Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 120: Blood Festival of Destiny

"Oh la la! Fruit house, fruit house, this is the house named after the lovely name of the lovely fruit, oh... Master, you are really good about the fruit." The fruit is as excited as a butterfly. Shouting and flying out, I wandered around to visit this new home named after her. Ye Tianxie, who stood in the place for a long time without a word, suddenly had a feeling of crying and tears.

The courtyards, lofts, gardens, pools, warehouses and even fruit trees are all there, and the luxurious atmosphere in the middle, but also the fresh and elegant three-story ring building is amazing. Even in the real world, it is difficult to find a more luxurious mansion than this, and not many people can afford such a house.

And such a super mansion, was actually taken the name "fruit house"!

It’s hard to be here when someone else comes here. When you introduce it, you have to say it seriously: "This is my fruit house."

Ok... Since things are a foregone conclusion, it’s useless to be annoyed again. I can have such a place in this world, I am afraid that I will laugh when I dream, and what is not satisfied. Ye Tianxie smiled and shook his head with helpless smile, followed by the fruit, and later visited him to belong to his home in this world. After the visit, I came to the conclusion of four words:


In retrospect, this luxurious and explosive new home is like a general fall from the sky... because the blood phoenix is ​​not dead in his hands.

The first floor here is a luxurious and bright hall, just the size of this hall is bigger than Ye Tianxie in the real world. Ye Tianxie sat down beside a table made of expensive sandalwood, holding it in the narrow version of the fate that hung on his chest, watching it instantly become a real destiny in his own hands, another Pick up the **** feather in one hand... blood plume.

"The fruit, how to put the nuclear of fate back to the fate of the moment." Ye Tianxie took the fate of one hand, holding the blood feather in one hand, and asked the fruit.

"Oh... I think about it." The fruit bite her finger and immediately brightened her eyes: "I think of it, very simple, just use the blood feather to touch the gap that belongs to it. Wow. Oh, the fruit is so smart!"

Ye Tianxie directly ignored her last sentence, and then tried to pick up the blood feathers and went to the gap at the top of the fate of the moment... The shape of the feather reflected the gap of the weak red light.


When the blood plume touched the gap, the fluctuation of power suddenly came, and the hand of Ye Tianxie instantly bounced off. A strong light like the color of blood suddenly touched the position touched by blood and fate. Shining, suddenly flashed Ye Tianxie's eyes, let his head subconsciously twisted to one side, let the eyes avoid the glaring red light. At the same time, a strong blood taste drowned his sense of smell, causing his brow to wrinkle.

However, neither the red light nor the taste of the blood suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared. When Ye Tianxie had just reacted, he could not feel the existence of light and taste.

"Oh! The host is watching, OK, it's already good! Oh la la la... The fruit is really the smartest, the most intelligent!" The fruit is proud, and the smug is not floating on the sky. As a reward for her own cleverness, she sat down on the shoulders of Ye Tianxie, whispering "la la la" in her mouth, and taking a lollipop and eating it.

Ye Tianxie turned his eyes and fixed his eyes. At the front end of the fate of the moment, the original feather-like gap has disappeared. Instead, it is the blood feather that releases the demon-like red light. The light is not strong, but the gaze has been stunned for a long time. The up and down will surprise and give birth to a feeling of depression and palpitations...

"Oh... because of the new power injection, the attribute of your eternal destiny has changed, and the skill ‘the blood sacrifice of fate’ is opened, and the first kill of the fate of seven kills ‘blood brakes’ opens.”

The fate of the nuclear that lost all fate has finally recovered one of the cores of fate, and its power and attributes have changed with the return of blood feathers:

The moment of eternal destiny (residual): use requirements: none. Grade: Faerie. The core of the power of the world of destiny has an unknown mysterious origin and an unknown mysterious force. Currently in a state of incompleteness in the nuclear loss of fate. Has been forced to recognize the Lord, the owner: evil days, can not be traded, can not be dropped, can not be stolen, can not be discarded.

Attributes: Attack +150, attack +10%, four base attributes +20, normal attack will cause damage to all targets within the attack range at the same time, the attack 2% probability of absorption damage into its own life value.

Skills: The Gift of Destiny: The Lord of Eternal Destiny will receive the blessing of destiny, and enhance the fixed attributes of talent: Lucky +15, Perception +15, Charisma added, the effect can not be closed. Unless the eternal destiny is inseparable, it will not disappear even if it is not equipped. )

Blood Festival of Destiny: A sacrifice of blood is used to stimulate the violent energy. When the health is below 10%, the attack power increases by 100%, the attack power increases by 200% when the health is below 5%, the attack power increases by 300% when the health is below 3%, and the attack power when the health is less than 1%. Increase by 400%. Forced trigger, not cancelable.

Seven fate of killing: The power of sanctions with eternal destiny causes seven consecutive fate sanctions on the target. The effect of sanctions is irresistible, cannot be superimposed, the scope of attack is unknown, and the skill cooling time is unknown.

