After calming down for a moment, James Bert could see that the man was not only dead, but also died not long ago. Maybe after a while, he would be completely cold.

However, at this moment, some doubts arose in James Bert's mind. He couldn't figure out how Alice Letasha could see it. Or, at least, she shouldn't be able to tell.

Soon, the ship's doctor whose name was called squeezed out of the crowd. He walked forward and blurted out a question before he saw anyone;

"what happened?"

Alice Letasha also took the opportunity to look at this person. She felt that the name sounded a little familiar, just like the name of a holy priest, but when she thought about it carefully, it was very unfamiliar.

It was a man who was about 30 years old. A middle-aged man, he was wearing casual clothes, not the uniform uniform issued to the ship's doctor on the Victoria. He looked a little taller than Knight James Burt.

He looked very tired, carrying two black men on his head. His eyes were ringed, his hair was messy, and the stubble was slightly longer, but it could be seen that it had been hastily trimmed in the past few days. Although it was not shaved clean, the stubble was neatly lengthened.

When he turned his back, You can see that his body is soaked with sweat, and his broad back is matched with a slightly narrow waist. Looking from top to bottom, the lines of his body are also very graceful, as if he has been training outside all year round and is very strong.

As soon as he appeared, a nurse rushed up with a basin.

The ship's doctor, known as Anthony, also stretched out his powerful-looking arms, soaked his hands in the water and rubbed them quickly to wash away the blood and water on them. The dirt was wiped off calmly. Then he turned to the patient who was pushed in and stepped forward to check.

Alice Letasha clearly saw that when he saw the man on the hospital bed, he obviously paused, and then stretched out his hand. He put one hand on the man's throat, said nothing, then lifted up the man's shirt and pressed his belly.

It seemed that he was already confirming the cause of death.

The old woman was crying beside him;

"He kept complaining about pain last night and fell asleep quickly. But this morning we suddenly found that his forehead was very hot, but he woke up after a while and said he wanted to eat something. We gave him some bread and then He suddenly twitched and fainted, and we couldn't wake him up."

Anthony just listened quietly to the old woman saying what she wanted to say. The young man and the woman who had been accompanying the patient also expressed their hopes and expectations to him. Eyes.

He is a gentle man, Alice Letasha, who was standing far away, thought in her heart.

She could see that the doctor named Anthony was the same as her when she first saw the man. She knew he was dead just by looking at her. The only difference between Anthony and her was that Alice Letasha couldn't see the cause of this man's death, but he could. But this tenderness only lasted a few seconds, and soon he He came to the final conclusion that this man died from those few mouthfuls of bread. His internal organs had already been ruptured and infected, so his eyes became a little cold, with no expression at all, and he just said lightly;

"He is dead, ma'am, sorry."

Just like that, he said these words, washed his hands again, dried them, and then squeezed into the crowd without looking back to see other patients.

The young woman suddenly fell to the ground and threw herself on the man. She was crying bitterly, wailing why she had to be left alone.

It seemed that this man might be her husband.

The man who was wearing bandages looked at a loss. He froze in place and didn't know how to accept this for a moment. Reality.

It seemed that the man lying on the bed was probably his brother.

The old woman screamed and stretched out her hand to grab Mr. Anthony. She was so sad that she refused to accept this reality and grabbed the man she loved so much. The child's hands were getting colder, and she was crying loudly.

Her old voice broke, and she begged in a broken voice;

"No! He didn't! Take a look, take another look!"

But she couldn't take a step forward. Relatives of the survivors in the crowd spontaneously organized to stop the old woman, including the woman who was carrying water earlier. She also participated in it, holding the old woman tightly. The old woman who had just lost her son did not let her take a step forward.

Alice Letasha stood there, staring quietly at the crowd, the patients, and the relatives.

The thing in their eyes was very simple, a All the faces were tired and tormented by illness, with indifference and numbness. No one came forward to comfort them. Instead, they had a sinister and resentful feeling of being disturbed.

After the storm that night, maybe there were Some lucky people were not killed on the spot, but soon, the days that followed were not so easy. The farce soon ended sadly, and James Bert also followed Alice Letasha's instructions. Instructed to inquire about the conditions of the doctors to ensure that they were all fine.

Alice Letasha also dismissed the three knights and the holy priests, telling them to go separately to find other doctors to check their conditions. Just report to James Burt.

If it is found that a doctor is infected, leave someone to block him in his own room, let Mr. Alof go in first to deal with it, and guard the door. Let no one enter or come out except the holy priest.

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