Harrison Hank and Casper Colin were both quietly observing Alice Letasha's reaction, but his calm performance proved that there was nothing abnormal, and the problem lay with the Melody warrior.

Rather than doubting Alice Letasha, the sudden appearance of Melody who is alarmist seems to be more in line with the image of those monsters trying to confuse people and express the dangers of the ocean.

"It’s unclear. Not only do we not believe it, but your people don’t believe it except Susan. We wanted to expel him, but your Susan insisted on leaving with him. Even though we had warned her, she still insisted on leaving with Melody, so she left, and I called the other two One of them followed the team to watch the Victoria and asked them to find a way to contact anyone on the ship."

Alice Letasha nodded;

"Let's not talk about this for now. I have some hypotheses that I need to try. I will carefully consider the questions you raised. The most urgent thing I need to do is verify my conjectures now, so that I can deceive those shadows."

Caspar Colin asked;

"How to do?"

So Alice Letasha talked about his current view of the situation, and that Casper Colin must be needed to conduct a test on the shadow. Of course, he clearly informed him of the dangers and possibilities of this matter, including If you find an accident, you can take a gamble and choose the road closest to the lake to jump in and swim inside.

But if there is an accident, then Caspar Colin will have to ask for his own blessings. They can see them. The situation would become very dangerous, and they would not be able to help.

If the water source could not solve the problem, he would have no choice but to go to the other side of the island. Although it was possible to get rid of the shadow, he would obviously have to face another A completely unknown creature.

Alice Letasha used Harrison Hank's memory to summarize the name of the shadow pretender, and asked Casper Colin to tell him the scam she prepared and what might cause The words the shadow reacts to are interspersed with a sensitive topic.

This way he can test how smart these things are and whether they can communicate with other shadows immediately and bring information to the public in a way. To the other shadows.

Not long after Casper Colin left, Alice Letasha proposed to rest, but Harrison Hank couldn't sleep, even though Alice Letasha said he would watch.

Harrison.Hank thought over and over again. He looked at the canvas top and suddenly said;

"You are actually lying to him, right? When we found Stuart Taylor, he was half submerged in the sea water. If it is true as you said, he cannot be a shadow."

Alice Letasha gave an ambiguous answer;

"I also have a reasonable explanation for this. Shadows need water. They will not die if they are contaminated with just a little bit. Rather, you saved the shadows at the beach, which proves that water has an impact on the shadows."

Harrison Hank turned over to look at him;

"Stuart Taylor came up with mangrove oil and found this thing, not because he was a chef, but because someone guided him and confused him, so he came to me. He wanted to burn the mangrove oil because he discovered the secret of mangrove oil, but he did not know that the impact on us would be maximized when a large amount of mangrove oil was ignited. In addition, people who were close to a large amount of water at that time were not missing. Even if he is crazy, we also think that he is crazy because of the curse, and we have no doubt about it."

Alice Letasha knew that he was frightened and refused to sleep, so she said;

"Don't think so much, he will be in the best condition this way, and you should also learn from it. This is a white lie. But this is just a hypothesis. I think what I said is more likely. I don’t think what you said is the truth. Sometimes just thinking like this makes life very easy."

Harrison Hank felt that his rhetoric was advocating self-paralysis;

"I remember Vincent was very good at lying."

Alice Letasha also looked away at him;

"The same goes for businessmen. You and I are equal, so don't dislike each other."

Harrison Hank was also unhappy when he heard this, but he was silent for a moment and couldn't help but talk to him;

"So you are not a shadow, you are alive. After all, what I see is a person. If you don't stretch your neck, I can't confirm whether you are a shadow."

Alice Letasha had thought of this possibility for a long time, but Harrison Hank said it so stupidly, which really shocked him. Who said that, people's brains will be damaged if they don't rest for a long time. Will become stupid, have poor judgment, and do some unbelievable or even crazy actions;

"This is also the reason why I didn't let you tell Casper Colin's list, but you should confirm whether I am before saying this. Cut it, to prove to you that I'm on your side."

Alice Letasha said this, stood up and sat next to Harrison Hank. He stretched out his hand and motioned for Harrison Hank to cut him to test the authenticity.

The subconscious is a difficult thing to talk about. If you can't Let Harrison Hank completely feel at ease. His mind will not stop thinking and rest quietly.

Harrison Hank looked at Alice Letasha suspiciously, but he still cut it because he was really afraid. When Alice Letasha suddenly stretched her neck in front of him, he really had to consider escaping from this place at all costs. Jumping into the sea and drowning was much better than facing those things.

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