Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 121: Broken heart


The same is fifteen, but today's property is almost three times that of yesterday! The original comprehensive attribute is behind the same level of ordinary players. His comprehensive attributes at this moment are far more than doubled, more than doubled, even more powerful than ordinary players 20 or even 30. To be straightforward, his own is also very clear. The abilities attached to his career have completely broken the game balance of the "Fate" world. It is a powerful career that should not have appeared.

However, as Long Moya said, the dragon is the most powerful and noble creature. No matter strength, body or ability, it is far beyond human beings. Why do you need to deliberately maintain balance with human beings... Think of it here, Ye Tianxie A look of stagnation, some laughed at myself. I am a living person, one of the hundreds of millions of players, is it really because of a profession that I can not be a dragon.

In this mansion that fell from the sky, I wandered around in a circle and found out the composition and layout of my new home in this world. Then I walked out with satisfaction and walked to the commercial street of Tianchen City. . Players can buy their own homes in the city, but with a huge player base and limited city area, the price of this home is undoubtedly high, and not many people have the ability to own another home in the game world. It is even more impossible now that currency exchange has not been opened. And the luxury house that Ye Tianxie owns at this time can't be bought.

In the world of destiny, you never have to worry that your home will be entered by strangers when you are not at home. When the owner is not at home, don't want to step further unless he is qualified by the owner, and even if the owner is at home, don't want to step in without the permission. Breaking into the world of fate is equivalent to nonsense.

Ye Tianxie's straightforward direction is the only appraisal shop in Tianchen City. Now he has an extremely strong career, and the advanced equipment he got before can finally be used. Therefore, he must first identify the silver equipment and gold equipment in his backpack. Especially the 15th-level gold weapon that the undead monarch burst out... the cloak of the undead.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ye Tianxie removed the teeth of the dragon and the dragon from his hands, and the brave guards on his head, and replaced the tiger mask he had worn before.

The identification of Tianchen City was at the western end of the commercial street. When I was close to the appraisal shop, I saw some people around or standing or sitting on the ground, and saw that Ye Tianxie was approaching. One of them greeted him and said "This friend, is there equipment that needs to be certified? Let us identify the gold coins needed to identify only 70% of the stores."

Life in the world of destiny is diverse, merchants, singers, miners, poets, chefs, diners, engineers, designers, tailors, masseurs, forgeters, refining pharmacists, bartenders, etc. The lady industry of love, there are almost any occupations that can appear in the real world, and there is no need for this in the real world.

There is only one battle player to choose from, but the life profession can be chosen at will, without any number or conditional restrictions. However, it is not a good idea to use one heart, and the industry is still a special one. This is the obvious truth that anyone knows. Therefore, when the player chooses the direction of the battle, he generally does not spend time wasting his life career. Similarly, many players avoid the battle in this world and choose the life profession... the same, life career It is also good to specialize, generally only choose one or two.

However, there is no exception. Some occupations are only available to purely life players, but the combat profession is not eligible. An appraiser is one of them. If a player moves from a trainee career to a formal combat class in the city, he will no longer be eligible to become an appraiser. At the same time, if you become an appraiser and then transfer to a combat occupation, the appraisers' career will automatically disappear. This is a special rule set up to maintain the balance of interests of life players.

Although life professions do not have the passion of fighting professions, life careers are professions that do not require potions and do not need equipment (some advanced items of life professions are still required). In short, they are making money. Occupation... is equivalent to choosing a job in the world of destiny.

The appraiser is one of the life professions and one of the most difficult to upgrade. Because this profession wants to upgrade, it is necessary to obtain empirical value by identifying a large amount of equipment. The higher the grade of the equipment, the higher the experience value after identification. If you have enough identification resources, this most difficult life career will become the fastest upgraded life career.

At the same time, the appraisers are undoubtedly a profession that does not require any cost, because this life profession does not require any props, does not require any input, or even does not need to work hard, just to perform an identification process can be completed. Compared with the miners who worked **** the night and night, the forgemaster who was desperately forging, and the pharmacist who was looking for the herb collection... the appraisers were extremely comfortable.

