Alice Letasha responded to this question candidly;

"We can't, but I can't do this alone. Maybe we should all think carefully and make a decision. Maybe you can organize some people to land first, and we can wait and observe their situation on the Victoria. After all, I'm saying that my method may not be effective, and maybe I won't be able to attract those sea monsters. Then we will have to find another way."

The Farian West German Knights had to give it a try for the time being. None of them had any choice. Now it seems that even Alice Letasha can't come up with any effective method;

"Well, we all need to imagine this carefully, you put forward your conditions, and we will discuss it together after we have sorted everything out."

Mrs. Hong resigned. She was still ill and really couldn't accept this kind of decision that sounded almost like madness. This was more psychedelic than the previous risky and crazy decisions. She really didn't want to get involved in it anymore. ;

"I need to get some rest and hopefully I won't see or hear anything too crazy again. I'm sorry, but I decided to give up participating in your new plan. Maybe I should act alone. I really can't stand such passivity. Even if it requires me to take risks, I am willing to try. This is my position."

Alice Letasha nodded. It would be better to say that he hoped that these people would take action of their own, because he was at his wits' end. As long as there are people who haven't given up, that would be the best;

"I respect your position. I will sort out the situation on land later and draw a map and mark it for you so that you can move more conveniently on land."

Harrison Hank also voted his attitude;

"I want to know what happened on the Victoria. Can I ask you, Casper Colin?"

Caspar Colin nodded;

"Of course captain, whenever you need."

Knight Farien Sid swept through the crowd. When he saw that no one seemed to have anything to say, he said;

"So that's it for now, let's go back and deal with our own affairs."

Everyone left one after another. Alice Letasha followed Pope Waldo and stopped him privately;

"Waldo, I need to know all the current conditions on the Victoria, including water sources, food, and how many people are left."

Waldo nodded;

"The fuel has almost been used. In fact, we have been doing what you suggested when you left, but the movement of the corpses has now become a big problem. You can also smell the smell of decay everywhere. Although we try our best to burn it , but the power furnace needs more serious fuel."

Alice Letasha nodded. Pope Waldo's meaning was very clear. The water source was no longer enough. They must be burning solid wood furniture and the like to barely support themselves. He had also expected such a situation when he left before, and he made some suggestions. Proposal to burn rubbings and solid wood furniture as well as corpses.

Pope Waldo continued;

"Most of the functions on the Victoria are still functioning normally, but if we can't land, we can't return. Food is already extremely scarce. If you don't come back, we will send people to land. In fact, there is no way to wait for this matter, Fari. Knight Ansid just didn't want Harrison Hank to see this, so he held on."

Alice Letasha is also vaguely aware of it, and Harrison Hank is a trouble. Madam Red really can't wait any longer. She must take action before new dissatisfaction spreads;

"I tried my best, and I'm sorry that I didn't bring much hope. This place is ancient and sacred. I don't know what you think of this island. But for the Vincent family, this kind of holiness is evil. I am sure that there is definitely something older in this place, which is definitely different from your beliefs."

Pope Waldo was also very sorry. He was indeed very interested in this place, but it might have been better if he had not been in this situation;

"It's a pity that I'm not here to explore the history of this island. The ocean was very dangerous in that era. I just hope to go back alive. What are your opinions on this?"

Alice Letasha sighed, this really isn't even an opinion, it's just an unfounded assumption, and this assumption probably won't work;

"In ancient legends, sea monsters seem to be able to land on land. I need to try to communicate with the sea monsters, or at least catch one, to see if they can land on land. If possible, I hope to create some safe and controllable natural enemies for those shadows, so we can land and go to the central holy land to try to bring back some blessings that are enough to allow us to leave this ghost place. asked Pope Waldo


"How are you going to do it."

Alice Letasha pinched her fingers and counted them one by one;

"Mirrors, gems, light, and singing and music. I'm going to set up the net so that maybe we can catch one or two without going down, but if that doesn't work, I'll just go down and try to use it as bait. Your church also often catches demons. Just try your luck with small means, and maybe it will work."

Pope Waldo still had that smiling expression and said calmly;

"The idea of ​​the church is outdated. It is more convenient and faster to drive demons to deal with troubles like you do. In terms of tolerance, the old school is not as good as the new school."

Alice Letasha was slightly surprised;

"Sounds like you're switching over to the new school?"

Pope Waldo shook his head;

"It does not matter."

The two of them walked back together. Alice Letasha asked Pope Waldo to keep others away, and then she spoke;

"You didn't deal with the matter back then. Harrison Hank was Alice Letasha's childhood sweetheart. They seemed to have exchanged letters all year round. Something happened down there, and he had confirmed that I was not the real Alice Letasha, which I didn't expect."

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