Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 165: Lingjia Lingyun


"Come, sister, I will take you to... God brother, lead the way in front!" Sophie Fei loosened Ye Tianxie, walked to the broken Chen heart and intimately rolled up her arm, and revealed a leaf to Ye Tianxie. Jiao Yan's eyes.

Ye Tianxie smiled slightly and turned and walked in front. Seeing that he was about to leave, a man finally came to him and stopped Ye Tianxie's footsteps.

"Let me see what you look like." A sword Lingyun eyes sharp, his face indifferent, his body blocked in front of Ye Tianxu, his eyes fell on his brave guard. Perhaps it is customary, his voice is not only cold, but also clearly a commanding tone.

The momentum of a sword Lingyun is quite amazing, and this kind of momentum has nothing to do with the attributes and strengths of the game world, but is based on strong strength and foundation, formed in long-term edification and experience, not ordinary people. Can have, and it is not a short time to develop. His tone is also clearly accustomed to ordering others, accustomed to the posture of such a superior. If he is facing other people, his attitude can easily hold the other side, but in the face of Ye Tianxie, he obviously finds the wrong object.

Ye Tianxie responded indifferently: "Beat me, you can know. The weak, did not ask for qualifications. Now you are not qualified!"

The cold light in the eyes of a sword Lingyun suddenly flashed. He fixed the look of Ye Tianxie for a while and silently turned and left.

"Ling Yun, I haven't seen you for a long time." Zuo Bianjun came over and shouted at the back of a sword Lingyun with his thick voice.

The footsteps of a sword Lingyun stopped and turned around.

"Hey! I didn't expect this world to be smaller than the polluted beautiful world. I actually met people who shouldn't be met in this place. Lingyun, I haven't seen it for three years, my thoughts on you are like this day. Burning my beautiful skin, like the hateful sun, people can't wait for it to never appear again." After the break of the left army, Murong Qiu Shui quietly sounded, his voice also let a sword Lingyun turn his eyes to him, the pupil is obvious Shrinking a bit, apparently recognized him immediately.

"Left-breaking army, Murong Qiu Shui!" After a pause, he blinked and shouted their names.

"Bingo! It seems that your memory has not subsided with your aging. When you shouted my name, your eyes are fading... vomit! I even feel the acceleration of your heart beat - that must It’s your thoughts on my like the waves. You must remember the beautiful moments we had three years ago.” Murong Qiu Shui is flying, a pair of peach eyes are affectionate, and the flowing eye waves convey people’s fascination. The enchanting light of the fans.

The cold face of a sword Lingyun began to twitch, and he snorted, and the body that had just turned around turned back and walked away in a cold step... and the pace was obviously much faster than before.

The left-handed army put his face in front of Murong Qiu Shui, and lowered his voice. He said, "You are so embarrassed! Actually, this kid is stunned."

"Oh!! Disgusting... What an annoying word. Dear brother, how can you say that your beautiful and charming four brothers, he obviously can't resist my enthusiasm, have to choose not to say goodbye." Murong Qiu Shui said with a grudge.

Left Broken Army: "..."

Broken Chen Xin powder lips open, surprised to see Murong Qiushui this "pretty sister" ... because he said it would look like a neuropathy. Sophie Fei smiled in her ear: "Chen Xin sister, he usually looks like this, don't care about them... Our sister said to talk... Hey, how do you and the sky... my boyfriend knows? ”

Sophie Fila broke the heart and intentionally fell behind her, whispering with her voice that they couldn't hear - apparently trying to dig the bottom. Ye Tianxie took a look at the back of a sword Lingyun, and left the army and Murong Qiu Shui in front, asked: "Do you know?"

"Is the second brother interested in him?" asked the left-handed army.

"Oh, dare to face you and Qiu Shui with that expression, it is estimated that China can not find a few." Ye Tianxie smiled casually.

"His name is Ling Yun. It is indeed a very simple person. Three years ago, he had competed with Qiu Shui." Zuo Dujun said.

"The results of it?"

Murong Qiuyang raised his mouth and said, "Therefore, I said that the memory at that time was as annoying as the scorching sun in this sky, but how could we not catch up? Three years ago, the beautiful study, I did not even have It is an unpleasant memory to turn his body into a beautiful blood flower that blooms on the yellow land."

"Are you defeated?" Ye Tianxie frowned slightly in amazement.

