The answer given by Alice Letasha is simple, he said;

"This is what the Vincent family does. We have to do anything that the church cannot handle. We collect old relics, learn how to interpret the words on them, receive similar education as the holy oracles, and find out how to fight against it."

In the following time, Alice Letasha told the two of them a plan. This plan was very dangerous. Just like the situation they faced, it was difficult to realize.

He explained to everyone in detail what he planned. Think of the logical relationship, and use his perspective to give examples and make some comparisons.

This kind of thing is actually at the lowest level among demons, and its attack methods must be very limited. In nature, they will use camouflage and confusion to hunt. Shadows are usually not the strongest, but it is precisely because of their cunning that they are more difficult to deal with than the truly powerful ones.

So if they want to succeed, they must be more cunning than these shadows, otherwise they will only have the last chance..Caspar

Colin asked;

"What's the last chance you're talking about?"

Alice Letasha's answer to this was;

"I think you'd better not think about this problem. You should regard the current task as your last chance."

Captain Harrison and Hank both saw the faint flash of madness in Alice Letasha's eyes. They guessed that it was definitely not a good idea, otherwise he would not take the risk. He proposed in his heart He asked Caspar Colin to reduce the use of mangrove oil in order to find out what the role of mangrove oil is. What.

Alice Letasha put forward speculations. The first one was that mangrove oil can drive away the natural enemies of long-necked shepherd shadows. He made a hypothesis, assuming that if there are sirens in the sea to hunt prey, then on land There is also a high probability that this kind of creature exists.

He feels that the common characteristics of the long-necked shepherd shadow and the fat siren feed are very far-fetched. Because the long-necked shepherd shadow does not need a voice to talk to them or To seduce others, they rely on an illusion that makes them feel that the frequency emitted by the long-necked shepherd shadow is translated into the same language, so they do not need to imitate human voices. But if they need people as feed In addition to supporting them, there may be some things that they cannot do, which must be accomplished by manipulating their behavior, so as to achieve a state of near symbiosis.

In this regard, Alice Letasha put forward this theory There are two possibilities, one is the water source, and the other is that they need people to light mangrove oil to drive away another unknown predator. The second guess raised by Alice Letasha is exactly the opposite. There are no so-called unknown predators on this land. Mangrove oil may be collected to make it easier to confuse prey. For example, with the blessing of mangrove oil, no matter how abnormal you are, you will still be involved in hallucinations. , forced to dominate free will.

Of course, if this speculation is still unreasonable, it is still a captive, because they do not seem to have the need to captive people, and constantly correct every mistake that occurs, they should know that humans It will not split, one becomes two, and after eating one, there will be one less, but the trouble is endless.

So under this speculation, the demand for water may force the long-necked shepherd shadow to live with them.

Casper.Colin asked;

"Why is it the water source? Water resources are abundant here, so they cannot be short of water."

Alice Letasha said;

"Although their appearance is different from the plump siren fodder, have you ever thought that if they are left to dry in the sun like this, they will be dried to death? The water contained in these things is very large, at least it needs Live in a dark and damp place. But they went against their instincts and landed on land from the ocean, so I think there is a possibility that they are afraid of water, probably a large amount of water, so they need to live in symbiosis with you to obtain suitable water sources."

Captain Harrison Hank understood;

"This is why mangrove oil is a must, and why water is feared."

Alice Letasha nodded;

"So who told you that you are afraid of water sources and must collect mangrove oil."

Captain Harrison Hank frowned;

"Stuart Taylor, he was the first to discover the secret of mangrove oil, but he also wanted to burn all mangrove oil, so in the end... someone finally talked about the water source. At that time, there were many incidents between us. There were water-related disappearances and murders, so we ultimately concluded that being near a large water source would be a great danger, being eaten by monsters, or that people returning would go crazy."

Caspar Colin lowered his head, gritted his teeth, his voice was choked, and he seemed to be somewhat broken;

"I did something wrong, I killed an innocent person and my friend,"

Alice Letasha narrowed her eyes slightly, this is not okay, Casper Colin's role is crucial, he There was no need for such unnecessary emotions that would hinder the achievement of the task, so I thought about it and quickly constructed a reasonable and logical truth;

"I think you should be more optimistic before grieving. I think the Stuart Taylor you killed was a shadow."

Caspar Colin wiped away his tears;

"I know you are comforting me."

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