Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 997: Tree of pledge of death

Because of the disappearance of the Devil's Day, the retreat of the Devil, the pressure to resist the invasion of the Devil is getting smaller and smaller as the Demon's being destroyed. Therefore, the players in China can give more power to deal with the encroachment of the robbers. Foreign players in the city of China. There are many countries that invade China, and the number is quite large. However, the number of players in China is a terrible number. Especially the victory of the Souls of the Souls makes the intruders tremble, and the Chinese players are highly competitive. In the end, the magic soldiers are At the same time of rapid elimination, the forces of these invaders were gradually disintegrated. Eventually, the loss of the mainland’s air continued to sound the news that the invading forces in one area were completely destroyed.

Although these invading forces attacked very rushed, there was no huge flow of people who could gather a huge absolute impact. However, the timing of their choice was excellent. If the Devil's Day is not gone, it will be difficult to lose the mainland just to resist the invasion of the Mozu. Their arrival will make the Chinese players unbeatable in a short time. Breaking into the city. However, the Devil's Day has only lasted for less than two days, and the Chinese players who have been greatly reduced in pressure have gathered a lot to attack the Invaders. It has been a lot easier, and the news of the Chinese players is exciting one by one. I believe that it will not take long for all the magic soldiers to be destroyed, and all invading players who have lost their way to the mainland will be killed or expelled.

However, everyone is very clear in their hearts, even if the invasion ended, it is only a temporary end.

Without the national border, the lost continent has removed the strongest defense from the outside world, equivalent to a naked city without defense. This joint attack was launched only one day after the national border was broken. It is obviously a joint raid on the mainland’s chaos. There is not enough preparation and convening time. If they sincerely want to weaken the comprehensive combat power of the Chinese theater, then Next, after they have enough time, enough preparation, enough to grasp... will definitely come again, and more than this time!

What Huaxia players are most worried about is how to repair the lost borders of the mainland. However, as long as there is a little common sense players, you will know that this is harder than going to heaven.

However, it is the invasion of the magic soldiers, or the invasion of other players in the country, Ye Tianxie, and all the souls of the soul have been left in the heart. The moment when the Devil's Day disappeared, it was decided that these had ended prematurely. And the battle in front of Tianchen City, let the real soul of the corps mercenary group shock the world, the name of everyone in the group, are remembered by all the players who are concerned about which battle... Next, several consecutive In the week, the focus of countless players around the world is not the collapse of the borders of the Chinese nation, but the corps of mercenaries in China. From this moment, the soul of the heavens has become a mythical team recognized by the world. And everyone, has been crowned with the corresponding name... such as undefeated evil emperor, Tiandao Pluto, and the city of Shura. These names are mostly named after their profession. After all, the professions they have are unique, and the names of the professions represent their identity and strength. Of course, there are also different professions, such as...

The left-breaking army - the shield breaks through the thousands of troops, defends all the teams in the army with one's own strength to resist all attacks, unscathed, his defense and protection ability makes the numerous shields defend, so that countless shields are regarded as gods, Let countless powerful teams have the same red eyes as rabbits... If there is such a shield in their own team, it is not a hundred times more difficult to play b. In contrast, the root of the "first shield" in his own team is the slag. In the end, he was another person, a shield, like a miraculously pushed a huge army a thousand meters away, this scene, I do not know how many players' hearts tremble. Since then, he has been crowned the "Shield of the Sky" by the world's players. The shield that can resist even in the sky... This can be said to be the highest praise for a shield.

Murong Qiu Shui - Qiu Shui Yi Ren, one person double gun, just one and a half hours, killing a total of six thousand seven hundred people, this is a terrible number of people sweating. The fascinating appearance, the cruel murder picture... Thus, it is known as the "King of the Emperor."

Stuart and Situ's ruthless self-explosive body caused a huge range of devastating skills that will undoubtedly make all those who look at the scene unforgettable. The existence of both of them will make no matter how large the forces are facing this team of only eleven people. They have to fight. Because the two of them blew themselves, but they pulled 20,000 people to bury. Their title is the same as their profession - the devil's eye and the devil's claw.

