Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1239: The strongest god!


Ye Tianxie's body quickly moved to the right, but at a distance of more than a dozen positions, his body had already encountered a barrier that completely blocked him. The barrier could not be seen, the body collided, and even felt the sense of temperature and presence, but it existed so that his body could no longer move forward.

Fairy! Xianer is inside... Ye Tianxie is crying wildly inside. He couldn't see the figure of the glass fairy, couldn't hear her any sound, couldn't feel everything about her, and the invisible barrier in front of him completely isolated everything. And he and the glass fairy, this time only the interval of this barrier... He finally found her place, close to her, and so close.

"Fairy..." All the thoughts in the heart and the emotions that have been so painstakingly suppressed for so long are surging in the volcanic volcanoes in his heart.

Just break this obstacle and you can see the fairy, rescue her and bring it back to his side... just break this obstacle... just break this obstacle.

The feeling of weakness of the body was completely forgotten by him, and he could not hear the voice of the king of the world. He even forgot his existence, and his heart was only more and more crazy. He lifted the moment of destiny, ignited the sacred inflammation, poured his remaining power, and all his convictions, and swayed forward in the violent voice.

"Oh, ah!! Give me a break!!!"

Ding! ! ! !

Ye Tianxie’s all-out blow is enough to break the ground, but his horrible power hits the barrier in front of him, but the squeaking sound of metal touching the glass, the moment of fate Flying out of the hand, Ye Tianxie's body fell backwards, and several tumblings, blood flow in his hands.

There is no trace of cracks in the barrier at hand.


Ye Tianxie stood up from the ground, regardless of the severe pain from the shattered hands, and regained the fate of the moment and cut to the front. Another shrill "squeaky" sound came, and the moment of fate was once again shaken out. Ye Tianxie's body also fell heavily and again, and did not stand up for a long time.

After he was in the state of disengagement, he was almost completely short of power after wielding this unscrupulous two blows. He squatted on the ground with one knee, his eyes flashing cold, staring at the barrier in front of him, and the biting teeth almost burst. What cuts off the lifeblood of the Tianyu, what defeats the powerful King of Creation, is no longer important. He is only a few feet away from Xianer. At this time, he only wants to see her and let her go back to her... From the beginning of the separation to the life of God, time may be short, but for him, every day Every second is a tough one...

"Don't waste effort. I said that this space blockade has the power to inject it. Unless you cut off all the veins, it can't be broken. Even if I can't. Let's take a step back, even if you have a thorough day. It can break this barrier, and it will heal quickly under the power of the Spirit. It is indeed the right choice to cut off all the spirits before, but... I have to stop you."

In the face of Ye Tianxie's cold eyes, the face of the creation king is full of helplessness: "Your eyes tell me that now I can't stop you no matter what reason you tell me. This barrier is not as you think. Simple, it is associated with too much life and death, can not stop your determination, I can only temporarily block you here, until the day I longed for, when you want to find me to ask sin, waiting for me at my time ...if, then I still existed at that time."

The creation of the king of the king's palms is only a moment, and the surrounding space begins to distort. It was also at this time that Ye Tianxie felt that his weak body began to become heavy. Under the pressure of space, he tried to move his fingers, but found that it was extremely difficult. In his current state of power, it is only a breeze to create a king of the world to block him. When the space blockade is all set up, he will no longer escape, so he will be fixed directly here.

Ye Tianxie laughed and laughed very coldly: "The king of creation, no matter what reason you have, dare to block my fairy, is the most unforgivable sin!" He turned his head hard and looked That colorless barrier: "No one, no matter who... don't want to stop me!! I...but the strongest **** ever!! The strongest god, you will bend to your little creation. God King's hand!!!"

He looked up, and the sacred mark on his left hand shone with dazzling light, setting off the crazy flame in his eyes. Under the persistence and desire to save the fairy, he finally decided to use his last card. A maximum hole card that can only be used three times in a lifetime.

The ultimate stigma that turns into the night of the **** of the gods!


In the shouting of Ye Tianxie becoming hoarse, the Kaka under him turned into a pristine state from the weeping feather ice lining, and the sacred mark hanging on the neck swayed into a pleasant sound...




