Evil Awe-Inspiring

Vol 2 Chapter 161: (under)

In terms of influence, there is no doubt that the biggest brand here is Spielberg ... he is also the biggest director on the planet at present!

The problem is that the company's film experts raised a concern after analysis.

It seems that Spielberg is not suitable for directing such a purely commercial hero action show. Moreover, there is no such similar subject matter in his previous works ... Although there is an "Indiana Jones", it was more than 20 years ago!

Luc Besson also has a lot of action movies, but this old man is too naughty and sometimes overplays! And although he has a lot of good works, he also produces a lot of bad movies! This is our first movie. We asked him to get it, and we were still a little worried.

Mel Gibson ... this guy who once directed a masterpiece of poetic history plus action like "Brave Heart", the works of the past two years have become more and more literary and deeper ... this is not us want.

As for other directors, in terms of temperament, the most suitable one is Michael Bay. What's more, his famous work "Fighting Forever Island" is also a typical Hollywood commercial hero action blockbuster. However, from the director's skill, it seems that his ability cannot reach the master level.

If it is normal, it would be great news to ask him to direct ... but now. He wasn't outstanding in a long list of master-level candidates.

And in the end, a new name appeared on our list!

James Cameron! !! !!

First of all, he is also an Oscar film director! His status in Hollywood, although not as good as Spielberg, is not much worse! Especially the "Titanic" of that year, it was all over the world!

Secondly, he is also a director who is very good at commercial action movies! !! And his productions are classics!

The first two installments of Terminator! Plus "True Lies"! !! And the second episode of the First Blood series! (This is also considered the best episode in this series), these are classic commercial action movies!

Moreover, it can even be said that he achieved Schwarzenegger's action superstar status in one hand! !! (Two Terminators and True Lies).

Whether in terms of fame, prestige, seniority, director skills, and suitability, there is no doubt. James Cameron is the best candidate!

And the only problem with this director is ... extreme paranoia and stubbornness ... Plus, burn money! !!

If we say that stubbornness can be seen as a display of the personality of a genius director ... then, burning down money is enough to drive any movie company crazy!

Among his several classic works, the second part of "Terminator", originally planned to invest 60 million. When he finished shooting, he spent 120 million! Make the investment film company bankrupt! The shooting of "The True Lie" also doubled the budget! In the end, despite the box office sales, James Cameron's own movie studio was acquired!

As for the most famous "Titanic" ... a total investment of more than two billion! Although investing 200 million dollars in movies is nothing now, but you know, it was more than ten years ago! !! It was the most expensive movie in movie history at the time! And the investors at the time were Fox and Paramount, two of the big Hollywood film companies! As a result, it was dragged into the sky. Originally, a movie of more than one billion yuan was planned, and finally additional funds were added!

So, facing this director's candidate, Yang Wei and I both had a concern at the same time ...

That is, money! !!

According to calculations by experts in the company, if you want to shoot a well-made commercial action movie based on the current script ... the approximate budget should be about 140 million.

But if it is given to the Hollywood money-burning director ... I'm afraid this number is not enough!

When the Titanic was filmed, even the two giant companies in Hollywood were dragged into an intolerable position. Not to mention the small company I have now?

We are not giants! Also, I don't have that much money to burn him!

At present, all my assets add up to over 100 million yuan. The problem is, I don't have that much cash! What it takes to make a movie is cash! According to my current property, I can only take out about 80 million at most.

And Yang Wei, she said that she can borrow about 40 million from the bank. As for the remaining Yang Wei, she said she could take out 20 million ...

This adds up to exactly 140 million. If it is not enough, we can also add a short-term loan to the bank, which is about 20 million.

"If it wasn't for this movie, it would be almost profitable. I wouldn't go crazy and take out all my assets to make a movie." I sighed: "If I lose it, I will only go bankrupt, but I Still trust your judgment. "

Yang Wei is also rubbing her temples. Although this woman is extremely clever, after all, the movie is an industry she is completely unfamiliar with. Although she can plan the early stage, once the filming is started, it is completely the work of the director.