Ye Tianxie’s “unbeaten evil emperor” and Meng Yuyi’s “Choucheng Shura” are no doubts, Ling Jie’s “Star Soul Juggernaut”, the wind’s “Drug Shadow Ghost”, Sophie’s “Sacred” Sacrifices are equal to the names of their professions. And the flower dream, it is the name of "Heavenly Emperor." "Heaven" is the soul of heaven, and "dream" is the name of her "dream". And the horror magic that she showed... the "magic emperor" is not an exaggeration! If it is not her natural weakness, there is a huge limit in this world. The daily combat time is very short. Otherwise, it is not too much to call the devil in the player.

After Star Glass fell asleep, Ye Tianxie quietly stayed with her for a long time before leaving silently.

He did not go to Liu Yuyue, but remembered a very careful thing in silence, using the empty magic ring, sensing the position and transmitting himself to an unknown place.

This place is in the southeast of the lost continent. It is an uninhabited wilderness. This place has not been visited before. It is at least a thousand miles away from the place in memory.

Ye Tianxie opened his eyes, and in front, it was a quiet, waveless lake, with a gentle breeze, but did not bring the slightest wave of the lake. His eyes turned, not far from his right hand side, a thick, withered old tree.

At first glance, this is indeed an old tree, more than one meter thick, ten meters high, the branches are rough and incomparable, if you die, you can't see any life. At first glance, the whole tree could not find any leaves, only dry trunks and branches.

Anyone who passes through here will regard it as a dead tree... Although it is a lake next to it, the theory should not be dry to death.

Ye Tianji reached out and found a small piece of things in the trunk... At the beginning, when he left, he posted a tracker,

If it weren't for this Miles Tracker, how could he not connect this dead tree with the tree of pledges that had risen in the blink of an eye two days ago, and was full of vitality, lush foliage, and the release of the green pledge of life? ,

Every time I realize a wish, I wish that the glass will disappear, and the tree of prayer will die with it? Ye Tianxie thought of it silently.

"Oh, Master, why are you coming here? Is there anything strange about this big tree?" The fruit flew two rounds around the dead tree of pledge, curiously asked.

"Stupid! This is the tree of pledge, the big brother is relying on it, only to find the moment of destiny, otherwise, you will never want to see the big brother when you are small." He also took it out and took out one. Put the lollipop in the mouth.

"You are a little bit!! Ah ah! It is a lollipop of fruit, not allowed to eat!!"

"Hey! This is what the big brother gave to you, it is not yours, right? Big brother." He did not show weakness and raised his lips.

"That is the fruit, the owner gave the fruit!! Hey... Master, she eats the lollipop of fruit, hehe..."

Ye Tianxie licked his forehead and said with a headache: "Okay, okay, what do you want to eat tomorrow, you will buy it for you, no more noisy... Hey, you are a sister, you have to let the fruit Don't quarrel with her."

"Well, okay." I laughed and laughed, sucking the candy, and proudly said: "I heard no, oh my sister, if you don Playing a small ass."

"You are not a small point... Hey, master, she bullies the fruit..."

Ye Tianxie: ╮╯_╰╭

Had no longer pay attention to these two tangled little luoli, Ye Tianxie went straight to the lake of prayer. The lake of pledge is really wandering. Two days ago, it was still on the edge of the town of the wind, but now it is a thousand miles away. Perhaps, it has a wonderful spirituality, which is seen by people. At the time, it is still. If it does not enter the sight of the creature, it will start moving in a way that ordinary people can't understand. As for how to move, it is even less known. And the movement of the praying lake is accompanied by the movement of the tree of prayer. Followed by the Wanli Tracker attached to the Pray Tree, Ye Tianxie found it here. Otherwise, the root is nowhere to be found.

He squatted by the lake, holding a handful of water, turned and sprinkled on the tree of prayer... Five seconds passed, ten seconds passed, half a minute passed, the miracle did not appear, the tree of prayer was still silent in death, nothing reaction.

"The tree of pledge is completely dead. Even if there is water that prays for the lake, it is impossible to live... I have heard a legend that the tree of pledge will die every time a wish is fulfilled. After death, it will take a long time to become a seed. Pray that the glass will disappear after use, and it will take a long and long time to re-grow in the pledge lake, roughly a thousand years or a million years. The look... It’s been a long time. Yes, this is what my sister told me.” He said in the ear of Ye Tianxie.

"..." Is it completely dead?

This result Ye Tianxie did not have any surprises. He regained the water of the praying lake, opened the eyes of the light dragon, looked at its attributes, and followed the rush of the blue phoenix, but did not have time to look at it. May the lake and lake have any magical power.

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