The left-handed army shrugged a shoulder: "Of course it is not defeated, or if the character of the fourth child is already crazy... It is a tie, who can’t help who. In the same age, the fourth has never lost to anyone. In that year, Lingyun was only sixteen years old and three months younger than the fourth child. Therefore, the fourth child regarded the contest as a big shame and remembered it now."

"How do I never know?" Ye Tianxu asked. With his understanding of Murong Qiu Shui, it is not surprising that he can hate a draw in this level. On the contrary, normal can't be normal. His talent is as amazing as his appearance, which also makes him never lose to someone younger than himself. And with a sword Lingyun battle into a tie, this is a big blow to him.

Murong Qiuhui shrunk his neck and said: "This kind of thing that makes the stars shy and dare not come out, how can you tell the second brother..."

The left-handed army chicken skin fell off the ground, and at that time, Murong Qiushui also said to him very seriously: "Dear brother, if you dare to let the second brother know, hehehehe..." In retrospect, he The charming laughter of the time still made him shudder. The more important reason is... Three years ago, Ye Tianxie was still immersed in the blow that killed him or even almost madness.

Because she is the most important and most vulnerable string in Ye Tianxie's heart. This string is broken enough to sway all of him.

"I still talk about this Lingyun thing." Ye Tianxie said thoughtfully.

The left-winged army nodded and said: "To some extent, the existence of Lingyun is a secret, because he belongs to one of the three forbidden areas on my Chinese land."

The name "three forbidden places?", he learned from the left-breaking military for the first time today that he could let the left-wing army never take the initiative in front of him. It can be seen that this so-called "three forbidden places" is absolutely unusual.

The left-handed military glanced at the surrounding eyes, and glanced at the rear of Sufifi and the broken Chenxin, and said the voice with a very small and solemn tone: "The three forbidden places are not easily touched by my father." The three taboo families, each of which has a long history, stand still for so long, and the foundation and foundation of the precipitation are extremely powerful and terrible. It is so powerful that even the highest regime of China does not dare to provoke They are even more in control and can only allow their existence. One of them is Lingjia. Lingyun is the eldest son of this generation of Lingjia, a genius with a very high talent."

"Allow them to exist? This sentence is somewhat intriguing." Ye Tianxie said casually.

The left-handed army shrugged and said with a little helplessness: "This can't blame my dad and grandfather, and my grandfather's father and grandfather. As the highest-ranking person, they are not responsible for one person or two family. Instead, they are responsible for the stability of the whole of China. They cannot allow any forces that can threaten the Chinese regime. But the three taboo families have such strengths... At the same time, these three families can’t think of this, so They have been united a long time ago, and the first one is equal to the third. If it is really moving, the consequences may be unimaginable. I dare not take this terrible danger."

"With the huge military power you have, plus the strength of the ‘Sanctuary’, can you still not deal with the three families in the district?” Ye Tianxie’s eyes are half-baked and plain.

The voice of the left-handed army was lower, and he slowly said: "Second brothers, their power is definitely more than your imagination. My dad does have the ability to annihilate them, but the price paid will be extremely Huge, the possibility of encountering a rout is definitely not without... The three taboos are all a group of terrible monsters. Second brother, you think, when Lingyun was just a fifteen-year-old baby, he could The fourth is tied, the old guys will be great!?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"His sword, faster than bullets." Murong Qiuqiu slowly added a sentence.

"Second brother, the term "Guwu family" will not be unfamiliar to you. In the ancient times without the *, the ancient Chinese Wuwu was extremely popular, the countless ancient Wu family was countless, the millennium had passed, and it was already rare. But it can be like this. No one in the history of the river is simple. The killing of the so-called "Sword Knife" is the heir to the most recognized ancient Wu family in China, and has a very high talent in the knife skills...but Only a limited number of people know that the true and strongest ancient Wu family is not a meditation...but Lingjia!!" Zuo Bianjun looked cautiously. What he said, people who know, there are few in China.

"Your left family allows the existence of these three families, but there are few rumors in the world. It seems that your elders have signed interesting agreements with them." Ye Tianxie thought for a moment. Said.

The left-handed army looked at Ye Tianxie with a weird look, and subconsciously nodded: "Second brother, you guessed it... yes, probably a hundred years ago, my predecessors signed an agreement with them, roughly The content is... The Chinese government allows them to exist and will not interfere with their existence. However, they must not extend their minions to the ordinary world... Speaking, this is also curbing their development, so that they can only limit In an area that belongs to only oneself. Although my left family does not dare to touch them easily, they naturally will not be arrogant enough to think that they can confront the entire Chinese government. Therefore, this agreement has never been broken by a party for centuries. ""

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