Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 998: Tree vine

The Lake of Prayer: The tears of the ancient **** Hesfield's life before the disappearance of the life fell on the lost continent, a hundred years later, formed a lake of pledges. Pour the lake of the Prayers Lake in the tree of prayer, and awaken the magical power of the tree of prayer.

This is an introduction to the Lake of Prayer, combined with the memory of Xiaolong, once again seeing the name "Hesfield", Ye Tianxie is no longer strange. According to legend, she was the daughter of the highest **** of the creation of the Protoss, with the power of the gods. The battle of the gods of that year, the creation of the Protoss seems to be led by this Hessian band, not the **** of the creation of the Protoss ... However, it is said that she was already the next king of the gods of the creation of the Protoss.

However, her record is nothing more than that. Later, she completely disappeared into the dust of history. What happened to her body, what happened, and no record. Ye Tianxie has only heard of this name. He also understands that a **** who can lead the gods of the world, her power and status are unquestionable, but there is no news behind her. Obviously, what is happening to her body The taboo thing, even history does not dare to record, therefore, the message about her disappeared in history, no one knows. The introduction of this lake of prayers clearly shows that... her ending is death. The lake of pledge is the tear that sheds after her death.

However, these natures have nothing to do with Ye Tianxie. What he cares more about is what the water of prayer will use.

The Water of Prayer: The lake of the Lake of Prayer is filled with the power of endless life and hope that is enough to cast God's level.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The introduction of the water of prayer is only a simple sentence. And this sentence, let Ye Tianxie look at it for a long time...

"Big brother, is there any strange place in this water?" Seeing Ye Tianxie looking at the water in his hand, he curiously drifted over and asked.

Ye Tianxie continued to look at it for a while before he looked up and suddenly smiled mysteriously: "It seems that the world will never have a lake of hope again."

“Hey?” He blinked his eyes.

Ye Tianxie no longer hesitated, took out the bottle of pureness, opened the lid, and turned to the lake of prayers in front of him.

The things he was worried about did not happen. The lake of prayer did not have the resistance to resist because of its magic. He began to condense into water drops under the magical power of pure bottles and poured into the bottles. The pure bottle absorbs the liquid in an infinite capacity, the different liquids are automatically separated and stored, and the absorption speed is quite amazing. The lake surface drops rapidly with a significant amplitude, and the drop is getting faster and faster.

The lake of pledge is much shallower than imagined. In a short time, the lake of the lake is prayed to be completely absorbed into the bottle of pure water. The bottom of the entire lake is exposed to the line of sight... The depth of the rice, and the entire bottom of the lake is smooth, such as earthy glass, people can not believe that it is normal land.

In this regard, the lake of this magical prayer lake was all collected into the pure bottle. Holding the pure bottle in the hand, Ye Tianxie can't help but worry about whether the lake will continue to carry forward the property that it can freely change position, and then run out of the bottle.

"Oh! Master, what do you want these lakes to do? Do you want to take a shower?"

Ye Tianxie’s foot is a slap... Take a bath in the lake that prays for the lake, and the fruit can be thought of.

"I don't know what to do now, but this is the lake that prays for the lake. It is not ordinary. Since you can breed seven-star lotus, if you use them to cultivate some aquatic plants, you may be able to cultivate very special. Things come." Ye Tianxie said. As for what the lakes of these prayer lakes will eventually be used for, there is already a vague concept in his heart.

After clearing the lake of the praying lake, Ye Tianxie’s attention turned to the praying tree.

The strange props he had at the beginning prayed for the tree thorns of the tree, and the tree vines of the praying tree were from the pledge tree, then the words of the pledge tree...

Praying for the tree, the vine leaves and the evil spirits have already seen it. There is only one tree vine, which is not long. It is exactly the same as the root that has been obtained before. Before the leaves are evil, they stretched out and tried hard, but they could not Your majesty. Ye Tianxie took a step back and took out the Shura demon sword and tried to go to the tree vines...

boom! !

With a soft bang, the Shura Demon Sword is heavily smashed in the tree vine... With the destruction attribute and attack intensity of the Shura Demon Sword, such a blow, the ordinary trees have long been cut off by the lazy, and there are many The two vines with thin fingers are like a piece of steel plate. The anti-shock force makes Ye Tianxie’s arms faintly painful, and raises the Shura demon sword... The tree vine root has no traces.

If it is so easy to be cut off, how can you trap a super master for a long time.

The tree of the pledge tree is also seen at a glance. It is about seven or eight meters high in the trunk. One left and one right are inserted into the two sides. Although it is only two spikes, its effect is quite amazing. ... piercing all the seals and enchantments, such a function he only saw on this side, in the novice village, it is even the barrier set by the creation **** to pierce. And with such ability, obviously, its hardness will only be higher than that of the tree vine, and it will not be weaker than the tree vine.

How to take it down...

Ye Tianxie thought for a little while, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind—the time was too long, and he had forgotten that thing.

Ye Tianxie quickly summoned a strange thing from his backpack... a small pliers with only the size of a palm and a strange shape.

Sheep Pliers: Grey Tai Yang is praying for the pliers on the lakeside of the Lake of Pray and named it Sheep Pliers. I don't know where it came from, or what material it is made of. The strange thing is that ordinary pliers can pinch things, it usually clips constantly, and ordinary pliers can't pinch things, but it can often be pinched off. Even the tree of pledges that cannot be destroyed is pinched off by the sheep and sheep tongs.

In the introduction of the tree vines of the praying tree and the tree needles of the pledge tree, it was marked that they were pinched off by this strange pliers, then...

Ye Tianxie opened the wings of the Chiyuan, floated up, picked up the tree vines of the praying tree, and clamped it with the sheep's tongs, and forced it down... a soft bang, even the vines that could not be damaged by the repairing demon sword Under such a clip, he was easily broken like a tofu, and was caught in the tree and fell into the hands of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie picked up the tree vines, received the backpack, and then flew again, and cut the two tree thorns with the sheepskin pliers. Although they are only two, they can exert almost miraculous effects if they are used in the most suitable place.

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