Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 497: Fifi's birthday dinner

The friends of the poor are poor, and the friends of the rich are rich. Valuation determines the level at which they can be and the lap. Today, the parking lot of the Su Shi Manor is said to be the most luxurious auto show in China. A million-plus sports car can become a show-off for a rich family, but at the level of Solo, people here may be even more lazy to take a look. The few cars that Sophie Fei just ordered, even if they appeared in a provincial capital city, were enough to cause a sensation of not being xiǎo, and the influence was completely enough for the headlines of the day. You know, there are not many cars in the world with over 100 million cars. Most are extremely precious limited editions, or are specially tailored. If an ordinary person comes to the Su Shi Manor, he only needs to watch the car here for a while. His outlook on life and values ​​are enough to make a huge change. The level of people who can be invited to come is already the highest in China, the ordinary dignitaries, and the roots are not qualified to set foot here.

And these vehicles alone, without any cover, highlight the huge influence that Sulu has in China.

Even Ye Tianxie, at this moment, gave birth to an infinite emotion. At this moment, he even thought that it would be incredible for Sufifi to be able to look at him in that way. A child born in such an environment, such a level of nv, but willing to go to his side ... and in order to be around him, even the person in charge of a non-complaining family sè, without showing any arrogance and embarrassment ... How exactly did she have such a heart in such a high-quality environment.

Perhaps, because she grew up in a superior environment that could no longer be superior, she had no desire for material. She experienced too much. The sense of security is more important to her than anything else. To this end, even if she becomes one of the most common nv children, she is willing to do so.

"Heavenly evil, time is coming, we... first afternoon, Dad is already waiting for me...we are." When she said "we", her voice was slightly clicked because she and Sulu When I was on the phone, I did not mention Ye Tianxie. At this point, her heart was "squeaky" and she didn't even know what she was nervous about and what she was looking forward to.

The guest hall in the Su Shi Manor Center is full of lights, the entire hall is gorgeous and indescribable, and the decoration is extremely luxurious and luxurious yet elegant. The top marble floor, such as the star-studded crystal hanging lights, melodious music back in the hall. The beautiful waiter wore a knit cheongsam with a fascinating smile, holding a tray of wine glasses, like a beautiful butterfly in the flow of people. Each of the beautiful fresh huā is dotted with a long table with a variety of snacks and fruits. The eyes of some young family members are constantly aiming at the waiters. They can come here. Their identity is naturally different from that of xiǎo. However, most of them are used to the strong xings, but no one dares to go. These beautiful services are vivid and manual, and when you are on the tea side, you will politely say thank you.

Sulu is recognized as a non-offender. Under his gentle appearance, the sizzling means reminds me of my heart.

The attendees were old, medium and small. Men were dressed in suits and styles. They showed the grace and elegance of the upper class. All the nvs were dressed in various evening dresses and elegant. Regardless of whether you know or don't know, you smile and give a toast to the oncoming people. These men and men nvnv or whispers, or laughter, active people are all around, coping with them, showing their extraordinary social skills, just too many smiles, always with one A little bit of "hypocritical" things, this is the party of the upper class, the favorite social game of successful people and rich people.

Suluo is full of red light, and the mood seems to be quite good. Even in the mén mouth personally greet the guests of the various roads, this is a lot of people who are flattered and panicked. Solo’s eyes kept looking out, waiting for nv to arrive. He didn’t pick up nv, and he didn’t let others pick it up, because nv said very seriously to him, she wants to come over today.

The time for the dinner is approaching, Su Luo is waiting for the first time, and there is always a expectation in her heart...that is, she is not alone, but is accompanied by the person he wants to see. He is a jingming person. From this time, when she was in contact with nv, her laughter and laughter, and the sound of his happiness that he had not smelled for so many years... He didn’t know what .

As long as it is nv, as long as she can be happy, he is a father, and he will be blocked... And, the man, a young man who brings him infinite mystery and peace of mind, if it is him, why not? A perfect thing. It was at the beginning that he had not mentioned it to him in a concealed way...just, at that time, he seemed to be rejected by him.

Among the halls, there are a large number of people who are waiting for the protagonist to appear. There have always been countless people who have ideas for Sophie. She has the beautiful and refined face of the Jiangnan landscape, the snow muscles, the beautiful and unparalleled, I don't know how many rich children have seen her for a long time, if they can get Sophie, not only the beauty, but also the unparalleled Su behind her. Industry... This year, Sufifi has been a double-year-old, and at this level, it has already reached the age of life. It’s just been said that Su Daxiǎo’s sister has never even talked about love. Many of the younger generations who are present today are specially designed to ask Sulu for help... It is bound to be.

