Harrison Hank cut a medium-deep wound on Alice Letasha's hand, and blood overflowed. He looked at Alice Letasha anxiously, and found that he did not open her neck. Becoming a monster without any reaction;

"It seems you really are not."

Alice Letasha felt that his conclusion was too hasty, so she asked;

"What did the shadow look like when you killed it?"

Harrison Hank aimed the scabbard at the blade and inserted it;

"When I inserted the knife, I felt that they seemed to have shrunk a little, and a red-black pale dust overflowed from the wound, and it looked very painful and fearful. You didn't, this is blood."

Alice Letasha nodded, stood up and sat on the other side, facing away from him;

"So that’s it. When Caspar Colin comes back, remember to cut him too."

Harrison Hank asked;


Alice Letasha was also annoyed when she heard this, and looked away from him again;

"Are you stupid or am I stupid? You just mentioned your weakness. You can't rely on my eyes all the time. You can't doubt whether my eyes are there all the time like you doubt whether I am a shadow. Easy to use."

Harrison Hank felt relieved after learning that Alice Letasha could not be a shadow. As soon as he felt relieved, he felt a huge wave of sleepiness envelope him, and he almost gave subconscious answers in a daze.

"I'm very unhappy when you say that."

Alice Letasha was a little impatient;

"Then please be smart and don't get in my way. You also know that demons are usually cunning, more cunning than humans, so please treat them with one-tenth of the attitude you treat me. Don't believe anything anyone says. , and don’t believe your own eyes."

Harrison Hank asked with his eyes open. To be honest, he didn't know what he was talking about;

"Is there something you are still hiding from us?"

Alice Letasha had a headache, thinking why he was so annoyed, but she still warned her again and again;

"Of course, you have heard people say that Vincent is a lunatic and a demon. We will only try to be more cunning than those things, so you should be more suspicious of me."

Harrison Hank continued;

"I will find out the so-called truth, and I must let you see the more cunning me."

Alice Letasha felt a little relieved. Although he never believed it, at least if Harrison Hank could half-drain his hostility, he wouldn't have to worry about backstabbing to a large extent;

"I also have to take a good look at it. I always feel that there are still many doubts, but you are really smart to tie the knife to your body. Believe me, when we get all the remaining Saints off the Victoria, There must be a way."

Harrison Hank didn't answer. Alice Letasha turned around and took a look. She found that he was asleep, so she stopped talking and thought carefully about the next plan.

Alice Letasha spent the whole night He stayed awake and thought about countermeasures. When it was almost dawn, he heard Harrison Hank take a breath and asked him;

"Have you had a good rest?"

Harrison Hank got up and said;

"Well, this was the only sound sleep I had in so many days."

Alice Letasha nodded;

"Let's deal with the details when I wake up. I want to know what they were arguing about before."

Harrison Hank asked;

"How long have I slept?"

Alice Letasha replied;

"It's been a long time, and it's almost dawn now."

Harrison Hank rubbed his eyes that were still a little unable to open;

"Isn't Caspar Colin back yet?"

Alice. Letasha shook her head;

"He won't be able to come back soon. What I say doesn't really determine what your people are going to do, but it stimulates them to a great extent. Give them some time, time can breed fear, brew chaos, and breed deceit."

Harrison Hank saw that Alice Letasha also looked tired. She must have been watching all night;

"Should you take a break?"

Alice Letasha shook her head, he didn't dare to sleep at this time;

"It’s okay if I don’t sleep, but this is a critical moment. If Casper Colin doesn’t come by at noon today, then something may have gone wrong."

Harrison Hank still hopes that he can take a rest. Obviously Alice Letasha is very guarded, and he can't trust him to guard it. But if he keeps holding on, something goes wrong at the critical moment, and he will be the one fighting alone. Oneself, therefore also said;

"If something goes wrong with him and you can't move, what should I do? I won't risk my life for you, I will run."

Alice Letasha waved her hand and insisted;

"Then you really should run, don't worry, I know it well, and we Vincent are not as squeamish as you, and my limit is far beyond this day and a half."

Harrison Hank couldn't resist him, but he couldn't help being weird;

"Then you are really reliable."

Alice Letasha sighed;

"I can stay up for three days, and you can put your heart in your belly."

Harrison Hank was speechless and could only tell the story roughly according to Alice Letasha's needs. Alice Letasha nodded. Most of it was similar to what he guessed, but the problem was that he had to Find a way to board the Victoria, and tell Pope Waldo and others the known situation on the land before they come down.

After thinking about everything, Alice Letasha also squinted for a while, and Harrison Hank proposed Call him whenever someone comes near, so he can take a short nap to recuperate.

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