Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1193: National War II

Ye Tianxie took a look at the time and said: "Let's go. Little dream, star glass, this is the brand that is sent to there. Although you don't belong to the player, the use of this brand does not limit identity, it should be the same as us. Go straight there."

Ye Tianxie will give Xiao Meng and Xing Li the two extra cards that will be taken from the left-handed army. Let Xiaomeng follow, because she agreed to her capricious request a few days ago, and let the star glass follow, it is because of the words of dreaming. The hunch of the dream of dreaming has never been unsuccessful. In order to be foolproof, he decided to bring the star glass with her ability to kill all the bad accidents that occurred in this destiny world.

"Ah! Oh, you don't want to let Star Glass participate in the competition? That's too... too..." Looking at Ye Tianxie, the transfer card was placed in the hands of the star glass, and the left broke the army. Who is the star glass? Instant seconds, the devil, the power of no one can! She waved her hand casually, and the entire lost continent was shaken a little. If she went to the competition, the world-class masters of those players would not have the qualifications to struggle.

Ye Tianxie’s mouth is awkward: “Of course not, Star Glass just came with us. In addition, although Xiaomeng and Xingju can get there like us, they are not players and they are not qualified to participate in the competition. The game is also impossible... Well, time is coming, go."

After that, Ye Tianxie picked up the transfer card, his eyes were slightly stunned, and the first one was sent away.

The central island, located in the center of the eastern continent and the western continent, is surrounded by water and is not affiliated with any country. It is a completely isolated island. The battlefield of this country is on this central island.

"Hey... the participants of the Huaxia Theater ‘Evil Day’ entered.”

"Oh... the participants in the Huaxia Theater ‘Shield Breaks the Thousand Army’.”

"Oh... the participants of the Huaxia Theater ‘Su Diyanyu’ entered.”



Every contestant enters the venue and a beep will sound on the spot. From the official start of the game and the last few minutes, the stadium has already arrived at many world-class powerhouses. Most of the strong players are arrogant or arrogant. Although there are already thousands of players present, except for the prompt tone, The strangeness is quiet, there is no conversation between each other, and when the name of evil days sounds, everyone's eyes are instantly concentrated in the area of ​​the Huaxia Theater.

Participants in each participating area will be transferred to the appropriate area and will be marked with the corresponding theater. Twelve people, such as Ye Tianxie, appeared almost at the same time, and then they were instantly locked by countless eyes.

When I heard the word "Huaxia", the Chinese players who were waiting in the tension also took a long sigh of relief and played the last moment. They really made them feel scared for a while, because once they were late, they would give up the qualification. . When I saw the evil days, the whole Huaxia was brought up by the sound of the film... They have countless reasons to believe that as long as there are evil days, no matter the group or the individual, the first one will definitely not belong. Other countries!

When Zuo Bianjun and others just appeared, they frowned at the same time. They felt the gaze of countless eyes around them... The debates between the nations and the peaks of the world’s peaks in the fate of the world, the strength of the players who came here is far better than the Magic Wu Conference they have participated in twice. From the gaze that falls on them, they are enough to judge. At the same time, with the eyes of so many powerful people, they even have a feeling of depression that is not breathing well. And these gaze, naturally, are not good eyes... even the eyes of hatred.

This time, the debates between the countries, China is inevitably the most concerned country, because the evil days of China are any country, a mountain that no player can cross, there is him, the game has not yet begun, this time the champion has already advanced initiative. At the same time, because of the things he had done before, hatred and fear of evil days are even more numerous. The atmosphere of this country’s debates is destined to be very different from the past.

Under such an atmosphere and the gaze of so many world-class powerhouses, even the most self-sufficient Murong Qiushui and Situ Qiao suddenly frowned, apparently feeling great pressure. The left-handed army glanced around and whispered: "As we expected, it will become a focus... Hey, if they know that the second brother will not go to the game, I don’t know what it will be. I am overjoyed, still feel that I have been despised?"

No one will doubt that if the evil day is played, then he will inevitably be the most prominent protagonist on the court.

"In the past, I never thought I could participate in this competition... This is a national competition, a world-class competition!" Sufifi leaned on Ye Tianxie, excited and nervous shouting. It is her dream to be able to participate in the most peak of the fate world together with Ye Tianxie.

"I am also... I am Lingjie, but I can also represent Huaxia to fight in various countries, just like dreaming!" Ling Jie excitedly clenched the grasshopper sword in his hand again and again.

