It’s true that there is no pot that cannot be opened. Alice Letasha snorted coldly. She became even more angry. Even if there were a hundred saints on the ship, there would not be one person who would consecrate Vincent. There is still a need there. He emphasized

"Believe me, people don't often say that with Vincent's madness, the gods will bow to him. It's just a holy blessing. I can exchange my fearlessness for fate's mercy."

The door was just about to be kicked open by her. Before leaving, Alice Letasha pushed aside the two knights guarding the door and made a few mouth gestures to Knight James Burt behind them. By the way, he stretched out his hand and made a standard gesture, and closed the door with an angry bang.

Chevalier Louis had already opened his mouth in surprise at these extremely offensive remarks. Is it true that Vincent is so unruly? ?

The Knight of Yahendri looked at James Bert with some worry and blame, as if to say, you should at least stop it. Knight

James Bert scratched his head in embarrassment, and his expression changed from the beginning His shock turned into helplessness. Seeing the expressions of these two people, he immediately blew his beard and glared at him, pretending to be a tiger, and scolded;

"Whatever you are looking at, stay safe!"

With a scolding, Louis immediately stood up straight and looked straight, while Yahendry smiled bitterly.

Knight James Bert couldn't help but look at the closed door and murmured in a low voice;

"The scolding was really dirty."

The knight of Ahendri spoke;

"You should be trying to persuade her, at least not to get angry about this matter."

She has not been ordained, but from his and Louis's position, they have no qualifications to persuade or stop Alice Letasha's choice.

Knight James Bert waved his hand impatiently;

"I know she is a good person."

He is also not qualified to persuade. What else can he do? He can only turn a deaf ear to the holy oracle Alof, hoping that he can make an exception and consecrate Alice Letasha for the sake of being a good person..

Knight James Bert turned around to leave, but when he turned around he accidentally bumped into Henry Jane.

Henry Jane was staggered by him and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Knight James Bert With quick eyes and quick hands, she grabbed him and said in great surprise;

"Why are you still here?"

Henry Jane didn't say anything. He just took a step back, made way, found a position out of the way, and stood beside Louis.

Seeing his attitude, Knight James Bert didn't bother to pay attention. We went straight to the important matters.

When everything was arranged, Holy Orphan Alov began to consecrate the doctors.

Alice Letasha briefly checked which Mr. Boleslade, the ship's doctor who had fallen ill, situation, and then left the room. She took Henry Jane back to the earlier lounge, waiting for James Bert to return with Alof.

Alof's situation was not optimistic, there were always people crowding around Rushing to grab his robe.

At first, these people still maintained awe and humility, but soon, when the holy oracle Alof consecrated several children and then consecrated their mothers and fathers After that, the crowd immediately became more and more shameless.

The ordination process was too simple, so they felt that they had been blessed as long as their heads were touched by the hand of the oracle. Soon things began to get out of control.

After one of the ladies timidly pulled up Alof's robe, she suddenly screamed with joy that I was blessed! I felt that my body was full of strength! It started.

Soon those who were in urgent need of help, even if they were lame Even those with legs would rush forward and grab the holy monk's clothes, robes, hair, and the crooks of his hands and arms.

Then a very funny spectacle appeared. With the slightly panicked look on the holy monk Alof's face, countless people grabbed him. Holding him was like snatching a whole roast suckling pig on the dining table. People were fighting for it crazily, and many of them got into fights.

Knight James Burt looked shocked, and he didn't even draw his sword, but in front of him This situation also made him not know how to stop it, so he had no choice but to rush forward and pull with him, shouting to drive him away;

"Whatever you are doing, get out of here, now!"

However, these words were completely drowned in the crowd. These people were simply crazy! The injured seemed to have been blessed after catching Holy Orpheus Alof, and they were all extremely excited.

Their expressions They were ferocious and twisted, filled with resentment and anger. There were many people who had their teeth knocked out, hair removed from each other, and faces scratched in the fights by those with strong arms.

Even some people caught Holy Orpheus Alof once. , they refused to let go easily, and acted as if they wanted to tear him off.

The doctors also shouted angrily. They were not angry because they were squeezed out of the crowd and could not get the holy blessing. They were angry because these patients were fighting.

Doctor Penny collapsed inside. Oh my god, I just tied the bandage, I just stitched the wound, these crazy people!

She screamed and rushed forward to pull one of the wounds that had reopened. patient;

"Come back, you will bleed like this, stop now!"

Anthony ship's doctor also held down any of his young men who were trying to struggle to get up, and shouted angrily at the crowd;

"What are you doing? Stop it!"

The ship's doctor Bertelson could barely stand still. He had just been knocked to the ground by a patient. He pointed at the knight James Burt with stars in his eyes and roared;

"You people are causing trouble for us, stop them!"

Knight James Burt has been involved in the crowd. He tried his best to kick away a few people who were not injured, but he seemed too humanitarian when it came to those patients.

So, just like that, he was The wave of people gradually squeezed into the center, with some people wailing as they were punched and kicked. Saint Alof could not help but look frightened. He also resisted and struggled desperately to avoid being torn apart by the crowd.

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