The first kill: life sanctions - blood brakes, with the power of sanctions at the eternal destiny to launch life sanctions against a single target, ignoring the level, grade, ignoring any defense, forcibly depriving the target of 10% of the life, and attaching the equivalent The damage of ordinary attacks, the effect can not be superimposed on a single target, and consumes magic 100 when it is launched with "Destiny Seven Kills", which can be used alone. There is no magic consumption when used alone, no cooling time.

The second kill: magic sanctions - magic brake, the effect is unknown, the cost of manpower 200, the fate of the nuclear is missing, can not be used;

The third kill: Scorpio sanction - God collapse, the effect is unknown, the cost of mana cost 400, the fate of the nuclear is missing, can not be used;

The fourth kill: guardian sanction - poison erosion, the effect is unknown, the cost of mana cost 800, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

The fifth kill: life and death sanctions - the soul of death, the effect is unknown, the cost of mana cost 1600, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

The sixth kill: yin and yang sanctions - killing, the effect is unknown, the cost of magic is 3200, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

The seventh kill: Heavenly Sanctions - Scorpio, the effect is unknown, the cost of mana is 9999, the core of fate is missing, can not be used;

Forbidden Skills: Destiny Shacks: The effect is unknown, the nuclear of fate is missing, and it cannot be used.

There is a **** feather, and the eternal destiny is greatly enhanced by the additional ability attribute or the fixed attribute that is extremely difficult to appear in the ordinary equipment. At the same time, it has a strong bloodthirsty ability of 2% probability. At the same time, two skills born from blood feathers are opened... Two skills, each of which makes Ye Tianxie violently moving. One. It is the crazy increase of the attacking power of the residual blood, and the other is the forced deprivation skill of ignoring any defense and grade and sanctioning 10% vitality.

It is the power given by the core of fate. These two skills are placed in front of people, and their strength is enough to make people discolored. Especially the fate of blood sacrifice, this skill placed on Ye Tianxie, will be a real nightmare skill. If the effect is superimposed on the "violent warfare", then the horrible degree can be imagined.

There is a gap in the hand and a **** feather. Just like the eternal fate of the new life, Ye Tianxie has become more and more powerful in finding other fate. He wants to know all the secrets of the moment of fate, especially It’s about her secrets, and I want to see how powerful it will be after gathering all the cores of fate.

"Fruits, where are the other nuclear cores of fate scattered, do you really know?" Ye Tianxie tilted his eyes, looked at the face, and said the fruit of the face.

"I don't know." The fruit bite the lollipop and said vaguely.

"Are you not the most intelligent fruit in the world? Why don't you know." Ye Tianxie said with a look of evil, he finally caught a chance to hit the fruit.

"Of course I am the smartest, most intelligent and cute little luoli in the world, but you are the master! If I know everything, what do you want this master to do?"

If the fruit is fruit, Ye Tianxie will be stunned for a long time, and he can’t say a rebuttal. He had to be depressed and no longer asked for fruit. He thought about it and took out a few pieces of equipment from his backpack. Already having a career, and a profession that can wear any professional equipment, he finally began to get rid of his new clothes from the beginning to the present, and put on a few decent equipment.

The four pieces of equipment that he took out were surprisingly consistent. These are the same series of equipment that burst out in the process of brushing a few days of raccoons for a few days, all of which are 15th-level bronze equipment. Even the name, attribute introduction is a routine.

Tough shoulder: 15 level bronze equipment, use requirements: 15 level melee class occupation, defense +20, strength +6, physical strength +5, a very hard shoulder pad, should have a good defense ability.

Tough leggings: 15 level bronze equipment, use requirements: 15 level melee class occupation, defense +15, strength +5, physical strength +5, a very hard leggings to touch, should have a good defense ability.

Tough helmet: 15 level bronze equipment, use requirements: 15 level melee class occupation, defense +10, strength +4, physical strength +4, a very hard helmet to touch, should have a good defense ability.

Tough Boots: 15 level bronze equipment, use requirements: 15 level melee class occupation, defense +10, strength +3, physical strength +3, moving speed +8, a very hard boots to touch, should have a good defense ability.

Put these four pieces of equipment from the size of the raccoon on the body, Ye Tianxi is full of expectation to open his own property panel, view his own attributes at the moment:

Character: evil day

Level: 15

Occupation: Anti-bone dragon

Reputation: 520; Money: 1453 Gold Coins

Hunger: 30/195

Base attribute: Strength: 183, Constitution: 104, Agility: 74, Spirit: 74

Fixed attributes: lucky: 17; understanding: 27; charm: 17

Health: 2550

Mana value: 2040

Physical attack power: 679

Magic attack power: 148

Physical defense: 245

Hit: 74

Avoidance: 74

Life Recovery: 5 (automatically recovers 5 life per second.) Magic Recovery: 0.

Fire resistance: 23%, water resistance: 23%, wind resistance: 23%, lightning resistance: 28%, soil resistance: 23%, light resistance: 73%, dark resistance Sex: 73%.

Skills: violent warfare, fog, dragon cracking, dragon shadow hit, tornado hurricane seven cracks. g

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