Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1238: Fairy close at hand


At the moment when the evil of the plague ignited and Ye Tianxie lost his mind, the sky of the entire Tianyu was shrouded in a thick haze. This is the first time that Ye Tianxie used the disease of the disaster after the dragon's skyrocketing. He did not know that when the colorful flames burned, all the heavenly creatures shivered in fear of where they came from. Some even can't bear the fear that can't be resisted, and they fainted directly.

The catastrophic inflammation of the claws... The name appeared in their hearts. And it is terrible to go beyond their cognitive abilities.

Ye Tianxie lost all his senses, and the whole body's injury completely recovered in an instant. He was like a crazy beast, rushing to the gale of the gale in the roar, and he was attacking the speed of the attack and moving speed. With a sudden increase in speed, his current speed has even surpassed the maximum speed that the Gale God can achieve.

The terrible power of the atmosphere made the powerful gale gods subconsciously appear to retreat, but immediately, it was a double-winged move, and the divine power condensed, facing Ye Tianxie attacking his body and colliding.

boom! ! ! !

A space crack of tens of thousands of meters spreads in the position where they hit, and the entire sky is violently turbulent, and the sea below is even more turbulent. Ye Tianxie’s body was suddenly slammed open, and the gale whispered, it made a tragic sorrow, and fell backwards.

The impact of the gale is terrible. However, Ye Tianxie has a purple catastrophic inflammation, so the attack that touched him will be rebounded ten times. The gale gods hit the body of Ye Tianxie, but they have suffered a full ten times rebound. Strength, that is the terrible power that it can't bear at all.

Ye Tianxie's body rolled backwards, but the distance of 100 meters has stopped. Today, his mind only has the consciousness of destruction, and the gale **** is his only target of destruction. He turns into a golden stream of light and falls into the sky. The gale spirits slammed away, and the fate of the same color wrapped in the light with a terrible power cut to its body.

boom! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

boom! ! ! !

Every time the fate of the moment is waved, it will bring up the roar of the landslides and the huge waves of tens of thousands of meters around the sea. Before this, Ye Tianxie's attack on it failed to hurt it. At this time, every fall of Ye Tianxie's attack will bring the painful sorrow of the gale. Under the catastrophic inflammation of the green, Ye Tianxie’s attack speed is even faster than the squally showers. The gale of the body in the reverse state has no chance to flip through the body without any intermittent attack. Don't say that you can get rid of the attack of Ye Tianxie. Its body is repelled and attacked again with the attack of Ye Tianxie... The gray feathers fall from the air.

The body of the gale was shattered by the fate of the moment. Finally, after knowing how many times the gale of the gale was hit, with the waving of the arms of Ye Tianxie, the fortune of the fate cut into the gale. The body of the god, the gray blood suddenly burst out.

The sorrow of the gale gods has become more painful, and this is just the beginning. From this attack, every attack of Ye Tianxie will pierce the body of the gale, leaving a long scar on its body. Under the terrible attack speed, but in the blink of an eye, the gale gods have been covered with gray blood, the scars have been unrecognizable, and the two huge wings have all been cut off, and the powerless pulls down. Shovel, its body was covered with a layer of black mist, after a while, covered with a thick layer of frost... dark, frozen, cursed, weak, paralyzed, petrified... in the black disaster Under the inflammation, various negative states began to superimpose on the body of the gale, and its breath became weaker and weaker, and even the sorrowful sounds could not be issued.

"Okay, okay!! The master is very good, the master is too powerful!!"

The fruit that had just been worried about crying was excited and dancing at this time, and while standing on the shoulder of Ye Tianxie, he shouted excitedly. When Ye Tianxie's catastrophic inflammation burns, any creature close to his body will be hit hard, and only the fruit can stand naturally in his plague.

"Oh, ah!!"

Ye Tianxie's body turned into a golden mang, in a scream, with the "ultimate dragon soul spurs" cruelly stabbed the body of the gale god...

boom! ! ! !

The gray feathers and the gray liquid scattered away. In the loud noise, the golden light hit the chest of the gale, and then there was almost no pause from its back... In the gale On the body, I left a hole with a diameter of one meter.

The last gray **** feather slowly descended from the body of the gale, and the gale **** could no longer make a sound, falling straight, breaking the water and falling into the deep ocean.

The colorful flames on Ye Tianxie were quickly extinguished at this moment. He turned to look at the whereabouts of the gale gods, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and gently sighed, then closed his eyes and fell weakly. Below. The so-called Yu Binglin quickly flew and took his body. Ye Tianxie helped Kaka's body to breathe vigorously, and the body was completely collapsed, and no more effort was needed.

