After saying these words, Alice Letasha clearly felt that Caspar Colin's hand on his shoulder was gradually exerting some force. It seemed that Caspar Colin had realized the meaning of his series of actions. , he told him in disguise, I can see it now, there are those things in it, but I can't expose it in person.

For almost half an hour, these people kept arguing, and soon a voice interrupted all the sounds. It was Harrison Hank. He almost jumped up, the knife in his hand was still pointed at Everyone, shouting;

"I agree with her, we have to do this! We must have a holy oracle, otherwise it will be all over. Listen to her, listen to her! She knows everything, she told me everything, this island, this stone monument, she knows everything!"

Alice Letasha frowned. When did he think that I would know everything? He has no clue about this island or these stone tablets now. Although Alice Letasha knows about Harrison Hank He was relieved to wake up, but these words were completely pushing him into the fire pit.

But soon he discovered something was wrong, because if Harrison Hank could really see those things clearly, then why did he still use the knife? At himself? Could it be that he was pointing the knife at Caspar Colin behind him? But Casper Colin was not a shadow, which meant that Harrison Hank saw something different from what he saw! In fact, he couldn't tell who was the shadow, but there must be something in it that seemed particularly terrifying to him, and it looked like a normal human being. Alice Letasha suddenly thought of the kind of thing she had seen many years ago, and suddenly This kind of demon has a human body and an animal-like head, but it is actually parasitic, so the posture of the body is particularly weird.

Maybe the shadow looks similar to the thing he saw before, so he He was so frightened that he was not scared out of his mind, but he was really afraid that he would be stabbed as soon as he came close.

Alice Letasha gritted her teeth, yes, that's it, because he was not stabbed, and Not afraid of that knife. And Harrison Hank suddenly united with her at this time, and to whom he spoke in the form of this conversation, there was no telling who Harrison Hank could hear. It's not the frequency, but the conversation.

When he tried to find ways to be confused by shadows on the Victoria, he also wanted to find flaws from other people's perspectives and find a method that suited them, even if they didn't have to see them directly. To decipher the influence of shadows.

What he was doing at that time was to allow these people to identify those things as calmly as possible without seeing fear, so that they could get more power to use. But the final result is not good.

The current Harrison Hank is the ideal state he wants. If he can hear what those special shadows are saying like Harrison Hank now If anything, then he will definitely win.

Alice Letasha was a little excited. He had to get this person. Originally, he wanted to just ignore it, but now that he knew this, he had to get Harrison.Hank survived.

He didn't know what these people were talking about, but he could only act out this one-man show on his own, constantly imagining what these people might say, and using this to create a set of ambiguous but very feasible words for logic;

"How about this? After all, you all think Harrison Hank is crazy enough to let him stay with me. If you are worried, you can ask Casper Colin to watch the two of us. I really need someone to help me. You see how nervous he looks, and I am also very scared."

Speaking of this, Alice Letasha made a somewhat frightened expression, looked at Harrison Hank, and then said to all the people or shadows present;

"In order to give you an idea of ​​what I mean by my request, I can first explain to you why holy oracles are necessary. The holy priests who had disembarked from the Victoria were right, those stone slabs were indeed cursed. But it's not just about seeing. I interpreted the contents of those tablets. These contents caused me to be cursed. If I speak out the contents above, you will also be cursed. But without these contents, you will never have the opportunity to understand this island, and it is impossible to get out, so we must need holy oracles to consecrate it."

"I know you must think I'm lying, but your holy saints are all dead because they were able to read the Tablets and were cursed. Although they can break the curse, they cannot tell you all the contents. Once you know the contents of the slate, even if there is only one sentence, you will be cursed by the slate immediately. Moreover, their power is only enough to help some of you, and they need to blur your memory of the contents of the tablet, otherwise the curse will continue to fall. What's more, there are too many of you, but if you don't know the contents of the stone tablet, you won't be able to get out at all. This is a dead end. Presumably those holy saints felt despair and began to collapse and die because of this."

Caspar Colin couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this, because he knew that Alice Letasha's way of speaking indicated that she was under the influence of the shadow. She could not answer anyone's questions, but she was Put the whole thing together rationally.

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