"The Emperor Dragon God is broken!"

"Dawn of Destruction!"

"Purgatory Dragon Dance is a crack!"

The uninterrupted attack continues to destroy the seven ghost kings who have collapsed. With the current attack intensity of Ye Tianxie, even if these ghost kings have a very high vitality, they can’t hold back much time, let alone add a completely restrained Holy Sword God of War. In the joint attack of Ye Tianxie and the Sword of the Sword, the vitality of the Seven Ghosts descended at an alarming rate, dropping to two-thirds, falling to half, then to one-third...and to the dying edge.

The cheers of the urban people in the lost city are getting louder and louder, and they are waiting for the moment when the seven ghost kings are destroyed. After the Seven Ghosts, it will surely be the demise of the huge bat. These terrible devils who had made them desperate before, now have no fear in their eyes.

boom! !

boom! !

"Dragon Soul Roar!!"


It was another roar of the dragon soul, and all the seven ghost kings were fainted. Perhaps for them now, fainting is a relief, because the pain of the attachment of Ye Tianxie to them makes them feel like purgatory, and the roots cannot bear it. The roar of the dragon soul made them all dizzy, and they also killed their lives to less than one tenth. Looking at all the seven ghost kings who fell to the ground, Ye Tianxie slowly narrowed his eyes, and the low voice overflowed from his lips: "All... Go to hell!!"

"Emperor Dragon Gods, Sky Fury!"

The strength of the Golden Dragon God is second only to the strongest destruction of the Dragon Soul, and the first use is given to these ghost kings. In his low voice, the golden dragon soul light appeared on him, and spread quickly, covering the surrounding area of ​​300 meters - including the seven ghost kings who lost consciousness and the demons that have never been moved. bat.

The Emperor Dragon Goddess, the lethality is equivalent to the super-wide version of the ultimate dragon soul spurs, but also attached a state of long-term defense down to zero. At the current situation of the seven ghost kings, when the wrath of the sky is launched, they will be the end of the group.

It was also at the last moment when the seven ghost kings were about to be destroyed, and the people who Ye Tianxie had been waiting for finally appeared.

A huge suffocation, the power of the indescribable power of the roots in the moment has shrouded the entire lost city... No, it covers the entire sky and the earth.

For a moment, Ye Tianxie's face changed, the face of the city people changed, the faces of the players changed, and the face of the lost emperor changed... All the people were at this moment, completely stopped. Breathe.

The clouds on the sky stopped flowing, the wind stopped whistling, and the air completely stopped flowing, as if everything had become absolutely static under the pressure of this power.

"This...this...what is the power...how can there be such a huge force..." The body of the lost, calm and calm, was trembled, and the voice was almost in trembling. When the force suddenly released and shrouded the city, his breathing stopped, and even the heart seemed to have stopped beating... It seems that the soul of the whole person was suppressed by this huge unbelievable force. And go.

"This...what power is this! Impossible... How can there be this level of power in this world? Such power... even gives me the feeling that I can destroy the mainland and destroy the heavens in an instant... No! No Maybe! How can this power exist? Is this the power from? Is it nature? No... Is it the power of life?"

Even the lost emperor is so unbearable, let alone the priests. His whole person's face became pale and he spoke. At this time, it is suppressed in his body and heart, covering the power of all the space around him. The hugeness is far beyond his cognition... At least, in the history of mankind, there has never been such a power. Impossible. Because, that is clearly a huge force that can destroy the heavens and the earth... an infinitely catastrophic power.

On their side, the emperor's ancestors changed their faces. He stared at the sky in the south, and his mouth stunned and shuddered: "Impossible... the demon of the year, the roots have no such terrible power... Is it true? , from the devil of the heavens, is it stronger than it was a million years ago... and, it’s still a few times stronger... No, it’s a whole class...this...no...can... …can……"

"Dragon ancestor, what are you talking about? Do you know where this power comes from?" The lost emperor turned and asked in extreme repression. This power that did not know where it came from made him feel that the sky seemed to have collapsed and was sinking heavily on him. Although he understands that this is only a sense of oppression in the heart, it makes him feel so real that his body seems to be crushed and crushed into pieces. Such a terrible power of breath, never seen before, never heard of it... I never even thought about it.

"Magic...God..." The emperor's ancestors opened their mouths, and they spit out two words.

"What...what?" The lost emperor and other people were all physically shocked. The lost emperor’s eyes were so big that he twisted his face and asked: “Devil... Which demon!”

"The devil of the mainland, there will always be only one demon... God..." Emperor Qian’s ancestors closed their eyes and said slowly.

At that moment, the face of the lost emperor became paler than white paper.

Such a terrible force...

The name of the devil god...

All the strength of the lost emperor was taken away in an instant. He felt as if he had fallen from heaven to **** at once, and it was a deeper and more horrific than a thousand years of purgatory abyss... his body swayed and leaned forward. Go down. The name of the devil, the power of the devil... This is the nightmare that is now lost in the mainland and can’t be resisted anyway... a big miracle, a nightmare that cannot be reversed...

The whole lost city is quiet, such a huge city, at this time, it is quiet like a ghost field, almost no breathing can be heard. The demon **** has not yet appeared, just the strength of the outside, so that everyone in the city has smelled the end of the day.

"This is... the power of the demon god?" Ye Tianxie's body was stiff in the air, his face whitening. As for the rumors of the demon god, he listened too much. When she destroyed the five saints and the goddess of life, one person destroyed the illusionary orcs, and the power of the four illusion gods and the four sacred devices blocked her. No one can doubt and Denied her extreme power. Ye Tianxie has estimated her strength more than once... The four magical gods and the four holy devices can only block her. Her strength should be enough to simultaneously fight with five or even more than five sacred powers without losing. This kind of strength, in view of human history, in addition to her, there is no second person.

This kind of strength, with his ability to attack beyond the sacred level, is not without the possibility of a war.

However, feeling the strength of this power, he found that he was completely wrong... the wrong is extremely outrageous, the power of the demon, too far from the deviation of his estimation. This stock can't even breathe. The body is as powerful as the power of the iron plate... Its strength class, the root far exceeds the sacred level, reaching a realm that can overlook and defy the sacred. The strength of the sacred sect will be almost impossible to threaten it...

Even the body that burns the sacred inflammation is deeply impressed by its own strength, and how weak it is...

Is this the power of the devil?

How could it be so terrible...

This is the power that even nature can't compete against!

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