Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1194: National War III

The rules of the group battle have caused utter sorrow and controversy around the world, as well as many incomprehensible. Because such a rule root is out of the core elements of team operations, the essence of teamwork is not reflected at all. The biggest controversy is undoubtedly Huaxia. According to the previous rules, there is no evil in the Huaxia theater. There is no possibility of failure. However, such a rule will greatly reduce the contribution of the evil team in the whole team. Only to provide one-tenth of the contribution to the team, but also to make the original "winning" become uncertain, many people are faintly aware that this seems to be because the evil individual's personal ability is too strong, the system intelligently judges and The new rules that are relatively fair are generated. Otherwise, how can the rules of the group battles be completely broken.

Compared with the off-court, the players who participated in the game seemed to be more calm, and many people's faces even showed a satisfactory look. Those who can come to this arena are not the top super-powers in a national war zone. Some of these strong players are lonely lone rangers, some of them have their own huge team, and few are usually people who gather together. Compared with cooperating with others, this kind of war is more acceptable to them. At the same time, they naturally know that under such rules, even if they encounter the Huaxia Theater, they are not hopeless.

"Star glass, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Tianxie has always been holding the small hands of Star Glass and Xiaomeng, but at this time, he suddenly discovered that the palm of the star glass was actually a cold piece, and it suddenly became cold.

Star glass was a little bit stunned. After a little while, I shook my head gently: "I don't know, it's just that my heart suddenly jumps... I don't know why, that is... I feel that there may be something special after the meeting. occur……"

After whispering, Xingli has subconsciously leaned his body against Ye Tianxie, and his hands are firmly clinging to his arm, not only her hand, her whole body, Inexplicably there is a strange sense of coldness.

Ye Tianxie frowned. Who is the star glass? Her strength is enough to surpass any creature in this world, a true god, a true God! Can let her suddenly give birth to this abnormal reaction, Ye Tianxie can not be secretly scared. He vaguely knows that this is a dangerous warning that a very powerful person will emerge when he is about to encounter danger. This feeling has been repeated many times in his life, and this dangerous warning has saved him many times.

The sentence that Hua Meng dreamed gradually emerged in his mind...

Is there a person in the world who can pose a threat to the star glass! ?

And this person... is on this central island, or nearby! ?

Ye Tianxie quickly looked up, his eyes swept through the audience like electricity, but he didn't feel any breath that would make him feel dangerous, even if he could not cause a slight threat to him... or, It is enough to make the power of the star glass produce the power of early warning, and his roots have no ability to sense it.

"Brother." A scream, interrupted Ye Tianxie's thoughts, Xiao Meng pulled his hand, looked up, and looked at him nervously.

"What's wrong, Xiaomeng, is it not uncomfortable?" Ye Tianxie returned to God and looked at the look of a small dream. He gave a slight glimpse and quickly bowed his head and asked. What is presented on the face of Xiaomeng is clearly a panic.

"I... my heart suddenly jumped fast, I felt a little scared. Brother, is there a lot of bad people here? Otherwise why am I really scared... I always feel that there are some bad things. Will happen."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ye Tianxie only noticed that some of the usual little dreams that have been lively and lively have been quiet since coming to this arena. Before that, I didn’t even speak. Ye Tianxie lightly grasped the hand of Xiaomeng, just want to comfort her, and suddenly found that her little hand, also came with obvious coolness.

"It's okay, even if something bad happens, my sister and I will protect you. Little dream, didn't you sleep well yesterday? If you still feel uncomfortable, go back and have a good sleep. "Ye Tianxie dwarfed his body and said softly.

Xiaomeng resolutely shook his head: "I don't want to! I don't want to be separated from my brother. I want to look at my brother. Hey... There are brothers and sisters in the glass, even if there are bad people, I am not afraid at all."

Xiaomeng reveals a lovely and innocent smile, and Ye Tianxie also smiles with a smile, and his heart is getting heavier and heavier.

What is hidden above this quiet arena! Why star glass and small dreams will have a similar reaction. Star Glass has the power of God, and the little dream... As Pross said, she is also likely to be a "God" from another world. The similar reaction from the two girls with the body of God is really Just by chance?

The system sound on the field continued, and after reading the rules, I began to introduce the rewards of this game.