"This is the arrangement of fate, let us meet the dear head. I have been thinking, if we did not meet the head of the team, where is it now? Will it still be the same as before, like a lonely soul Ghosts walk around without any target.” Situ, a slight smile, said. Ye Tianxie is the person who changed his life. He will never forget.

"Come on, even if the second brother does not play, even if we only have nine people, we must also get the first, there is no reason to lose!" Zuo Bianjun called the imperial round, blocked in front of him, whispered. Each of them has a burning conviction and fighting spirit in their hearts, each with determination and confidence to win. As he said, with their strength, they have no reason to lose!

When the sound of the left-breaking army fell, the sound of the ethereal sounds on the center of the island: "Oh... It’s already at nine o'clock in the morning. The first world of the fate world has officially started. Welcome everyone who comes to the competition, first introduce each Participating countries and participating players, the Canadian theater representative team has entered the stadium, a total of 12 participants, the Murray Theater representative team has entered, a total of 12 participants, the Gard Theater representative team has entered, a total of 12 participants..."

The system prompt tone lasted for a long time. There were 160 countries participating in the debates of the countries, and almost all of the participating countries were present at 12 people. When the number of players in China was only 10, it did not cause any loss. The maximum number of participants for 12 people is one less for one person, and one for less than twelve. It is either an unexpected delay or an excessive expansion of self-confidence or a problem with the brain. The ten-man lineup of China is obviously the second. And only China, sending such a lineup of less than 12 people will not make people feel a sense of trust, because there are evil days in the team of ten people, even if he is alone to participate in the competition, with his strength Which team can block! ?

After the completion of the announcement, it took a while to state the lengthy opening words, and then the rules of the game:

"The debates between the countries of the ... will be divided into two phases. The first phase will be a group warfare in a theater. The team warfare will be conducted in a rotating manner by the participating teams, and the best results will be decided according to the winning and losing games. The two sides of each game are randomly selected by the system and cannot be customized, and the same player cannot repeat the game..."

The rules of the game have not yet been read, and the world is already in awe.

Because, the rules of the team battle are different from the previous ones!

In the past debates in various countries, the team battle is that all the players on both sides play at the same time, and teammates cooperate with each other to attack each other, first win the opposite opponents. This kind of competition rules has been used by countries in the debate. In such a team battle, the decisive factor is no longer just personal ability, coordination, tacit understanding and tactics are equally important.

The group wars of the debates in the countries were carried out in a way that the two players played in turns. During the game, the system will draw one player on each side to carry out pk. After winning and losing, then randomly select two other players to perform pk. If so, the winner will win more. In short, this team battle will be the root. It is made up of individual battles and is completely different from the team battles that players are familiar with. In addition, the number of matches is equal to the number of players with the least number of players. For example, if both players are 12 players, the game will be played in 12 games. If there are 12 players and 10 players, then 10 games will be played. If the two sides draw a draw, the two sides will appoint one person separately, and the match will be decided.

This unprecedented controversy over the unprecedented rules of the group warfare. Above the arena, those who participated in the competition were surprised first. As a result, many people’s faces showed an intriguing smile, while Zuo Bianjun and others were slightly frowning.

"How could this be the rule? Such a group has no teamwork factor, and it is no longer a group battle... And why do I have a feeling that this rule is specifically for us." Zuo Bianjun whispered .

"Okay, in fact, I also have this feeling, because I think from any aspect... at least in the eyes of outsiders, this rule is the most unfavorable to us." Murong Qiuqi snorted and said.

"According to the previous rules, as long as the head of the regiment goes to the station, and then slightly touches the finger, the other party will die all the light, oh... and now the rules, dear head can only be on the last person, even if That opponent is defeated, but it is only one game. In ten games, they can beat us in six of the other nine games, instead of having a half chance of winning the game like the original one. "Stuart was half-squinted and said without hesitation." His eyes swept swiftly around, and his mouth slightly smirked.

"Rules, is it important?" Ye Tianxie's look has not changed, calmly said.

"No, it doesn't matter at all." Murong Qiuyan reached out his finger and clicked on his red lips. The corner of his mouth curled up with a beautiful and dangerous arc: "Because the Chinese team is not only the second brother, but also us!"

After moving in the past few days, I finally settled down, almost cumbersome. 】

Should be edited by adults, on the 10th of the day there will be a big outbreak in mobile wireless, please see the vertical and horizontal home page announcement... is mobile wireless! Ok, squinting, desperately codewords go. 】

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