James Bert quickly inquired about the conditions of all the doctors, and one of them was sick.

He is Mr. Boleslade from the Breshid Empire, but Knight James Burt does not have time to talk to Alice Letasha about this issue yet.

He found that except for Mr. Anthony from Christian Palace who was not currently in condition and Mr. Bertelson who was traveling with him had some mild symptoms, several other ship's doctors were in varying degrees of condition.

Especially for Ms. Penny, who often walks around with Mr. Boleslade, her symptoms are the second most obvious among them, but they are not particularly serious. She probably only needs a holy blessing to solve the problem.

So he ordered Louis, the youngest knight, and the elder Ahendri to guard the door of the doctor. He also took away Sarah, who was slightly older than Louis, and the holy oracle Alof.

The knight named Louis stood in front of the door for a while, looking at the busy crowd, dumbfounded, and couldn't help but ask questions;

"Why doesn't Mr. Alof give a blessing to Miss Alice Letasha?"

He has obviously been wondering about this issue for a long time. It was only now that he mentioned this question that was hanging in his mind to Yahendri.

Yahendri was shocked when he heard this and hurriedly made a gesture of silence;

"Hush, don’t let the old gentleman hear this. The Vincent family and the church are world enemies. They hate Vincent very much and regard them as demons. How could they give her a holy blessing?"

The Vincent family and faith issues often revolve around royal power. There is no royal family without bloodshed, and there is no holy city without darkness. As a member of the knights, I know it more or less. , if you want to live a long life, only secrets must not be pried into

"So that's it."

At this time, Louis also knew how serious the question he raised was, and immediately nodded obediently, no longer thinking about the question.

James Bert took Alof's priority and consecrated Ms. Penny. , the doctors here are very busy. It can be said that except for her who had to be treated immediately because of physical discomfort, the others seemed to be fine.

But soon, when those patients found that a holy priest had come here, The scene immediately became uncontrollable.

James Bert took Sarah to escort Alof all the way until he entered Ms. Penny's own room, and the crowd that came up was blocked from the door.

These people did not After leaving, the commotion gradually spread. People shouted and asked the saints to bless their relatives and friends, and prayed for God's miracle to come to them.

James Bert briefly gave Sarah some instructions, He asked him, Alof and Penny to stay in the room, and he went out to find Alice Letasha to explain the current situation.

Before James Bert entered the door, he saw Alice Letasha Sha stood at the door and watched the commotion quietly, then asked;

"How is it going?"

James Burt wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Everyone was attracted to Alof's side, and no one paid any attention to the situation on the knight James Burt's side, but he still whispered cautiously;

"What's worse is that one of them has already fallen ill, and if it weren't for us, no one would have noticed. It's so busy here and there's not much we can do to help."

Alice Letasha asked again;

"Who has the best medical skills?"

Knight James Bert pointed to one of the people in the crowd and said;

"Well, he is changing gauze for the patient. Do you want me to call him over?"

Alice Letasha narrowed her eyes. The person that Knight James Burt pointed to was the ship's doctor Anthony.

At this time, Ms. Penny's side had obviously completed the consecration, and several people filed out. Even Holy Orphan Alof was like this. The crowd gathered around them as soon as they saw them, praying for blessings from him.

Knight James Bert looked unhappy, and Knight Sarah was unable to move due to the crowds of people. Seeing Chief James Burt glaring at him with an unkind look, Knight

Sarah raised his hands in the air and shook his head helplessly at Knight James Burt. He really couldn't persuade these two people.

Ms. Penny once again entered the business of treating and bandaging, and Holy Orphan Alof also began to consecrate some of the more serious patients in the crowd.

Alice Letasha also saw the scene there and said;

"No, I'll go take a look, and you go follow Alof and let him save some energy, giving priority to the ship's doctor's blessing. If someone is stalking you, you should stop them and get rid of them for them depending on the situation."

Alice Letasha is actually not very clear about the working principle of the holy oracle. She has never believed that there is such a cheap thing in the world. Just because she is blessed, she can exercise the power of blessings and miracles without paying. Any price.

She does not believe that the power of the holy saints is unlimited, and she does not believe that they do not need to pay a price.

She has also heard a little about the end of the holy saints, their power is exhausted and they die, their final blessings, and some special vessels. There have always been many rumors about this kind of thing. Because they are still human beings after all, and what they consume is something invisible to the naked eye, but this does not mean that there is no cost.

She needs these holy saints to abandon the so-called principles and beliefs , to use their power more effectively, but as a Vincent, she is not qualified.

Knight James Burt spread his hands after hearing this;

"What you said is so chilling."

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