Look at those people praying in the most humble manner, look at those wives who don’t know who they are, their eyes are full of timidity but they still stretch out their trembling hands.

Looking at the innocent eyes of the children, he innocently asked if he could use all the world in his hands, a few candies, half a loaf of bread, a bracelet, or some dolls in exchange for God's blessing.

Those sad voices, the choked and sobbing old man, the bitter-looking man in his prime, the discarded dignity, those coins, jewelry, silk and cloth.

There is too much humility and too many prayers, and now they are all placed on another person.

Alice Letasha didn't answer this. She naturally knew what Knight James Burt was talking about. She was not blind yet, nor did she want to pretend to be blind. She could see the hope and desire in those people's eyes, but she still said;

"Where is the ship's doctor who fell ill?"

Knight James Burt also saw her expression in his eyes. Miss Alice Letasha, who has Vincentian blood, saw the pain of those people in her eyes.

She didn't even Her demeanor and demeanor of hating and disdain for anyone, and her eyes that never change, are telling that she fully understands the urgent needs of these people. She obviously does not discriminate or dislike these people, she does not emphasize anything in a condescending way, and her tone of voice does not change at all..

But even though she is so aware of the needs of those poor people, she still has no wavering or mercy. This is indeed worthy of Vincent's bloodline. He has no prejudice, fair and impartial indifference to everything, and will only do it. They thought it was correct.

For the first time, he saw the person in front of him clearly. This is Vincent's true nature, which is only revealed at critical moments. This is indeed terrifying.

James Burt Knight Put on a smile and pretend to be calm and relaxed;

"In the room on the other side. No, it's over there, with the gray door. For the time being, I ordered not to let anyone in, but asked other ship's doctors to go in and take a look."

Knight James Burt endured it, with a calm and calm face, but he was dizzy by this heart-wrenching scene.

He looked at Alice Letasha's expressionless face. With his face and eyes as cold as the bottom of the abyss, I just felt that something was twisted into a ball in front of my eyes, and I felt sick and wanted to vomit.

Alice Letasha looked at him, but he did not dare to reveal the slightest sincerity, and held up a far-fetched Smile, for fear that if you show timidity, you will be noticed by those sharp eyes and eaten alive.

Why do you just look at it so coldly, without a trace of pity?

How can you be indifferent to all this? Those children were also you in the past, and those wives were Maybe it is you in the future, and those old people may also be the last you!

I feel that there is nothing under your skin, it is empty. But there is something else, standing there, looking at me.

Now, he doesn’t think about it for a moment Stay with Alice Letasha.

Knight Bansfather Bate is right, she is like a piece of rotten meat that does not fit the skin, and is often disgusting.

Alice Letasha has a bad eye, she He raised his head slightly, looked directly at the face of Knight James Bert with firm eyes, and said;

"After they have all been ordained, help me ask others if they have any physical ailments and list them so that they can be ordained first."

The difference between saying more words and saying less words is so big. Alice Letasha looked at the astonished expression of Knight James Burt and almost sighed.

Looking at his expression, she knew that he had just What are you thinking about.

She is not young anymore, but she is just small. How can she explain it so that these guys can fully understand this truth?

I don’t know when it started, but one day, she hardly grew taller and her appearance was also... She didn't change much. She might have some strange disease, but the doctors always said there was nothing wrong.

Alice Letasha also once doubted whether she would stay like this short for the rest of her life, but fortunately, although it was slow, there was still some change. , it doesn’t really stop growing.

However, these knights all have the same moral character and always hope that the young children who live in each family will be innocent and cute. Is it true that in the eyes of these knights, firm and rational judgment should be placed on the young? She has inherited the cruel, cold and crazy traits of her family?

Look at the look of disgust that cannot be concealed in her eyes. How often does she see such a look?

Vincent is a thug, and Vincent is a lunatic. , a hybrid of the royal family and the damned, the temple does not allow such dirty things to receive blessings, cubs, children, dwarfs, devils... Knight

James Burt also noticed the gradually darkening expression of Alice Letasha, He seemed to have thought of this and immediately explained with a silly smile;

"At times like this, I really don’t feel like you are a child."

It's like wallowing in muddy water, getting dirtier and dirtier the more you wash it. She can't be considered a child in the first place, she is already an adult! Alice Letasha deeply reflected, is this the retribution for her unwillingness to drink a glass of milk every day when she was a child? ?

Oh my god! Alice Letasha is willing to swear to the gods at this moment that Knight James Bert definitely knows that none of the twelve representatives are children. It’s just that most of them are older, so they often use their elders He treated those who were younger as if they were children.

Alice Letasha glanced at the busy crowd and then looked at the busy crowd. She was too lazy to argue and said angrily;

"If you want to watch a baby suck its thumb, then I suggest you give birth to one yourself."

She walked towards the gray door that Knight James Burt said. Knight James Burt hurriedly followed her, getting in front of her and helplessly spreading his hands.

He glanced at the door, Sensing Alice Letasha's intention, there was a look of worry on his face. He wanted to say that my stomach is not going to live up to expectations, but he felt that this joke was not appropriate for a serious person like her, so he said;

"As I didn't say, but you haven't been ordained, I don't recommend that you wander around."

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