"You, **** it!"

The mad attack of the Seven Ghost Kings did not receive the expected results, but it was the anger and killing of Ye Tianxie. Under his cold voice, above his neck, the seven-color dusk flashes, "Glory" adds, and all his attacks are turned into light attributes... The light attributes are the nemesis of these demons. Attacks are enough for them to double the effect.

"Go!!" In the face of the anger of Ye Tianxie and the power of the Holy Light released by the body, the final psychological defense of the Seven Ghosts finally collapsed. In the middle of the dark ghost king's scream, the seven ghost kings can no longer care for others, all withdrawing and retreating, rushing backwards at the fastest speed, and quickly condensing the dark forces in the escape, the strength is enough , you can immediately tear the space to complete the ultra-long-distance transfer, far away from this terrible human. It’s not that they are too weak, not that they are greedy and fearful of death, but that this person in front of him is too terrible, hit by his attack, and the root is too terrible than direct death.

"Want to go!?" Ye Tianxie sneered, the speed of these ghost kings is fast, but how is the Ye Tianxie under the sacred inflammation state, almost in a blink of an eye, Ye Tianxie has already caught up with them. Behind him, the moment of destiny is lifted, and the orange light of the second fate is released above the orange teeth.


In the fluctuation of the airflow, the darkness of the seven ghost kings disappeared in an instant. Under the "Devil's Devil", the body of the ghost king who was completely demonized fell directly from the air and landed heavily on the ground. The power of the Ghost King is pure darkness. You can't use the dark magic. They can't keep flying and floating postures, let alone use the dark forces to move quickly and shift space.

The ghost king who was forced to seal the demon is equal to being cut off with both hands and feet. In the face of Ye Tianxie, their physical attack ability is not even tickle.

The ghost king who landed was terrified, and when they found out that they could not use the dark power, they almost scared half of the soul. Don't talk about resistance now, they have lost even the power to escape, they can only watch the Ye Tianxie in anger getting closer and closer to them... but this is not all, right now, their eyes are in fear. Severe contraction...

Behind Ye Tianxie, a tall figure appeared. He has a dark gold armor. Perfectly covering the body, hands, feet, neck... On the head, it is a dark gold helmet of the same color. Under the helmet, it is a very incomparable, and the eyes of the man will be subconsciously revealing the face of awe. They are not familiar with this face. What makes them fear is the sword that he has in his hand. It is a very incomparable sword. The sword is five meters long and one meter wide. The sword is quite normal. Singular shape and complex carvings, but above the blade, a burst of sacred light is released.

Looking at the sword, the Seven Ghosts also thought of a name that would make any devil shudder inside - the holy sword: Elsidiion!

Kaka retracted the state of Long Yuan and turned into a holy sword, Carlo Nandis.

Caro Nandis's comprehensive strength is the most mediocre among the four illusions, but the sacred power he possesses and the sacred sword in his hand are the most feared things of these devils, and they are the biggest nemesis of these devils.

"Holy... Holy Sword!!"

"How is this possible! Holy Sword...not ruined thousands of years ago!!"

"That man... his appearance, his attire, and the sword in his hand... Is it that he was one of the illusions of the demon gods that year--the sword of the gods!? Just that we blocked the attack, is it true? Is the Abyss Knight and his ultimate shield?"

"Impossible... aren't they all dead yet!!"

"That is the holy sword, absolutely not wrong. Specially sanction our holy sword!"

The ghost king’s voice and heart are completely shuddering. Their pupils are sometimes magnified, sometimes shrinking, and without the ability to struggle and escape, they can only stare at the huge sacred sword so deadly. Among the four magical gods, the Holy Spirit is the most fearful of them. Before 10,000 years, it was the most demonized by him. Ten of the devils of the Mozu thousands of years ago, he killed seven. . Under the restraint of his divine power and the power of the Holy Sword, almost no half of the power of the devil can be released, fight with him, and always bear the uncomfortable feeling of burning the light. The Holy Sword has always been the most horrible sword in the Devil's mainland record.

"Oh, destroy them!"

For these ghost kings, Ye Tianxie has been unable to find reasons for mercy. Under his mind, Kaka’s illusion of the holy sword is the first action, his body moves forward, the holy sword is lifted, and the holy mantle shines up. Hit the "Sword of Heaven" to the position where the Ghost King is located. When the sacred mans shine on the ghost king, what is brought to them is undoubtedly the pain of purgatory fire.

boom! !

