There is no curse on the slate, because he has also heard the content on it, so she is lying, and the lie is mixed with fear and warning to make it almost invulnerable.

"The reason why you are gathered here should be because of one thing. You should all know that I want to meet Harrison Hank alone. The reason is that I know exactly how to deal with identifying shadows, and I have a very special method. In fact, this method is not very effective and often does not work at all. Harrison Hank is very hostile to me because of a small conflict between our families. He is unwilling to cooperate with my ideas and isolates me. So I told him the information about shadows and going out on the stone tablet, and as a result, he became like this, being cursed by the stone tablet together with me."

Caspar Colin continued to listen to what she said next, and couldn't help but feel that this lie was too clever.

The slate is useful, but the content of the slate is cursed, so they need Alice Letasha. People who can read the slate and will not directly collapse and go crazy will make the pull, because they cannot know the content of the slate. They must meet her requirements before they have a chance to leave this place. Almost instantly, she became the escape The core that must exist here, everyone must be forced to succumb to this inevitable and necessary condition.

What happened next was almost all what Alice Letasha expected, although there were some contradictions , but in the end they succeeded in achieving their goal.

In the end, there were only three of them left. Alice Letasha whispered her guess to the two of them. Harrison Hank listened for a long time and asked;

"You said that the content on the slate is cursed, but if you don't know the content, you can't get out. Is this true?"

Alice Letasha said;

"It's a half-truth or a lie, depending on which perspective you look at it, but without the Holy Father we would be doomed. You have my knife, and I have other ways to deal with it freely. Caspar Colin can't see those things at all, so we are actually not that dangerous."

Harrison Hank huddled up again when he heard this. After listening to everything analyzed by Alice Letasha, he felt that he was completely desperate;

"I can't hold on anymore."

Alice Letasha smiled;

"It's simple, return the things to me, you can just go out and feed the shadow, no need for you to insist."

Caspar Colin was also a little angry when he heard this. He glared at Alice Letasha and turned to comfort Captain Harrison Hank;

"Come on, we can do it Captain Harrison Hank."

Since the first survivors of the Victoria came off, Captain Harrison Hank and some survivors have been constantly emphasizing the specialness of Alice Letasha. They have never been able to understand the meaning, but this time Cass Pa Colin finally understood.

It had to be said that for the first time since they had encountered those things, he felt at ease from the bottom of his heart, with a sense of peace that he was no longer confused.

Captain Harrison Hank did not He has not gone crazy, and has calmed down now. He knows that Captain Harrison Hank has begun to feel relieved, but at the same time he feels broken and helpless for the situation he is facing.

Caspar Colin has never understood Vincent so well. He has a special reputation, but now he understands everything.

Vincent means fearlessness, means that secrets have nowhere to hide, means light in despair, means tenacity, means being able to rely on, and means the truth.

Ally The appearance of Silitasha completely broke the deadlock they faced. Although this development could be called a devastating chaos, in fact it was just a matter of dying early and dying late.

Casper Colin had always suspected He also knew that there was something wrong with the irrationality of their entire group, but the situation could only develop in a weird direction, but he could never find the reason and could only be trapped in it.

That kind of confusion. The feeling of loss was so desperate that if he wasn't thinking about his wife and unborn child, he would really be unable to carry on.

Caspar Colin could understand Captain Harrison Hank, because he also had That kind of trying to save them with all their strength, but after learning the truth, they found that they were just a bunch of stupid fodder manipulated by monsters.

Alice Letasha's way of thinking is really unique, both bold and strange, but yet It is always possible to analyze a fact that sounds particularly reasonable and logical under an irrational and illogical situation.

In Alice Letasha's mouth, the image of the so-called monster has undergone a change, which makes people sound It's less scary to feel that something impossible to understand is transformed into a creature that can be understood.

Alice Letasha compared the shadows to shepherds, and casually picked one that sounded weird. With a slightly funny name, he called this thing the long-necked shepherd's shadow. He also compared the shadow in the sea to a fat siren feed, but considering that it also had the habit of shepherding, he called it the fat shepherd's shadow.

Harrison Captain Hank rarely smiled when he heard this. He said that Alice Letasha's behavior made no sense at all, but he was still amused.

Alice Letasha's appearance was like a key. , opened the door to horror and then closed it and turned it into a funny showcase.

Captain Harrison Hank asked him;

"Why do I think you are so calm? Your reaction is so strange. I even suspect that you are one of those things."

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