But in the early stage of the game, this life profession is destined to be a tragedy, and it is difficult. Because, at this stage and for a long time in the future, the identifiable equipment will be less pitiful, not to mention the identification shop that can identify any equipment and their rushing business. Therefore, the number of players who choose the appraiser in the early stage is very small, but under the huge player base, this is rarely a small number. Although the preciousness of the bronze is slightly lower than that of the novice village, the silver still remains. It is the level of Qizhen, and the instrument of gold is a level that cannot be dreamed. It is no exaggeration to say that the number of equipment that can be identified now is not as good as that of the appraisers.

Even if there are so many porridges, there are still a few appraisers in the appraisal shop who are watching the passing pedestrians in an eye-catching manner, in order to meet a player with unidentified silver equipment. If the appraisal is successful, they will have income... More importantly, only by identification will they be able to obtain an experience value that will increase the level.

When I came up, I asked Ye Tianxie’s small appraisers to look sullen, and I couldn’t see any enthusiasm on my face. Obviously, I didn’t report any hope. The reason why he took the initiative to meet, naturally because of Ye Tianxie's bronze equipment, let him hope that his body will have a silver equipment or something.

The identification fee charged by the player identification is only 70% of the fee collected at the identification shop. However, Ye Tianxie does not intend to identify it in the hands of these appraisers...because if he will have all the equipment that needs to be identified All come out, 100% probability can scare people here, and cause sensation and unnecessary trouble that he does not want to see. Ye Tianxie randomly swings his hand and bypasses his body to go to the identification shop. At the moment he lifted his foot, a strange feeling suddenly came out of his heart. His head could not help but reverse, looking at the direction of the beam that had just looked at himself... as if there was an indescribable force in it. Trapped him and let him look at it uncontrollably...

Looking through a few people, I saw a weak figure standing alone against the wall in the corner that was easily overlooked, and that she had just looked at Ye Tianxie's eyes at random to make him react strangely. Seeing her first sight, Ye Tianxun was immediately attracted by the temperament contained in this figure. Although it was very light, but it was firmly entangled in the heart, he could not help but want to know her more.

Very beautiful girl, she has the kind of feminine beauty that makes people pity and pity, but her beauty will not make him amazing, not even shocked, but the kind of temperament from her makes him feel touched. Unable to let go, the pace is almost uncontrollable to her. Her eyes are very bright, with a kind of eagerness that he can't understand, but wants to understand, and the burying, deep, and untouchable. Maybe she didn’t even know that her two frowns were slightly squatting.

This is the second woman who can let Ye Tianxie only look at it and keep it in mind.

The lonely girl stood here, a bunch of eyes continually wandering on her body, and more and more eyes flashed with awkward meaning. But perhaps the protection of women in the world of destiny makes them feel helpless even if they have ideas, or the temperament of this girl makes them subconsciously retreat, and she is not surrounded by anyone. When Ye Tianxie approached her, she looked at her with a slight surprise.

"Excuse me, is there any equipment that I can help you identify?" The girl seemed to be timid, and she took a step back and asked for it. She is also an appraiser and is equally eager to have equipment for her identification.

Her voice is very soft, with a kind of shackles that can't be disguised. This kind of voice makes Ye Tianxie feel fretting... This is a person who has vigilance and a little fear of the people and things around him, the whole world. The emotional reaction revealed, and such people tend to have been deeply injured and feared many times.

And the self of the year...what is similar... Is this feeling that attracts you?

Moreover, he instinctively felt that she needed money. It is necessary to need the kind... but perhaps reality makes her disappointed and afraid, she tempted and fumbled to get what she needed in this world.

Ye Tianxie is not a simple and kind person, but the indescribable feeling of faintness makes his heart uncontrollably irritating and is eager to do something. The idea of ​​going to the appraisal shop was annihilated by him. Ye Tianxie nodded to her: "I have some equipment to identify, I hope you can help me."

When I finished this sentence, he clearly saw the incomparable brilliance of the girl’s eyes... Let him know that she really needs money urgently... At this stage, although the currency exchange has not been opened, It is also the reason that the gold coins are extraordinarily precious. Those big guilds that take money for improper money will use the Huaxia Coin to exchange gold coins in the game for a distance of 1:1, just as Ye Tianxie from the Red Leaf League. The gold coins that were swindled, those who were in a hurry to redeem the exaggerated price of dozens to one. In Tianchen City, many trade unions have been established in certain places as “exchange points”.

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