What's more, James Cameron is a famous "super budget king"!

"If you ask him to shoot, I'm afraid we have to have 200 million funds." I smiled bitterly: "If it doesn't work, we can only find another investor? Anyway, everyone is optimistic about this movie, there should be a lot of People are willing to invest. "

"No." Yang Wei shook his head: "The opportunity to make money is a rare opportunity. This kind of opportunity cannot be easily given away. I can talk to the bank again about the issue of money. And ... we can also try to find Find an insurance company. Or the insurance company may allow us some commercial borrowing funds. "

"Oh?" My eyes cleared.

"Yes, I think this is possible." Yang Wei said very seriously: "First of all, the insurance company is also willing to invest, we borrow money with them, anyway, they give them interest. And, our movie They do n’t lose money, they should also understand. They wo n’t worry about our solvency ... The second point is even more important! That is, the insurance company is also grateful to you! If you do n’t cancel this time, you think In the crisis ... Well, so many celebrities died, and losing money alone is enough to make the insurance company go bankrupt! "

I thought for a while, and thought that Yang Wei was justified, I might as well try it.

"Also, we only need to make a budget for the filming of the movie, and the money does not have to be fully funded at one time. When it is used, it can be taken out one by one. The filming cycle of the movie, how? It also takes about half a year. And after half a year, you will have money again, whether it is the company's business, the dividends of the casino, and the receipt of your smuggling business, in half a year, you will have a lot of money again! "Yang Wei thought about it, and then looked at me:" So, we might as well do a vote! "[Paradise kiss hand fight]


It was a nice meeting with James Cameron.

This acknowledged paranoia, the "tyrant" in the mouth of film practitioners, is actually very kind outside of work. And, to be honest, he is now in an awkward period.

Because of his "notoriety" of burning money. Filming is often well beyond budget. Although almost every subsequent movie of him was successful, after all, investors could not stand the feeling of burning a lot of money!

What's more, after you burned the money before, the movie went on sale and you all made it back. But can you guarantee that every time you burn up your money, the movie will still sell?

There are always misses, right? If the movie is lost once. Then investors can only go to jump!

Therefore, although he is a great director, few investors dare to ask him to make a movie!

Naturally, a great director can't always be without works, and James Cameron naturally hopes to produce one or two more effective works as soon as possible. At this time, when we met, we almost felt like a click!

"I've seen the script." James Cameron held the coffee and thought about it: "I'm basically satisfied, but I want to modify some places ... and modify it according to my ideas, I need to have autonomy. "

I glanced at Yang Wei and accepted.

In fact, this guy is not only a great director, but also an excellent screenwriter. Many of his works and screenplays were written or co-authored by himself.

"Also, the selection of actors." James Cameron thought about it. "I hope I have the right to choose myself."

In this regard, Yang Wei and I have no opinion ... Our current problem is not the choice, but it has been blinded!

"But Bruce and Jessica must keep it." I made my request: "Bruce has signed with us. And Jessica, currently she has the highest vote for fans."

"Yes." James smiled, but the bearded director smiled with a bit of slyness: "I admire Bruce, as for Jessica, she is beautiful, and we don't have to fight with fans."

I'm relieved.

Then ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I immediately asked the most headache question in my mind: "About the male number one, I think you should feel something after reading the script. And we have a list of candidates. I've shown it to you. This question has tortured me now that I can't sleep. The agents are like devil urging us to answer. "

What I'm saying is true! Now more and more actors are asking to appear in this movie! Most people come to pay back. And there are many more, it is also smart that the movie is bound to sell!

Just this morning, the economist of Nicholas Cage called and said that the big-name star also wanted to appear in the film.

"Actually ... I have an idea in my heart." The bearded director looked up at me, then he suddenly said, "Chen, why don't you think about it ... Do you act in this movie yourself? I think this It will definitely cause a sensation. "

(These two chapters are on August 31! I wo n’t miss the time difference, rest assured. Updates on September 1 will be posted during the day.)


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