Pope Waldo thought for a moment;

"So, he knows you are almost thirty?"

Alice Letasha also felt guilty when she heard this. The incident at Redner Manor actually happened a long time ago. The reason why he chose this point was because Redner Manor was absolutely special to him. The name Henry Jane It is very special to him, just like the four dead names.

Such abrupt names remind him of his situation all the time. If not for this, many plans may not go so smoothly, and he will not be able to stack up the layers so easily. Time and again, she woke up to the lies that turned into truth.

Alice Letasha had to try to change this embarrassing topic;

"Well...I think it's better that he doesn't know this. However, I didn’t expect that time would fly by so fast. After so many years, my body has hardly changed. If this is a curse, I think it seems pretty good. Maybe I can wait until one day when you are too old to walk and I am still young and strong. Then I will trample the church under my feet and make you die with hatred."

Pope Waldo smiled, still looking like an old fox;

"Sure enough, is it because the body has not grown much and the brain has begun to become like a child? Don't say such childish things. In recent years, the church has been secretly wooing the power of the Vincent family to befriend it. You are not the only one who cooperates with us. What's more, even without me, there are other popes still in office."

Alice Letasha sat down casually. This is true. If he can put aside his past grudges and temporarily cooperate with Pope Waldo, there must be a lot of people who are willing to learn to be humble to pilgrims. Now it is not only the Holy Spirit that is declining. Strength, the Vincent family is obviously in the same situation.

Alice Letasha warned herself in her heart that they are allies now, and he needs to take the initiative to share some warnings to prevent Pope Waldo from being unprepared;

"Okay, but let me remind you, I died at least twice down there, and I would undoubtedly be dead if I had been injured to that extent outside. I have to say that this place has a strong blessing for me. I hope your God will give you enough gifts to bless you to survive my next plan."

Pope Waldo also sat down quietly, not surprised by this;

"It sounds like you have new plans."

Alice Letasha nodded;

"That's right, but there must be very few survivors. All I can say is to give it a try. If it doesn't work, I might have to live here for the rest of my life. I'm probably fine with that, but I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on any longer."

He does have such a plan. He will take action even if there is no siren. Pope Waldo is not worried. He understands Alice Letasha's worries very well;

"Don't worry, you're not the only one getting stronger."

Alice Letasha sighed. It seems that just as he guessed, that mysterious power not only affected him, but also Pope Waldo, otherwise he would not be so fearless;

"My worries are unfounded. Based on Harrison Hank’s words, all the holy oracles who went down committed suicide. I know you brought not only a few people with you, but you had already sent me and Harrison Hank behind your back. Those who come are in cahoots."

Pope Waldo took a sip of tea gracefully. He didn't care about having this little secret exposed. He knew that this matter would be exposed sooner or later, especially if Harrison Hank relied too much on Alice Letasha's performance. Know;

"What is your opinion."

Alice Letasha reached out and poured herself a glass without showing any sign of it;

"I bet you can see shadows too, you just don’t know what kind. Harrison Hank once briefly saw the shadow. He said it looked like a human, but its neck suddenly stretched out, and its head seemed to be suspended in the air and waving. As you know, human-shaped demons are very torturous to people's will."

Pope Waldo nodded;

"It sounds so disgusting and demonic."

Alice Letasha blew on the hot tea and continued;

"What I saw was completely different. I saw shadows with long necks. They had no faces. Their heads were like smooth spherical cane handles that made strange sounds. Their flesh rolled like ripples on the sea."

Pope Waldo gives his insight;

"I have never heard of such a demon."

Alice Letasha also had a headache. He hoped to get some insights from Pope Waldo, but obviously he didn't know either;

"There is no record of the Vincent family, but they are individually weak, but there are too many of them."

Pope Waldo also said;

"If you don't know what it is, I don't think we have any way of knowing, and I can't be of much help in this matter."

Alice Letasha hoped that Pope Waldo would be more serious. Apparently he was not aware of the horror of this place;

"They are so smart, I remember those apostles you call pagans, who worship the red dragon, it seems to be clearly stated in their scriptures. Since the Breaking Day, the gods have gradually fallen into madness, and everything transcendent is dying, no matter which side they belong to. The Vincent family also has similar opinions, and I believe you do too. Evil creatures are only driven by instinct and do not have the ability to think. But the things below are different. I bet they are probably discussing how to board the Victoria."

Pope Waldo chuckled;

"it's out of the question."

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