The ringing of the bell is very slight, but with a strange magical power, from the mind of Ye Tianxie, such as the clear spring without penetration, penetrates into the deepest part of his heart.

This is... the sound of the holy mark bell!

The small golden bell appeared automatically in front of Ye Tianxie, and the little Jinmang swayed in the line of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie reached out and gently caught the holy bell in his hand, a strange The induction was uploaded from the holy mark bell, straight through his mind and heart.

A familiar feeling, why do you suddenly feel that this holy mark bell is so familiar, as if you had it for a long time ago.

The power of the slightly swaying stigma in the body, and this wonderful feeling...

Is it...

Ye Tianxie lifted up, his eyes jerked, his body leaped, and he broke away from the sound of Kaka, shouting: "Kaka, change back to the original form!"

The voice of Ye Tianxie just fell, Kaka has been transformed in white light, and changed from the feathers of the ice to the shape of the short, stupid rogue rabbit. Ye Tianxie swiftly waved his hand and threw the holy trace bell to Kaka. The holy mark bell drew a standard parabola. The golden silk thread crossed the top of Kaka’s head, and the holy trace bell was hung up to the neck of Kaka. .

"Kaka, St. Mark - Abyss Knight!!"

At the moment when the sacred bell fell on Kaka, the sacred white light shone on its body. This light Ye Tianxie is familiar, but this is the illusion that he will appear every time he launches the magical change. At this time, it appeared on the body of Kaka.

The huge force is released, and the surrounding space is beginning to be distorted. It seems that it can break and collapse at any time. In the tremor of space, Kaka’s body is shrouded in the sacred light that is unique when launching the illusion... in this white Among the light, its body is rapidly expanding and deforming. It has grown to more than five meters in a blink of an eye, and the shape of a heroic person is fully formed. He wore a gray armor that resembled aged steel. At first glance, it was impossible to identify which metal it belonged to. This armor wrapped him from the upper body to the lower body, without a trace of ventilation. The armor is extremely heavy and the thickness is incredibly amazing. On the hand, a pair of equally singular armor wrapped the whole palm and five fingers. On the feet, it was a pair of heavy boots. On the head, it was a large helmet that completely covered the neck. Strictly, only in front, there are two holes that are the same size as the eyes... and these two holes are the only places in the whole body that are not closed. In addition, any other part of the body is wrapped tightly.

Heavy power hangs over the earth. The name of this power is called "guardian" - the **** of the guardian of the four magical gods - the abyss knight Long Yuan!

The dragon that was transformed by Kaka!

Long Yuan raised his hands and pointed at the sky. In a flash, the dark sky flashed a dark thunder, and the black lightning did not know where it came from. It fell straight down and fell on his hands. In the snoring, a huge black shield quickly formed in his hands. It was a square shield, four meters high, nearly three meters wide, traversing there, covering most of his body. There are no special lines on the shield, single black, flat square, excessive simplicity. The only special thing is the black and thunder that is constantly flashing and humming above the shield. This is the ultimate shield of the Abyss Knights - Eternal!

The heavy energy from the abyss knights enveloped most of the lost city, and his tall figure also trembled with the eyes of countless people. In particular, the well-informed lost emperor and other people are even more stunned and doubtful in their dreams.

"The guardian **** of the four gods of the Eudemons - the abyss knight. My eyes, have you spent?"

The incredible facts that have happened today are too many and too shocking, so that the lost emperors of the mainland and the most powerful beasts lost in the mainland are almost out of control. The guardian **** and the strongest shield that had perished 10,000 years ago lived in front of their eyes, and they could not believe their eyes.

What happened? ?

St. Marks: Take the power of the Holy Mark as the source, and use the bell of the Holy Mark as a medium to let the Holy Beast be free to use the power of the Holy Mark to make a magical change. The Stigmata beast is born of a holy mark, and is homogenous with the power of the holy mark. The illusion of the holy mark by the sacred mark will be more illusory than the owner of the sacred mark with the body of the "human". It will last longer and will not have any negative impact. At present, the illusionary form: the holy sword warrior - Carlo Nandis; the abyss knight - Long Yuan; the destruction of Shura - 琅琊, the blue magic emperor - 沧溟; the ultimate magical change -? ? ? ? (St. Mark's sacred level can be activated and can't be used at this time.).

St. Mark changed, this is what the heart of Ye Tianxie suddenly felt when the sound of the holy mark bell sounded. So he threw the holy bell to Kaka...

St. Mark changed, so it was so smooth. Long Yuan, who had been transformed by him, was realized on Kaka's body, and there would be no significant downgrade punishment that he had to suffer when he was illusory. Even the time of the illusion... it took an hour! ! This means that through this holy mark bell, Kaka can maintain a state of sacred mark for a whole hour every day! Compared with him, he can only change the tens of seconds each time, and he has to bear the huge punishment. The effect is not the same.

St. Marks, St. Marks Bell... The golden bell that was taken under the illusion of the sorcerer's remains on that day, it turned out to have such an amazing effect, it seems to belong to the St. Marks Kaka! Its appearance makes Kaka no longer a simple auxiliary mount, even the fighting ability, it also directly rises to the level of sacred!

There is no time to do extra sighs, Ye Tianxie in front of his fingers, yelling at Longyuan: "Kaka, now they are - the ultimate shield wall!!"

Long Yuan’s head lifted slightly, his eyes shrouded the seven-point black mang, which was approaching in front of him. In the loud noise of Ye Tianxie, his hand suddenly slammed out, and the eternity finally went away, flew to the front, and then A group of black light suddenly magnified, then zoomed in, and the distance between the moments was enlarged to a distance of more than a kilometer, and the space behind it was completely covered. In any corner of the lost city, you can see a huge wall of infatuation in the direction of the south of the city, and it has spread to the sky...

boom! !

boom! !

boom! !



The dark attacks of the Seven Regiments from the Ghost King all hit the shield wall. The dark power that exploded opened the Shield Wall with a slight tremor, but there was no defense that could break through the Shield Wall, so it was directly on the ground in contact with the Shield Wall. Burst open. Huge force fluctuations destroyed a small part of the area below the shield wall, but there was no trace of the rear of the shield wall.

A devastating disaster that almost came to an end will disappear.

Ye Tianxie quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and when the attention shifted, an angry fire burned wildly in the chest.

Ghost king...

Come, because of the star, he doesn't want to kill it to make everything irreconcilable. But the actions of the seven ghost kings just made him anger and ruined the heart of destruction.

With the empty magical beads moving instantly, Ye Tianxie reappeared in front of the ghost king who was all in a state of sluggishness. The appearance of the Abyss Knight and the ultimate shield wall just shook the entire lost city, and these ghost kings were not shocked again. They couldn't understand why the siege was a breeze, and there were several variables that made them unbelievable again and again.

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