Under the sacred sword, a loud reverberation, the sacred light explosion brought by the sword of heaven, the seven ghost kings were shaken out in the screams, followed by the red lotus and the **** of the holy sword, from The fire of heaven was released from the holy sword, and the ruthless impact turned to the body of the seven ghost kings, so that they all fell into the burning of the fire of heaven. Let them use their own bodies to personally understand the terrible swords of the most terrible swords recorded in the Devil's Land.

The fire of heaven is burning with the body and soul of the ghost king. Even if the power is at its best, it can't bear it. Let alone the roots can't use the dark magic to resist. The tragic and violent struggles in the fire make those abominations. Their people can't bear it. The Holy Ghost War God will not know what mercy is. He will now only execute all the orders issued by Ye Tianxie, and ruthlessly sanction them with the holy sword in his hand. The divine power fell on them again and again... In contrast, Ye Tianxie’s attack was more terrible than his. Emperor Dragon God, Emperor Dragon God, Emperor Dragon God thorns ... every attack, will inevitably bring up one or more ghost kings screaming, and their roots of the dark power are not back, Powerful as they are, under the hands of Ye Tianxie and the Holy Sword, they are beaten like seven poor black mice... No, the mice can still escape, and they have no ability to escape.

On the other side, the demon bat still crouched on the ground, shivering in the body, never got up. Under the effect of the dragon, it will remain in this state for five minutes.

With Ye Tianxie's current attack intensity, and then attaching the ray attribute, one attack is enough to cause heavy damage to these ghost kings. The Seven Ghost Kings have been piled up together under the deliberate attack of the Holy Warrior, and they have not been smashed, so their attacks will inevitably kill all of them.

The terrible Seven Ghosts are so stunned, and the city that has been lost is already a shout of excitement. Under the magical city, the destruction is imminent. However, the person who appeared at the last moment has alleviated and reversed everything, and played the applause of the seven ghost kings who could not be defeated by the emperor, and let the horrible demon bat fall directly to the ground. They seem to come from a desperate **** to a bright paradise. Even the ghost king and the demon bat are so fierce, the Mozu, what else can be feared. Other demons, they are fully capable of human resistance.

And everything is saved, just a person... He is also the last person who solved the difficulty of the magical city... evil days!

Undoubtedly, the name of the "hero" and "God of War" of evil days will not be known in the true sense after today. His position on the lost continent may have to be directed to the position of the highest demon in the mainland of the devil.

"Too horrible, our head, how strong he is to be able to stop. I can't think of it, what method he used to reach the realm of this." In the distance, I have been watching Situ's moments here. Said.

"The answer is very simple, because my dear brother, he is not a mortal. On him, nothing happens to happen." Murong Qiuqi smiled and laughed, mysterious.

"At the moment, the lost city should be no danger. Now it is the performance time of the second brother." Zuo Dujun said, and then grinned: "Hey, the second brother is not famous for the mainland." Once defeated the seven ghost kings, even the most powerful beasts lost in the mainland will be willing to go down the wind. The second brother is not only the strongest player, but it is not good... Oh, it must be the strongest in the whole continent."

"That's still to say!!" Ling Jie said with a fist.

the other side……

"That's great... evil day, you let me, I really don't know how to thank you." The Seven Ghosts are so endless, although the lost city is not damaged, but now there is no crisis. He had not seen any hope before, and in a blink of an eye, the situation has turned upside down. Although he has been overestimating the ability of Ye Tianxie, he only knows at this moment that he is still greatly underestimated. He was grateful again, but fortunately he always treated him well. When he was in the chaos of the Star City, he did not punish him. Otherwise, if he had punish him because of the Star City... I thought of it, the lost emperor could not help but for a while. .

"Emperor, at this level, anyone who appreciates him should have no feelings. As for the reward... It is estimated that the city of our lost city will not be able to see the eye. Originally, the poor road still Worried that the advent of these different worlds will bring many unrest factors to our continent. Unexpectedly, it is this one of them who has saved us time and again." The pheasant said with exclamation. He turned to the emperor, just to speak, but found that his face was full of disappointment, and there was no expression of relaxation. Quickly asked: "The emperor's ancestors, look at your expression... Is there something wrong?"

The words of the pheasant, the eyes of other people turned to him.

Emperor Qian’s ancestors did not nod, nor shook their heads, and did not speak, but chose silence. Now he can't bear to say that cruel answer... because that name will make them fall from heaven to **** in an instant.

The Seven Ghosts are so embarrassed, the Devil Bats are defeated in seconds... That person, the most horrible demon, may appear soon!

At that time, it was real despair.

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