Xie sneezed, rubbed his nose, and said narcissistically.

"Master, I found that you are invincible!" Xiaoxiao couldn't help saying aloud when she heard Xiao Xie's words.

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