Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 996: Star glass anomaly

Compared with the previous Dragon Soul occupation, there is almost no change in the category of passive skills. It is just the lack of a perfect defense skill such as the "Dragon of the Evil Dragon", and the additional effects of all passive skills. They are quite inferior to the evil dragons. On the active skill, there is no change in the basics - Dragon Soul Crack, Dragon Soul Crack, Dragon Soul Break, Dragon Soul Storm, Dragon Soul Blast, no matter the power, the effect is exactly the same as before... Obviously, Different dragons are different from the body and the dragon spirit. The moves used are acquired or learned. Perhaps they will become more sophisticated and powerful with the strength of the dragon soul as they grow stronger. The nature of the dragon soul changes and changes. The light dragon soul he now possesses is consistent with the original evil dragon soul in strength, so there is no difference in passive attachment, but there is no difference in initiative...but, with the dragon soul roaring by the dragon soul, there is quite The big difference:

Light Dragon Souls: Taking your own life as a source, using the power of the Dragon Spirit as the source, exploding life, releasing power, and making a roar of the dragon that shocks the spirits, causing irresistible forced dizziness to all living creatures around. The life value of the explosion can be freely any value from 300% to 999%. It cannot be exploded beyond the current life value. The forced stun time is equivalent to the percentage of the explosion life value x10, and the effect range is 100 meters around itself. No mana cost, cooldown 60 seconds. The roar of the Dragon Soul can shock the spirits, and it will cause irresistible dizziness to any level and class of creatures, and will be ineffective for the same dragons.

The same is the shocking spirit... But now the dragon soul roars, but no longer imposes mandatory damage, and at the same time, it is no longer "complete" coercion, because the current bright dragon soul roar will not be effective for the dragon's soul.

"Bright Dragon Soul..." Ye Tianxie whispered and felt the power of the dragon soul filled with the whole body. At the time of his time in Tianyu, he had the body of a bright dragon. His growth rate was so amazing at that time. Therefore, with the age algorithm of Tianyu, he had already swept the strength of one side when he was just a grown-up. Compared with him now, he has to be stronger than many times.

If he can have the power of the year, perhaps, he will dare to go to Tianyu now.

Why did he grow so fast in the past, he knew the reason after his death.

Father and mother are not fathers and mothers.

The biological mother of the last life... I have not seen one side until I die, only know who she is.

Bloody reincarnation, reborn with blood, now half of his own blood still belongs to the previous world, which means that he actually has two biological fathers, two biological mothers. Without the birth and mother of this world, there will be no him. There will be no father and mother of the last life, and there will be no other.

And killing this world father and mother, let his family break, and wandering the world, the one who hated him for more than ten years, dreaming to find out who is going to smash the corpse... It would be... his father's biological father! It was also the decision of this biological father that led to the tragedy of him and the present. Otherwise, they must still be in Tianyu, live the life they want, have their own mother, sister, have their own love, and have countless people who are swearing to follow him...

Bloody reincarnation is against the sky, and there are very few **** reincarnations, and not many people can have a complex life like him. Unfortunately, I did not remember the memory of the last life after the **** reincarnation, but the glass fairy was completely preserved. Apparently, the glass fairy is the first to complete the **** reincarnation, herself, perhaps a few seconds or a few minutes in the evening, the reincarnation is no longer perfect and perfect... Therefore, she silently took everything, for their future, preparations Everything...

But, to the end...

Destroying the lifeblood of Tianyu and Mo Luo, bringing back the glass fairy, is the goal that he will never run aground in this life. If you want to destroy the lifeline of the Tianyu, the first thing to face is the Emperor of Tianyu - his My biological father, when should I let me face it? Do you want to kill him in anger and hate?

But even if you hate again, after all...


A long sigh of relief, Ye Tianxie depressed the inner troubles. He glanced at the time and got up and ready to go out... This time, he has a lot of places to go, such as Liu Yuyue, she must be eagerly looking forward to appearing in front of her.

