According to this logic, it is very likely that this thing cannot go into the water, so these things will tell them that the water is very dangerous. The water here is cursed. The larger the water source, the more dangerous the place will be. It causes hallucinations and sees companions as shadows, causing people to kill each other.

And at the seaside, they will say that it is forbidden to go near the coast, because there will be man-eating sea monsters that will snatch people away, and there will be shadows that will lure people into the sea. If someone does not listen to them, they will eat the person. If it falls, it will be realized that all water sources are dangerous.

Anyone who sees it, as long as they can't figure it out or don't understand it, or are even scared out of their wits on the spot, all of these reactions will be disguised to confirm that what these things say is true, so no one will believe what one or two of them say. If so, then the purpose of the shadow will be achieved.

Although Alice Letasha didn’t know why she and Harrison Hank could see it, based on the fact that the deceased was Alfredo Gerry, Alice Letasha felt that these things must be Ben Came with her.

Casper Colin was telling Harrison Hank that he knew the truth. Harrison Hank must have told other people, but the illusion-making ability of those things was limited. They must have persuaded Harrison Hank, but Too many people want to know what the truth is. At this time, some problems arise when they step in to stop it.

So they couldn't keep blocking them, and in the end they could only continue following Harrison Hank's actions. But at this time, Harrison Hank became the first target to be eliminated by these things, because he was no longer controllable, so Al The shadow of Fredo Gerry broke away from the team, finally found the two of them, and attacked.

Caspar Colin fell into the lake with him, but Caspar Colin still can't see it, so Caspar Colin is fine now. The water in the lake is not something that can carry out activities. It's a blessing, but the water in the lake is very effective on him, and the shadows will check whether they can see it or not.

But why can Harrison Hank see it? This is very strange. What kind of thing did the two of them come into contact with that caused them to see now?

Thinking of this, Alice Letasha couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He really felt like he was breaking out in cold sweat. Almost at that moment, all the things looked at him again, stretched out their heads one by one, and used The faceless head made an appraising motion.

Caspar Colin's hand suddenly fell on Alice Letasha's shoulder, but Alice Letasha could only see that his mouth seemed to be moving, but she actually couldn't hear it clearly because those things were all moving. The layers between them had a sound insulation effect.

Alice Letasha knew that Casper Colin would definitely say something else at this moment. You must tell everyone the truth quickly, or what are you freaking out about, or something like that.

But he couldn't say it. Whether these people believed it or not, all those shadows could understand people's words, and some shadows might even appear to fight him. He had to take action immediately and find a way to escape. Among so many shadows, Ai Li Si.Litasha didn't have the confidence to fight these things.

Alice Letasha thought for a while, and then he made an action, which was to raise his hand and pinch his eyebrows. The shadows immediately moved away from the surroundings to prevent him from touching them.

Now that he could speak, Alice Letasha looked along Casper Colin's hand, and a shadowy head stopped in front of his eyes, looking at him. Alice Letasha looked blankly, and then penetrated through the shadow, so that in the eyes of others, he was looking at Casper Colin.

He made a face-washing gesture towards Caspar Colin, rubbed his face, then lowered his head and closed his eyes, rubbed his temples with one hand and pinched his eyebrows with the other, opened his eyes, and turned around with a very impatient expression. To those who are wrapped around the necks of those shadows;

"He's scared out of his mind, so I think you have to find another way. Let's get the people off the Victoria. There are Ordinates there, and I know a way to make them effective."

Soon those shadows made that particularly harsh sound again, probably because you were arguing with each other. Caspar Colin also spoke, but under these strange frequencies, the human voice was weak and was heard. Completely covering it up.

Alice Letasha didn't know what these people were talking about, but continued to say what he wanted to say with a headache on her face;

"To be honest, I don’t know what you are talking about. I still have ringing in my ears, but I came here to express my opinion. What you say doesn’t matter. As long as you can get the people on the Victoria to land no matter how you use it, I will be able to tell you the truth and find a way to get out of here. I need clergy, I can read the tablets, I know the way out. But I need the pope, I need the knowledge of the holy saints. I can only recognize the words but cannot understand the meaning. The words on the stone tablets are very abstract concepts, and some of them I can't understand."

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