Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 166: Female fairy


"But now it seems that this agreement has a small loophole." After listening to Ye Tianxie, the corner of his mouth slowly said: "The world you agreed to is too small... Lingyun is blatant in this world. Appeared, and boarded the list of billions of people, clearly revealing the ambition of Lingjia in this world. In this world to develop and release everything that belongs to them, oh, this does not seem to violate the left family and their original protocol."

The left-handed army still nodded and praised: "Second brother, you said nothing wrong. My dad said this to me a few days ago... When the three names appeared on the rankings, my dad Staying up all night."

"Oh? Three?" Ye Tianxie frowns heavily.

"Lingjia is the strongest ancient Wujia home that exists to this day. The land that belongs to them is completely another world. It is the masters who ordinary people can only see on TV. The other two of these three families. One, the Cang family, the Cang family, is a more astounding family with more horror and jealousy than the Guwu family. The successor of this generation is called "Dust!"

Dust? This name gives Ye Tianxie a slight glimpse. He did not forget the name - the name that he had silenced for a long time when he first saw it. Because at the time of the first announcement of the ranking list, this person was rushed into the top ten of the ranking of one hundred million in the rank of one of the most savvy summoners in the early stage! This made him really surprised at the time.

The power family... the eldest son of the Cang family - the dust!

"Five years ago, with the battle of the Ronaldinho, the sanctuary was badly wounded. There are only two hundred abilities left. At the Cang family... the people there seem to have extremely terrible genetics, every child born. Among the three people, there will be a person with innate power. The development of the sanctuary depends on the ones who are one of the millions in the world. And one family is only an estimate, this family has an ability. The number of people is no less than fifty... This is a terrible number."

Ye Tianxie was silent, and he took a long sigh of relief: "It is indeed a terrible number, and there is a family? What is it?"

A family, which has a quarter of the total number of abilities that Huaxia has to gain from the world, can be described as "terrible".

The left-handed army took a breath and said: "The third taboo family is the most terrible. The comprehensive strength is far beyond Lingjia and Cangjia. It is a family that can't really be provoked... The people there are all terrible. Monsters. What they are good at is not ancient martial arts, not abilities... And to be precise, they are not a family, but an organization, an organization that makes the world smell different. Its name is —— Blood dream heaven!"

"Blood dream paradise..." Ye Tianxie whispered a word, and suddenly he flashed a trace of information in his head. He looked up: "The world's first killer organization, blood dream paradise is actually in China?" ”

"Yes." Zuo Bianjun nodded: "Blood dream paradise is the most terrible of the three taboo families, and its mystery makes it even more terrible. It is now safe to exist in China, not only to obey it. The agreement, I also want to help my left family kill a person every year... And in the blood dream paradise, the male takes the blood as the surname and the female dreams as the surname."

Male takes blood as surname, female dreams as surname...

Female dreams as a surname...

Ye Tianxie quickly thought of a name... In the ranking of the rankings, he ranked second in the rankings - Meng Yuyi.

"Dream feathers, dust, a sword Lingyun... Three names, representing the family of three taboos, all on the ranks that symbolize the strongest strength, this is a strong proof, but also a provocation. See Come, lonely and stable for too long, with such an opportunity, they can no longer be settled. This is indeed enough to make your father fidgety." Ye Tianxie is still in the footsteps, not arrogant. Whether the three taboo family exists or not, or if you want to have any action, it does not matter at all.

"The amount...this is the case." The left-handed army promised, opened the mouth, and flinched back and swallowed the words to be said.

Ye Tianxie glanced at his desire to say a word, and some funny said: "You have said this in detail so much today, it should not only let me know that it is so simple, just say something." Okay, let me guess, did your father have mentioned it with you, and if there is a chance, let me suppress their temper. If possible, crush their momentum."

The left-handed army stunned and hurriedly nodded, smirking and said: "Sure enough, nothing is worse than your second brother... My dad said that your sinister evil should be enough to dampen their anger, and..."

"Single-handed, I can't be afraid of anyone, but if these three families want to have big moves, then there will be only these three people? The best choice is to build a huge force in this world, after maturity. Let this momentum infiltrate into the real world quietly. If this is the case, I can’t bring any storms by myself, and it’s a joke to crush them. And if they just let a few people play here, Then, I have not damped the need for their spirit."