"...Master, is there any injury?" He approached his side and covered his body with the light of mysterious spirit, asking him with concern and concern. Under the light of the mysterious spirit, the body of Ye Tianxie is as comfortable as a hot spring, and the sense of disengagement disappears little by little. He shook his head with a smile and said: "I am fine, even the scars have been cured by the plague of inflammation. Now it is just a force off... The gale **** should not die yet, the protoss beast is not so easy to die, but ...not a thousand years, it is impossible to recover."

"Oh! Master, just really good! Beat the so powerful eagle." The fruit glared at the sparkling eyes, looking at Ye Tianxie with a adoration.

"That's not an eagle... that's oh!"

"Hey? But that's obviously an eagle. Bamboo shoots? Isn't that something that can be eaten?"

"... Let's go quickly. I don't have much strength left now. If I get caught up with the old man, there is no chance, Kaka, it depends on you!"

Without giving himself a lot of breathing, Ye Tianxie straightened his body and faced the East. However, Kaka’s body has not yet moved, and the boundless power of a sea like a sea has shrouded from his sky. Ye Tianxie is going to stagnate in the body, and the heart is so heavy.

Creation king! !

The cold sweat instantly spreads over the body of Ye Tianxie. He did not return and did not try to move forward. He knew that he had no chance to escape in front of the King of Creation. What's more, just after the hardships of the gale, his body is still in a state of extreme weakness.

Star glass and funeral days can not drag the king of creation for too long, can be dragged to the present, it is already very difficult.

The sea surface was separated, and the bruised and violent body slowly broke through the water under the traction of a force. Ye Tianxie turned around, his eyes gloomy and looked at the creation of the king of God to calmly pull the gale of the gods to his side, and then sighed, the palm of his hand moved slightly, and the gale gods disappeared in the white mans that flashed past. I don't know where it was sent.

"This short battle, you have actually damaged the gale gods to such a point, I can not predict. The power just now should be the taboo power given by the legendary soul of the beastly beast. Is it the year? The night-time is called the strongest god. Your current strength is less than one percent of the night. Under this taboo force, you can defeat the holy god. If it is the taboo power that burned in the night, who is in the world? It is his enemy of a move. If your soul is further awakened, even if you wake up to one-tenth of the power of the night, this chaotic space will no longer be your opponent, and I can't beat you." The creation king of the king said with amazement.

"I... I really want to grow up to come to this place that day. But the awakening of the soul is getting harder and harder. On that day, for at least a thousand years, I can't wait... If I can, I don't even want a second. Wait a bit. Because every second waits, she will suffer a second of sorrow..." Ye Tianxie clenched his fortune with some trembling hands, biting his teeth and said: "My friend, you What happened to them?"

"You can rest assured that I have made a swearing oath a few years ago and will never kill any one. They are now only blocked by me in space, and with their strength, they can be separated for up to 30 days." The king of the world whispered, "You, don't stick to it again, because..."

"You don't have to say anything extra!" Ye Tianxie interrupted his face with a cold face: "Since I came here, I never intended to go back with failure. Although I can't beat you... but I still have a dragon. Soul, the moment when my dragon soul bursts, you will die! The entire heavenly domain will perish, and all the spiritual veins will be destroyed!"

The prince of the creation king flashed a glimmer of fluorescence. He sighed softly and said: "With your present strength, if the dragon soul bursts, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed. Here, it is not the place that is suitable for us to stay... maybe there, more suits you."

Ye Tianxie’s eyes jumped. He has not yet opened his mouth, but he saw that the king of creation kings stretched out his hands and drawn a shape that he could not understand. Instantly, the space around him was distorted...

this is……

Irresistible space transfer! ! He wants to transfer himself to somewhere else!

The space changes in distortion, and everything around it disappears in the eyes of Ye Tianxie. He closed his eyes, and he had to open it immediately, and the distortion of the space slowly subsided at this time until it returned to normal. Ye Tianxie looked around, no matter the top, bottom, front, or rear, what he could see was only a darkness, and there was no trace of light or material.

"The space blockade connecting Tiantian and Moluo's lifeline isolates Tianyu and Moluo. Here, it is the mezzanine position of the space blockade. Here, you can use arbitrary power freely, because the space blockade with spiritual support here is It will never be destroyed." The old voice sounded in the ears of Ye Tianxie, and the figure of the creation king was slowly appearing in front of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie’s brows are getting tighter and tighter. His words caused the jealousy of the creation king, and sent him to this position away from the heavens. However, the next sentence of the creation king made his heart tremble...

"Look at your right hand side, there is a black lacquer there, as if there is no material existence. In fact, that is the center of the space barrier that separates the celestial sphere from the sorrow, the back of the barrier is the one you are looking for. The location of the person, she is now away from you, but it is a barrier. Just, this barrier isolates light, isolates sound, and isolates everything. Unless you can break it, you can never hear her voice, and it is impossible. See her. But... this barrier, don't say you, even I can't have the ability to break, even if the strongest **** is alive at night, the possibility of breaking it is negligible."

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