Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1195: The four countries debate


"Fifi, Yu, what about you?" Ye Tianxu asked.

Meng Yuyi put the wooden sign in front of his eyes, the number above is awesome -3.

"I am the seventh, just behind the evil spirits." Sufifi said with a smile, it seems that the order of the ability and Ye Tianxie is very close.

"It seems that I should have no chance to play." The wind is so depressed that he will lose the wooden sign. He is the only one with the number two on it.

The order of appearance was confirmed. No. 1 left-breaking army, No. 2 Lingjie, No. 3 Meng Yuyi, No. 4 Murong Qiu Shui, No. 5 Flower Dream, No. 6 Ye Tianxie, No. 7 Sufifi, No. 8 Situ Ruthless, Nine No. Situ, the wind is on the 10th.

"Hey... There is a final minute from the first game. Please prepare the players from both countries to prepare for the match. The list and the match between the two sides are now announced."

The first game: Shield breaks thousands of troops - vs - does not move Pluto

The second game: Shadow Star Spirit - vs - Blood Shadow

The third game: Meng Yuyi - vs - blood butcher

Game 4: Qiu Shui Yi Ren - vs - the dance of the sky

Game 5: Dreaming (name) - vs - the voice of God

Game 6: Evil Days - vs - Immortality



Ye Tianxie only saw the sixth game and he didn't look any further because he was convinced that the game after the sixth game would not appear.

"Ah! No, no, no! My opponent is actually the war ghost, the war ghost!!" Ling Jie mourned. He is the second to play, his opponent is the red-colored war ghost in Russia's strongest "god ghost" - blood shadow!

"Hey! Juvenile, don't show this expression, just a little war ghost, but I remember that you still shouted yesterday to enter the final game with a full victory, this is only the first game. Are you deliberately letting your elder brother despise you?" Stuart patted Ling Jie's head and said slowly.

"But, that is the war ghost... the second master of the Russian state..."

"You will win." Ye Tianxie's short and calm words interrupted Ling Jie's words. Ling Jie stunned and then knocked on his head. Some embarrassed smiles: "I heard a lot of his rumors at a very young age. I still had a little bit of worship, so I suddenly want to be with him. Still a little nervous..."

"He is a red war ghost. You are the star soul sword saint. In the beginning of the army, the people of the Eastern Emperor of the Sui Dynasty were destroyed. Your current reputation is not smaller than him. Let's be a little bit. Juvenile, you are too tender. If you are unlucky, you can talk to the No. 6 on the Russian side. His opponent is our dear head." Stuart said with a sigh.

"Since the evil spirit brother said that I can win, then I can definitely win, okay..." Ling Jie slammed his fist with force: "Now I am different from the previous one, I have already surpassed it." Brother, is the world's strongest team of the soul of the mercenary group, even if it is a red war ghost, I will ... will certainly defeat, will definitely!"

the other side……

"It seems that our luck is not good." The first game suffered from China, even the powerful Russian team, the heart is difficult to calm for a long time. If the first game fails... that is absolutely unacceptable to them.

"The evil day is a defeat. The old ghost, your opponent is the star soul sword saint. I have read some information about him. The heads-up ability is very strong. Once locked by his attack, it will be He has no ability to struggle under his attack. How many odds do you have for him?" A middle-aged man with an extremely tall body, a rough face, a beard and a thick red armor said. He is the first master of the Russian state in the world of famous earthquakes, the red **** of war - blood butcher.

"His heads-up ability is really strong, but don't forget my name... I am a warlord! His sword, don't want to touch me with a hair... It's you, your opponent, but that beautiful and dangerous The woman, rumored that she was a one-person slaughter, and left without any injury, the name of the city Shura, you and I have already been as good as ever." A skinny short man said sullenly.

"Hey, a woman only, I think I have never lost to a woman's consciousness." Blood Tu turned and looked at a young man with a tangled face: "flame, don't think too much, lose to evil days. It’s me who is shameful, and it’s impossible to beat him.”

"I understand." The man who was called the flames shrugged his shoulders helplessly. He was the one in the Russian team who was an evil person. When he saw his opponent was an evil day, he knew that his game was inevitable. It is soy sauce.

"Oh... The first game of the first World War of the Destiny World officially began. Please enter the first two players."

"Hey, I went." The left-handed army had a finger on it, and it had already appeared on the big athletic platform. It looked very relaxed and there was no nervous or awkward look. Shou, the opposite of him, a man with a giant shield, the tall man at the age of 30 appeared... his figure is no less than the little giant left the army!

