He thought again and continued to add;

"We felt that half of the sea was the Kraken's territory, and there was no way to get the correct heading or get close to it, so we were stuck here. Have you ever wondered why the Victoria docked here once and then came back? You are just spinning, this sea has trapped you. The reason why we did not board the ship is not only because of those shadows, but we also tried to leave, but we could not succeed at all."

Alice Letasha asked;

"Are you doing experiments too?"

Harrison Hank nodded to complete the information for him;

"Yes, before we cut down trees and spliced ​​rafts together, but those who went out were either bewitched and lost by the shadows, or were swallowed by the sea monster, or left and never returned, or they came back again, although you said those shadows were different , but in fact this kind of thing exists in both ocean and land, we can only try, and the final conclusion is that we are trapped."

Alice Letasha suddenly understood;

"I understand, the reason why you refused to board the ship is because you didn't know whether the Victoria could escape such a fate, so you wanted to give it a try."

Caspar Colin saw that Harrison Hank seemed to be planning to talk openly, so he also said;

"When the Victoria came, you were always circling on the sea, and you didn't seem to see the island at all. Even when we burned the bonfire very brightly at night, you didn't see it. We can see the fire on your ship, and can vaguely hear the commotion above. Then a large number of people jump into the sea, and the fire becomes even bigger. Your people tried to burn your own ship, and we saw the dense black shadows covering your ship being driven away by the fire."

"Those sea monsters appeared, but we still went into the sea to rescue people. At that time, we did not understand the use of mangrove oil, and many people died. But we had no choice. When the Victoria appeared, we put all our hopes on her. We made a lot of efforts to attract your attention, but what we ended up with was a riot, and under those circumstances, we had no chance to board the ship."

Harrison Hank nodded and added;

"The Victoria was like this when it left, it kept going in circles on the sea, and it's the same when you come back this time, it keeps going in circles. We just didn't expect it to run aground this time, but except for you, we have been watching the Victoria for several days, and there is no sign that anyone wants to get off. With the shape of the Victoria, it is impossible for us to climb up. We must cooperate with the people above, or wait until the next time the Kraken attacks and the tide rises."

In an instant, most of the missing puzzle pieces that made Alice Letasha feel confused and unreasonable were put together at this moment;

"You have been keeping an eye on the Victoria, but why did you hide it from us? And where did Susan and the others go? I haven’t seen them since I left and came back."

Harrison Hank continued;

"To be precise, I only hid it from you, but actually something happened after you left. We separated them, collected mangrove oil, patrolled, and kept an eye on the Victoria. Susan discovered Melody, one of your twelve representatives, while patrolling the coast. But there has been a precedent for this kind of thing. These people are nothing more than madmen and shadow monsters, and may even be sea monsters. , of course I don’t understand the principles of these things and can’t tell them apart, so we have always driven them out."

"As soon as he came, I knew within a few words that he was really crazy. At least he was different from me. I was really afraid of that disgusting thing. I might as well have seen shadows like you. How much could I accept?. You also know that what I saw was a person being stretched and twisted. You should also know the weird feeling. You have no idea who will turn into that kind of thing in the next second."

Caspar Colin was a little excited when he recalled the situation at that time;

"He was different. He said that he saw you torn to pieces and eaten by the sea monster, but you actually came back to life. He couldn't explain clearly. Of course this is impossible, and you can't be a shadow or a siren or something. After all, you can take the sacred object, and those shadows seem to be unable to get close to this thing. Secondly, we also felt that the wind and waves were too strong. In that case, if someone was hit by a wave, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the person died once."

Harrison Hank nodded. These things were witnessed by all of them. Since they decided to speak out, they would not hide the details. Because he found that the useless information they thought was in Alice Letasha's mind After one operation, it can become a kind of logic that is difficult to understand and become a clue for analysis. Therefore, concealing or distorting the truth seems to be too unfavorable in the current situation;

"But he insisted that you could not be alive, but he also said that he saw you swimming towards the shore. We asked him what the chronological order was, but he said that it was after you must have died, and he saw your body as if you were alive. Swimming towards the shore as well. And we can’t actually see you clearly from our perspective. At that time, we saw you swimming desperately towards the sea, and then swimming back desperately. A dead person couldn’t do that position. You swam here, not by the waves or Floated over."

Alice Letasha was silent for a long time after hearing this. He was thinking, but he couldn't understand any logic in it and could only put forward a hypothesis;

"So he went crazy after having water in his head? I was knocked into the water several times by the waves, but I didn't see him. So he turned into a shadow?"

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