"Xiǎo sister, you are back!"

With the surprise of the Sujia big housekeeper, the male and female nvnv in the hall all turned their eyes to the direction of the hall mén. When the beautiful and innocent figure walked gracefully, they suddenly saw the sight in front of them. The child shines a lot, and the original dazzling lights are stunned by this dazzling landscape.

Even if she is not the protagonist of today, it is destined to be the focus of attention.

Sophie Fei smiled and bloomed, and she did not carelessly bathed in the sight of her. At this time, she was light blue sè, embroidered with gold enamel huā bird-shaped skirts, surrounded by various gorgeous sky blue sè Broken yu, under the snow làng pick huā's long skirt, there is no enough foot, still dragging a long piece on the ground, autumn bo looking forward, cherry chun with shell, Xu Mei like a new moon, the most touching is her mouth Slightly smile, and flashing a miméng intoxicating eyes, people can't help but want to sink mi in her eyes...

The person who was originally known as the illuminating person is more beautiful and suffocating under the modification of her gorgeous skirt. Although she just walked gently, it seemed to let people see a graceful light dance of a blue fairy, especially her long and white neck that she deliberately raised, which made her a noble temperament in the beauty. It makes people seem to see the princess in the ancient court.

Her appearance is as dazzling as yànyang's rising. Everyone’s mind is filled with her figure in an instant, and she is occupied by all her minds. Most of them have seen Sufifi, but tonight, Sufifi, beautiful, they can't believe it...

Nv is a pleasing person, less nv is beautiful because of the loved one. Because she had Ye Tianxie around, she put on the most beautiful clothes - that is, only the "miracle of the ocean" that Ye Tianxie had seen, and Chen Xin spent a long time to modify the beauty of his body. The warm and happy smile from the heart of the mouth is the thrill of the beauty that she released.

For a time, the original noisy hall turned out to be silent, Sophie’s fairy posture, so that they could see the loss at the same time, and almost all the young men’s hearts were “smashing” and “squatting”, and the beating became more and more intense. ......

Such a face, such a temperament... and such a net worth...

Everything that an nv child dreams of, she is perfectly possessed.

At this moment, they have released a common cry in their hearts... must get her!

Wait... who is the man around her?

While focusing on Sufifi, it also inevitably falls on Ye Tianxie who walked in with him.

At the same time, it has been noticed by so many celebrities. If it is an ordinary person, even if the mind is firm again, it will be uncomfortable. But who is Ye Tianxie? The world of the game, the evil spirits, evil days, I do not know how many times by thousands, 10,000 or even 100,000 people at the same time, this kind of arranging, there is no slight influence on him.

However, although the gaze would not affect him, the clothes on his body made him want to take off and throw it several times. Today's Ye Tianxie in Sufifi's good talk, finally said that it is a suit of a fitted dress, simple and standard white sè shirt, deep sè suit, deep sè leather shoes... with his past far away mén are the spleen of slippers Xing, this pair of shoes makes him uncomfortable. Today, it seems that he is wearing a formal dress for the first time in his life.

The angular face, the long body, the two curved eyebrows, such as painting, the smile of the mouth, if there is nothing, facing the attention of everyone, the facial expression has no slight change. There were not a few fools present. The extraordinary temperament of this man determined his extraordinary status. Now he is ahead with Sufifi and walks side by side. Is it...

For a time, they thought of the identity of Ye Tianxie in their hearts.

"Fifi, homesick?" Sulu smiled at her nv, and she didn't see it for a few months. At this time, her face was laughing, and her nervousness was faint, he had never seen him before. of. And she did not know the sneak peek at Ye Tianxie's gaze, but also made his heart clear, but also sighed. He knows that his nv is completely fond of this person around her, otherwise, how can he laugh and look like this. However, his heart is also full of tension and anxiety. He knows the spleen xing of Sufifi... It’s already loved, but what about Ye Tianxie? If he refuses, it will be a heavy blow to her. After all, he promised to protect her nv, and he refused, he never forgot.

"Nothing." Sophie Fei smiled like a xiǎonv child: "But, I want my father."

Solo smiled and laughed with joy. Then, his eyes shifted to Ye Tianxie and smiled and said: "You can come, I am very happy."

"This is my duty." Ye Tianxie immediately replied. And this sentence can be understood as fulfilling the original agreement to protect Sufifi... A protective profession similar to bodyguards, there may be other explanations.

Su Luoping smiled and said nothing more. Sophie Fein arrived, and the party tonight can already begin. He is looking forward to this time being different from the past.

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