"Do not move Pluto, its real name is Pavel, this year just turned 30 years old, seven years ago has been famous in the world, four years ago, was sealed as the 'European first shield', this title, so far no one can He took away in his hand." Murong Qiu Shui said in the ear of Ye Tianxie. He knew that Ye Tianxie had no knowledge of his opponent's information and he was too lazy to know.

"Oh? Europe's first shield?" Ye Tianxie came to interest.

"Yes." Murong Qiuhui nodded. Then, his face showed a charming and dangerous smile: "Unfortunately, he encountered this time, but deservedly - the world's first shield!"

This game is the confrontation between China and Russia, which is enough to be surprising... and their first game is exactly the match between shield and shield! One is the long-established European first shield recognized by European players. The other is the world-famous world of the previous period. It is called the first shield of the soul of the shield of heaven. What are the results of the defense-based powerhouses and their duel?

"叮... Shield breaks thousands of troops, level: 86, occupation: overlord - vs - does not move Pluto, level: 86, occupation: the patron saint of the temple, the game begins!!"

When the “beginning of the game” sounds down, all the players who are watching here are holding their breath at the same time.

The shield of the heavens, a man who had been subjected to all the attacks of the soul of the heavens in the army of one thousand troops, but never fell, and did not let the people who protect his teammates fall, one will be thousands of horses A person who has retreated a thousand kilometers away. His name of "the arrival of the sky" is well deserved. The patron saint of the temple, the Russian state, and even the guardian of the gods of Europe as a whole, he is like a shield of God that will never be defeated, and the same can be stood among the thousands of horses. Their defense and vitality can be imagined. At the same time, as an extreme defensive occupation, they have no attack ability. If they attack each other, then the damage caused may not be able to keep up with the speed of mutual recovery. No one can pinch the other side for a short time.

Therefore, in the eyes of the players, this game is destined to be a protracted battle.

But is it true?

"The shield of the sky, long-awaited name. Then, let me see today, who is the real first shield!"

boom! !

A huge shield appeared in front of the unmoving Pluto, and its size was no less than the royal reincarnation of the left-wing army. It was also a shield of both hands. The two-handed shield can put the defensive ability to the limit, but there will be no way to use the weapon, which will determine... the shield hits and becomes the only attack method.

"let's start."

The imperial reincarnation was called out by the left-wing army, and the same two-hand mode was used. When he did not move his head to call out his shield, he already understood what he wanted to do.

With their own attacking ability, they can't pose any threat to each other. Both of them know well. Then... just use the collision to decide the outcome! !

"Come on!! Oh!!"

A low-pitched explosion, unmoving Pluto holding a shield, voluntarily rushed to the left-breaking army, as he ran, a huge wave of rushed to the left-breaking army... At that moment, all concerned about the game The players seem to have seen a hill rushing to the left to break the army. The left-handed army did not move, and the two hands clenched the shield, facing the huge golden shield, and slammed it up.

boom! ! ! !

It was a bang that violently exceeded the expected collision of all people and swayed the human eardrum. All the players on the scene clearly felt the slight vibration of the ground under their feet.

This is the collision between the Shield of Heaven and the first shield of Europe. It is the full collision of the world's top shields. This simple collision makes the world feel the mood and makes all the shield players pay attention to it.

Such a fierce impact, perhaps a hill can fly, hit a normal player or monster, I do not know how far to fly. However, the two shields on the stage were in collision. Under the huge impact force and anti-shock force, their bodies were fixed on the stage, and there was no one step back.

"Too... too powerful, the arena is almost shattered, and the two of them actually did not retreat. Two non-human guys!" Ling Jie said with a big eyes, I thought about myself being hit by such an impact. He couldn't help but hit a beggar.

"So, what will the result be?" Murong Qiu Shui played with the world of bliss in his hands, staring at the two men on the stage, slowly said.

After the collision, the two men's shields were glued together, screaming. Five seconds passed, ten seconds passed, twenty seconds passed, half a minute passed, and two people still did not take a step back. After the violent collision, there is more intense stalemate, but in the middle, they can't give each other.

"It’s not... It’s the shield of the sky, it can do this under my impact. In these years, you are still the first one.” Unable to gnaw his teeth, said one word at a time, above his forehead. It is already sweating all over. It is not easy for him to finish this sentence. Now he and the left-handed army are in a cruel way. Everyone puts the power of the whole body on the shield. Once the power is relaxed, it will be defeated by the other's strength.

However, if he is distracted to observe the look of the left-handed army, he will find that the face of the left-handed army is a strange calm compared to the distortion of his face when he uses all his strength. On the forehead, even half a drop of sweat No.

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