The crisp voice was conveyed to the ears of Ye Tianxie, and it was transmitted to the depths of his heart and soul, and he was screaming in his soul over and over again. As with the first time I heard the holy mark bell, a strange feeling suddenly grew up in his heart. It seems to be something that has been obtained, and it is a little bit awake under the shout of the holy mark bell. In the past, he didn't know what this feeling meant. Now he fully understands that it is the soul of his sleep, and the memory that has not dissipated in the soul is struggling to wake up by the stimulation of the holy bell.

In the sound of the holy bell, Kaka's body shines with the light of the holy mark. Gradually, its body is completely wrapped in the sacred mark, and finally turned into a white streamer, which rises and rises into the sky. Evil body. At the same time, on his left hand, the holy mark suddenly released an unusually strong white light. The white light shrouded his body and shrouded the huge space around him, transforming all the darkness into light, and the sacred atmosphere would Everything around is completely flooded. Along with the power of the power of the creation king to involuntarily shudder, the pressure spread instantly.

"This...this is..." The first time the creation of the King of God has been calm and watery, he has a shocked look. There was no change in the shape of Ye Tianxie, but the power of his release at this moment has far surpassed him, even surpassing his cognition, so strong that his soul is followed by a slight tremor.

The white light reflected the face of Ye Tianxie. The enormous power shook his own heart. He lifted his hands and regained the moment of destiny, feeling the power that could destroy the land.

Now he is Ye Tianxie, but also the night... It has the night of the power of the year.

The white flame burned on his body. Suddenly, the horrible power of the moment was magnified ten times, and the creation king was far away. Although the night of the year was strong, its own basic ability was not the title of the strongest god. But when he burns the sacred inflammation, who is magnified ten times the power of the gods? What's more, he still has the strongest moment in his hands. Therefore, he can reverse the disadvantaged Lagos with one person and let the creation of the Protoss frustrate. If he was not self-destructive, there would be no one in the world of God to let him die.

Zooming in again ten times the power makes the creation king more horrified. Under the pressure of this huge power, he can hardly move forward. The space that has enveloped Ye Tianxie has been blocked in silence. The disappearance of the clean and dry... He relied on the momentum to make his space blockade disappear.

At this time, Ye Tianxie could easily defeat the creation king, but he did not even look at the creation king, and lifted the fate of the moment, cutting the space barrier to the side. He only wants to take away the fairy, and nothing else has anything to do with him. Even if it is possible to kill this creation king in an instant, what is the point?

boom! ! !

The impact of the moment of destiny and the impact of the space barrier is no longer a harsh "squeaky" sound, but a deafening collision sound. Under the shock of extreme horror, the creation king is shaken a great distance. Until it disappeared into the eyes of Ye Tianxie. And in the black world in front of his eyes, there were more than a dozen tiny cracks, and the cracks just appeared, and they healed at a very fast speed, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ye Tianxie laughed because he saw hope. There is no unbreakable enchantment in the world. Although Ye Tianxie can't, it can be late!

boom! !

boom! !

boom! ! !

The white flame burned Ye Tianxie's body and will, and he once again forgot everything around him, waving his destiny with his greatest power to attack the invisible enchantment. The indestructible space of the king of the creation **** is violently shocked, as if it is possible to completely collapse. The road crack appeared in front of Ye Tianxie, and healed immediately. When it was not completely healed, it was a heavy blow, allowing the crack to expand further, and then expanding... from the initial fissure to the number The length of the meter.

Conversely, the power of the night-time with the sacred inflammation can only be achieved to such a degree. The terrible barrier can be described as unbelievable. It is no wonder that the creation king will say that it is a barrier that cannot be broken.

The terrible power made the King of Creation impossible to get close, because the aftermath of that power was enough to shock him. Watching the road continue to spread, although there are cracks that may collapse, his expression is also moving more and more intense. He can't believe that there is such a terrible power in the world... even the space blockade connected with the spirit can crush the power.

And this power is clearly... the power of the gods! !

Is this the power of the strongest **** of the year? This person... is his soul completely awakened?

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