"...Because there are more battlefields, each game in the team battle rules will take a lot of time, so the game will directly adopt a relatively brutal elimination system. Once the battlefield is defeated, it will go out directly. The team battle rewards are as follows: The champion team's theater honor value is +800, the participating players' personal reputation is +1200, level +2, lucky, charm, and savvy +2, bonus 50w gold coins, and each won a golden honor badge. The runner-up team's theater honor value +500 The participating players' personal reputation is +800, level +1, +1 for luck, charm and savvy, 200,000 gold coins, and one silver honor badge. The third place is in the theater honor value +300, the player's personal reputation +500 , 100,000 gold coins, and each won a bronze medal badge. The fourth to tenth place in the theater honor value +100, the player's personal reputation +300, bonus 10,000 gold coins."

This group battle has no qualifiers or group matches, but directly in the form of the most brutal knockouts. Such rules once again lead to a wide range of controversies. But this is the rule set by the system, no one can change it. Soon, people are attracted by the rewards that follow. The rewards of the debates in the countries have always been extremely rich. Compared to the team battle, the reward of personal warfare is even more eye-catching, because the winner of the championship at that time, it is likely to be the priceless treasure of the gods.

"Oh, the rules that make people tangled, if the two strongest teams accidentally met in the first game, it would be a gorgeous scene to make people break." Stuart shrugged his shoulders. Said with a swaying body.

"Oh... the first world war of fate world officially began, the first game will be held after five minutes. Now, please participate in the random number of the venue number."

The prompt tone fell, and in front of the participating teams in each theater, a silver sign slowly descended from the air. Ye Tianxie took a step forward and took the sign in his hand. Zuo Bianjun and others immediately rushed together.

The number on the sign: 1 - a.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"No!! The first game is our game! This luck seems too good~~Let's go." As soon as I saw the number, Situ was shouted out with a fuss, and the players around him were watching. 1 - a, meaning they are the a side of the first game, the opponent, will be 1 - b. This opponent will be...

"Oh... the number plate has been issued, please confirm the competitions of the players in each theater. The first match has been confirmed, a group of a Chinese theater - vs - a group of b Russian theater, due to China There are only ten people participating in the theater, and the two sides will conduct 10 games. Players from both countries will draw the number plates and prepare for the competition."


Countless Chinese players and Russian players spurted out on the spot.

The Russian-Russian theater, the previous session, and the previous one, as well as the previous one, are the runner-ups of the national warfare group warfare. Their comprehensive strength is second only to the United States, especially the Russian Red God. "With the "Red Devil", it is already the pinnacle of the world that has long been known in the world. The fame is much earlier than the Momo and the Blood Demon. The Russian team they lead is undoubtedly a very strong team, each of which is a peak powerhouse with a resounding world title. In addition to losing to the United States, it can be easily swept by any opponent.

Huaxia Theater, currently the most powerful theater in the world of fate, although this time only ten people participated, it is recognized as the most likely team to win, because they not only have evil days, but also players around the world. No one knows the shield of the heavens, the Shura of the Allure, the demon of the Emperor, the Sacrifice of the Sacred, the Sacred Spirit of the Stars, the Shadow of the Ghost, the Devil's Claw, the Eye of the Devil, and the seldom appearing, but it was almost evil. The heavens are defeated - the Holy Spirit!

It was such two teams that met in the first game. If this is a qualifier or a group match, but this time, it is a tough knockout, which means that these two very strong teams, one in the first game must be out.

"Our luck, it is not normal." Situ was so screaming, helplessly said.

"A very strong and strong opponent, especially the red **** of war and the red war ghost, the root is two metamorphosis." Ling Jie said.

"If you are on them, can you have a chance to win?" Ye Tianxie looked at him and said casually.

Ling Jie stunned, and then thought about it, biting his teeth and said: "If you run into a red war ghost, about six points, if you run into the red **** of war... probably... probably..."

Situ was taking a step forward, and a slap in the head of Ling Jie’s head, said with a smile: "Hey, rest assured, you are not so unlucky to run into these two, this powerful opponent, of course, by your more powerful moment Brother to deal with, oh hehehe."

"Choose the number of the exit." Among the souls of the heavens, the ability to single-handedly, Ling Jie is undoubtedly ranked in front, and even he is so unsure, which shows how powerful the Russians are. Ten labels without digital display appeared in front of them. Ye Tianxie first took one. When I got it, a number immediately appeared on it.

"I am the first one." Zuo Duanjun threw the label and moved his shoulders. In the blink of an eye, the whole body was already mad. The first game faced the Russian state, which will certainly not be an easy confrontation... But he is even more convinced that he will never lose.

"No. 6." Ye Tianxie shook his number in his hand.

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