Ye Tianxie just had to open the door and walk out. The door of the room suddenly opened. The small head with the purple crystal inlaid in the star glass came in and saw Ye Tianxie. He ran in, slammed into his arms and hugged him hard. , buried the body deep in his chest.

"What happened to the star glass?" Ye Tianxie stroked her hair and said with a smile, was she left for too long, and made her feel flustered?

"Brother..." Star Glass made a weak voice: "I... well... scared..."

Her voice was very soft and very awkward, and there was a slight tremor in the vagueness. Ye Tianxie squinted and bent down and said: "Star Glass, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of those who are very scary? Come?"

"No...know...there..." Star Glass gave him such an answer with a difficult voice. "That is... afraid... heart... jumping well... fast... always... so scared... can't sleep ...oh..."

These magical soldiers who killed thousands of knives scared my star glass. Ye Tianxie cursed the mob of the Mozu, then took the body of the star glass and sat down on the bed, letting her lie in her arms, like a comforting baby: "Brother is Here, don't be afraid, the magic soldiers outside will soon be wiped out, everything will be quiet, rest assured."

"Well..." Star Glass weakened and promised, and buried his head in his chest. Two small hands grasped his clothes: "But me... still... yes... afraid."

Holding the small hand of the star glass, Ye Tianxie, who was about to talk, suddenly had a physical meal, because the small hand of the star glass was surprisingly cold and cold, and the cold was extremely abnormal. He looked down and found under the amethyst mask of the star glass. Zhang's tender face, clearly reveals a color that is not normal and pale.

Reaching out, pressing on the face of the star glass... The temperature of her face is equally cold like ice.

Ye Tianxie only noticed that it was wrong. He quickly took the star glass to the bed and covered her with a thick quilt. The eyebrows asked: "Star glass, are you cold or not?"

"...not cold...very scared..."

"Not cold?" The body is iced like this is not cold? Ye Tianxie's brows are getting tighter and tighter, and he slows down his breath. He said, "It's okay to sleep in the stars. If you wake up, you won't be afraid. Your brother is here and won't walk away."

"Well... brother..." She grabbed Ye Tianxie's palm with a pair of cold and tender hands, and put his hand on his chest, which closed his eyes. And Ye Tianxie’s body trembled again, his face was moving violently... The hand pressed against the chest of the star glass, he felt her heartbeat – whether it was the intensity of the heartbeat or the frequency of the heartbeat, it was almost normal. More than twice as many people!

"Star Glass, have you seen any terrible things recently? Is it because you saw the black clouds in the sky before?" Ye Tianxie said in a very gentle tone, in the ear of the stars.

"Heaven... Black clouds? I... I didn't see... terrible things... that... I was afraid... my brother, hug me..." Just closed the eyes of a starry glass and sat up again, arms Zhang I don’t want to let go of the body of Ye Tianxie.

She is really afraid of what... From her physical reaction, the fear she said is not a general fear, but a deep and deep uneasiness and fear.

And she said she didn’t know what she was afraid of, and she didn’t see anything terrible... just being afraid. And this situation?

Is it that it will encounter some kind of embarrassment and spontaneously generate an early warning? What is going to happen to her body?

Looking at a star that is shivering in the cold, the cat is generally forced to shrink into the arms of his own, and Ye Tianxie feels distressed. Star glass is by no means an ordinary girl, he will understand from the first day of seeing her. Although she lost her strength after annihilating the Qinglong, but she can even annihilate the strength of Qinglong, it is doomed that she can not stay so quietly and quietly around Ye Tianxie...

The anomaly of the star glass is like an imminent warning.

So... what exactly will it be? Or just think about it yourself, Star Glass is what is sick. After all, she is a person belonging to this world and will be sick.

By the body of Ye Tianxie, the chaotic heartbeat of Star Glass finally began to calm down. The inner turmoil and the growing inexplicable fear made her have not rested for many days, under quiet. She closed her eyes and just slept.

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