"Amount, but the second brother..."

"Well, it's already here, go ahead, let's talk about it later." Ye Tianxie opened his own door and walked in first.

Murong Qiu Shui pulled a little bit of the left-handed army, and Nu Nuhong's lips: "Fat, to the character of the second brother, if there is such a day, do you think he will not shoot? Uh?"

With a chic hand, Murong Qiu Shui walked behind Ye Tianxie. The left-handed army touched his head and immediately went in with a smile.

Stepping into the hospital, Ye Tianxie's footsteps stagnate. Next to the pool, a beautiful woman with a beautiful face is sitting by the pool, with an elegant smile, using her white jade to gently touch the flowers by the pool. And the blossoming original red and dazzling flowers are like the stars under the warm sun, and they are all eclipsed.

She slowly got up, and a normal movement outlined a twisting curve that made people sway. In contrast to Ye Tianxie's four eyes, Liu Yuyue's mouth is slightly hooked, and the smile suddenly appears on the cheeks. The brilliance in the moment seems to make the surrounding light all bright all the time, when her eyes fall in the broken down of Sufifi When Chen Xin was on the body, the smile was even more a bit of resentment: "The younger brother of the evil spirits, just such a small one will not see, you will have another one for the sister to see all the heart and love... Confidante."

Ye Tianxie looked awkward and unconsciously removed his gaze: "Big sister, when did you come over?"

The left-handed army examined the words, and it was very timely. The fart was up and greeted: "Hey? Big sister, have you got the card so soon? Tell you, big sister, the second brother has a big gift to give. You. You have to be mentally prepared, don't..."

"Oh? Heavenly evil brother wants to give me a gift? What kind of gift is it?" Liu Yanyue was not surprised, the thin brow was lightly bent, his lips were laughing, and the light was like a drop of water. The beauty of the eyes fell softly on the face of Ye Tianxie, and the glamorous and unparalleled face slowly floated a layer of pale pink, and the slightly smirked appearance made her incomparably touching and more charming. People are almost out of control.

"Fairy 呐 呐 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 大 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”. Liu Yuyue’s mother is his aunt and aunt. When he just remembered, he called his sister behind Liu’s **** every day. He was familiar with her and couldn’t be familiar with it, but despite this, she was released in the face of her gestures. The style is still too big to eat.

Even he is still so, not to mention other people... The two boys in the North Yunjia and the Southern Solitary are fighting for her. However, even if they really strive for a situation in which you live and die, it is just that they are wishful thinking. It is like the Tianshan nursery rhymes and Li Qiushui in the Tianlong Ba Bu. They are the two best people in the Chinese youth. Also, a self-styled "Tianzi", a self-styled "God", naively thought that as long as he defeated each other, Liu Yuyue would not choose a third person. However, the heart of Liu Yuyue will not be on both of them.

"Ha ha... Hahahaha, today's weather is good, the weather is beautiful, it is a good weather to enjoy the scenery, the fourth, we go to the backyard to turn around, look at the flowers and plants to cultivate the sentiment." From the Murong Qiu Shui, a smoky run ran to the backyard, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tianxie turned around and said to Sufifi, who looked obviously different: "Fifi, you should take her here, I will tell the deed and the big sister."

Sophie’s lips were flat and flat, but they didn’t say anything. They said with a broken heart: “Come, sister, I will show you here first... Hey, it’s as big as I said.”

In fact, what she really wants to say is... just a land title, why do you have to tell her alone...

From the broken heart, here, the spirit has always been in a state of embarrassment, or no matter who enters here, it will be turned into a shocking short time by this incomparably luxurious mansion... When she saw Liu Yanyue, the twinkling of the twinklings was like a strange sight of the heavens, but immediately, a flustered flash on her face made her nervously bow her head. I dare not touch Liu Yanyue’s gaze again.

When Sufifi and the broken Chen’s heart passed by Liu Yuyue, Liu Haoyue turned slightly and his voice was soft: “This sister, have we seen it before?”

The footsteps of the broken Chen Xin paused, and then the head hangs lower, the hands are more intensely pinched together, and the voice has obvious unnaturalness: "I...you...no, my sister, you must have admitted the wrong person." ""

Liu Yanyue thoughtfully, smiled and nodded slowly: "That should be that I admit it."

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