Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 161: (on)

"A few days ago, in an interview, Tom Cruise mentioned the issue of being nominated by fans for the film" Breakdown "invested by Billy Hills, and made a positive answer. Tom said that being nominated by fans is A kind of happiness, and at the same time he made it clear that he was very interested in appearing in this film. "— The Washington Post.


?? "Jim Carey said he was very interested in starring in the horror of the perverted terrorist, and he expressed gratitude for everything Chen did to Hollywood."-"USA Today."


?? "The latest survey shows that on the question of who will play the role of" Chen "in the film, most fans tend to Kinu Reeves, because Kinu has one-eighth Chinese ancestry, and he is When appearing in the "Matrix" series of movies, the cool skills shown in the film are very Chinese kung fu. Of course, some movie fans also mentioned jet lee (Li Jetie), who is good at kung fu from China. And Key · chen was also nominated at the same time. At present, the agents of the three actors have publicly expressed their interest in the film. "-" Luoshanji Daily ".


?? "Who is the heroine?" -The huge headline of the New York Times! There is no doubt that this report is also aimed at the "shock robbery" which is in the planning stage. The article almost includes all the front-line, young and beautiful female stars in Hollywood! From Nicole, to Angelina, to Cameron ... and so on and so forth, most of the arguments were focused on Jessica!


?? The media has dug up the news. At the event that day, I attended together with Jessica. And Jessica's identity is my banquet partner! This identity immediately made the media excited for a while, as if hoping that I could have something to smell with Hollywood actresses. They immediately unearthed a lot of "clues" that "proved" me and Jessica.


?? Of course, identity is my banquet companion Jessica. Acting in the heroine of the movie. It almost became a cry.


?? Even this issue, even the "Wall Street Journal", which is biased towards financial securities, began to discuss me ... Of course, the main content of the "Wall Street Journal" is my positive response to the rescue of Hollywood in the United States to the American economy influences……


?? And three days later in American Times, the cover is a picture of me!


?? Anyway, being on the cover of Time Magazine is undoubtedly a very amazing record! Because there are too few Chinese who can cover the Time Magazine ... Although many celebrities and celebrities in the country often show off their so-called "Time Magazine" cover-please note that the "Time Magazine" here "Are in quotes. However, we must know that the so-called Time Magazine of those people is actually just the Asian version of Time Magazine.


?? And its positive is recognized as the orthodox time magazine, is the native version of the United States! !! Only on the cover of the American version of the United States will it be considered a real person on the cover of Time Magazine!


?? Then, as if not to be outdone, world-class media such as "Pictures" and "People" put me on the cover.


?? My home is frequently visited by several media people, and I also have interviews one after another.


?? When the topic is repeated over and over again. The question people ask me the most is still: who is the main character in the movie?


?? The development of things has reached the point of making people crazy! It can be said that even the seven major movie studios in Hollywood couldn't help but be jealous of me ... because when they were making a movie, there were so many super big stars who came forward to ask to play even a small Role? ?


?? Put on Yang Wei's desk are written contact faxes sent by six front-line economists in Hollywood. At present, there are at least eleven big-name male stars in Hollywood who compete in the role of No. 1 man, that is, "Chen". In the end, even handsome black men such as Will Smith participated in the competition ... [Paradise kiss hand fight]


?? Even more interesting is the reverie of the heroine.


?? Because the script of this movie is completely adapted from the vast majority of reality. So the reality is very high. In the script, in addition to the first female lead, there is also a female second role.


?? Female No. 1, apparently evolved based on Jessica's identity that day. And in line with the tradition of Hollywood hero action movies, the female No. 1 in the script obviously has some emotional ambiguity with the male lead.


?? However, this female No. 2 is even more subtle. It can be said that after watching the script, I found that this female No. 2 is clearly the incarnation of Yang Wei!


?? In the script, the female No. 2 is a friend of the actor and a partner of the company (these are completely based on reality.) The characters are smart and designed the first escape plan, although they later failed. But this character is still very distinctive and charming.


?? The actor's identity is the owner of a movie company, young and more gold, handsome and brave, extraordinary skills, but also personable.


?? Of course, in order to cater to the American audience, the script did not require the hero and heroine to use Chinese. Especially the actor, there is no requirement to use Chinese actors. It obscures the role's concept of race.


?? The battle for the heroine can only be regarded as fierce, and the battle for the heroine can almost be heated!


?? Since Angelina publicly expressed her wish to appear in this movie one day, I received a phone call from her that night, expressing her hope to cooperate with me. After the news came out, finally, the famous Hollywood "Black Pearl" Harry Berry also participated in ... She expressed her hope to play the female No. 2 in the film.


?? This situation, so that all personnel in the film industry are stunned!


?? Because this completely subverts the previous film company planning the process of film selection and actors!


?? What you need to know ... In the past, the film company made a movie and selected actors. They prepared the script, and then sent it to their favorite actor. After waiting for the other person to watch the script, they negotiated with the other party about the pay, schedule, etc. problem……


?? Now, with so many big names in Hollywood, everyone has not even seen the script, so they asked to appear in unison! Even a few of them indicated that the film pay is completely negotiable ... As for the date, it is no problem.


?? In this case, even Yang Wei began to have a headache.


?? It turns out that the most painful thing in the world is not that there is no choice ... but that there are too many choices, but you are at a loss!


?? Finally, after our discussion, the first actor was finally determined ... Old Bruce!


?? He will play himself in the movie! This is the first actor to be identified.


?? Then, the female No. 1 problem, in order to cater to the voice of the loudest voice at the moment, temporarily settled down, and chose the now popular Jessica.


?? Actually, Yang Wei and I still made a mistake. We don't have to worry so much about choosing actors. According to the normal scope, we can first choose the director, and then ask the director to participate in the selection of actors.


?? It can be said that the list of candidates now on Yang Wei's table can make anyone jealous and crazy!


?? From Spielberg to the latest popularity of Transformers Michael Bay, Luc Besson ... and so on and so on, and even Mel Gibson as a recognized new talented director.


?? Spielberg is needless to say, at present, Hollywood's biggest brand search, the godfather-level power figure! I think anyone who likes to watch movies does not know his name. Behind the name, there is a series of classic movies that make fans around the world red heart: Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones), Jurassic Park, Schindler List, Artificial Intelligence, Rescue "Soldier Ryan" and so on ...


?? Luke Besson, a star that fans around the world hate and love, this guy who claims to only play ten movies in his life, in fact, there are far more than ten works, but most of the time, he did It's the name of the producer who is operating the movie. His most famous work is, of course, "This killer is not too cold".


?? Michael Bay, the representative of "The Island", "Transformers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a typical commercial action film director.


?? Mel Gibson, Hollywood's oldest action movie superstar! With a self-directed "Brave Heart" that year, the process from actor to director was completed. Even won the Academy Award for Best Director! But this guy is both a genius and a ghost. A religious movie, Good Friday, has shocked countless critics! It's hard to imagine a purely commercial action film superstar who could make such a profound movie with religious themes! And later "Apocalypse" almost reproduced Mayan culture!


?? Others, even gangster masters such as Martin Sicences also participated.


?? This series of hot names can be said to make any movie investor's eyes hot! !! Now, these lists are on the table of Yang Wei and me, as long as we use a pen to make a gentle circle on it ...


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