Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 498: Forever bodyguard

Within the scene, there are very few people who know Ye Tianxie, but it does not mean no.

There were two people. When I saw the appearance of Ye Tianxie, the hand holding the cocktail began to tremble uncontrollably. The face of the original smile was replaced by pale in an instant... Looking at the man, his mouth The faint smile that released the strange appeal is like the horrible laugh of the devil who wants to choose someone, so that they are all cold.

"Well, my second brother is coming, hehe... I know that my second brother will come with Miss Su. How about this time, we have no whites." Very low-key sitting in the corner of the left-breaking army poke Poke the body of the autumn water, proudly said. In the past, he also participated in a birthday party for Sufifi. After sitting for a long time, he ran ahead of time, but this time it was different... because Sophie Fei already has more than 90% of his potential to become his future scorpion. Can he rush over?

Murong Qiu Shui squinted around the circle and looked at the gaze that looked at Sufifi or obsessed or lost. He lifted the right hand that was whiter than the woman's hand and gently blew it. The nails that were shaped like bamboo shoots, the corners of the mouth evoked a meaningful smile: "It seems that there will be wonderful performances tonight... Oh, somehow, my blood is about to boil..."

Left Broken Army: "..."

Under the eyes of Suluo, on the stage, the bright and beautiful hostess who wore it immediately noticed. She picked up the microphone, and a soft voice spread throughout the hall: "Ladies and gentlemen, everyone from all over the world, here is the Su Shi Manor, today is the birth of our Su Princess, unconsciously, our The princess is already a decade old. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our Supreme Court dinner of Princess Su Shi. On behalf of our Su Shi Group, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you..."

The sweet voice quieted the entire hall again. Sulu did not come to power, but stood on one side and smiled at his daughter. His brilliance is too dazzling, and he knows that so many officials and super-rich people will come here, mainly because of him. In the past birthday party of Sufifi, he will definitely go to the stage to say a few more words, but today, he chose silence, because today, she does not need to protect her, she has another person who protects her. .

The beautiful host greeted a small period of time, and the smile on her face was full of grace: "Twenty years of growth, our princess has moved to the most beautiful moment of her life. She is the darling of God and is the gift of God to us." Pearl, her birthday, is the festival of our entire Su Shi, and also carries us countless beautiful wishes and expectations... Dear friends, thank you for witnessing the growth of the princess with us. Below, there is a protagonist who invites us... Feifei Princess, board the stage that belongs to her."

The crystal light flashed brighter and the whole hall became white, but the gorgeous lights could not match the dazzling beauty of the sky blue. I don’t know how many eyes came from Sophie. Did not leave from her body, today's Sufifi, the beauty of the nine-day fairy as a general, watching for a long time, regardless of sight, heart, and even a strange feeling of guilt.

Sophie sneaked a glimpse of Ye Tianxie and found that he was also looking at her, and at the same time, his heart became more nervous. In the ear, suddenly Ye Tianxie was as light as a breeze: "Go, I will be with you, right beside you."

A gentle sentence, but more than the most gorgeous language she has ever heard, let her heart, she stepped on a step, carefully carrying the skirt to the front. Then, she turned a light 180° turn, facing all the people who looked at her, and bowed slightly: between the gestures, the princess’s noble elegance is revealed. In Ye Tianxie’s eyes, this is A Sufifi that is completely different from what he knows. At this time, she was so bright that she did not dare to look at it. Even, he even suspected... the girl who cooks for herself, urging herself to get up and change clothes and take a shower every day... It’s really a gorgeous aura, like the moon that is held by the stars. Princess?

Sophie Fei came to power, he also followed her behind, although not close to her, but did not leave her more than three steps, his move made Sophie's heart so excited, so that the original hesitant Sulu smiled. Let the guest present once again look at him, and he guessed his identity. At the same time, they also smelled a different taste.

It is rumored that Miss Su Da did not live in the Su Shi Manor for the past few months, but moved outside and seemed to be living with a man... Is the rumor true? And this man...

"My friends, relatives, and uncles, uncles, aunts, grandfathers who came to Fufei for a special trip... Thank you for spending your birthday with me. Thank you very much, there are so many people who have accompanied me for birthdays. It’s my great happiness...”

Sophie’s voice is ethereal and sincere, and there is a strong appeal in the heart.

"I hope everyone can have fun tonight, and I hope that I can bring my happiness today, as well as all the blessings and wishes I have received, to all those who care about Fifi."

After a few short sentences, she was applauded. What she said is not important. The same routine, they have heard it not many times, but at this time, Sophie is too dazzling, and some people dare not look straight, but they are reluctant to look away. Let those who often mix in various places of communication, who are used to all kinds of beautiful women, are silently amazed. Su Luo's daughter... such a beautiful girl, who will fall in love. Which young son can have such a blessing and get such a girl who is impeccable in every respect.

Sulumo silently looked at her daughter... In the past birthday party, she said something similar, but in the smile, always with that obvious stiffness, because it is a strong support for laughter, childhood and girlhood The shadows have kept her from resisting a lot of people, but today, her smile is so soft, and her voice is slightly shaking with excitement...

Everything changed because it was three steps away from her right hand. Smiling and looking at her man.

After the applause, a young man emerged from the crowd first, and a simple tuxedo suit showed the innate temperament. He looks like he is about twenty-five years old. His face is like a crown jade. His name is Bai Yefan, his father is the first merchant of Suzhou and Hangzhou, his mother is the governor of Zhejiang Province, and the Su family is old knowledge, and Su Feifei. I also knew from an early age. He smiled and said: "Fifi, happy birthday... I know that I may have disrupted the birthday party program, but I can't wait, because my biggest wish tonight is to give Fifi the first time. Send a blessing to the twins..."

His voice fell, not waiting for Sufifi to answer, behind him, a person came over with a white square box, as he approached, the neighbors could feel a little cool.

The box opens and the white brilliance is released under the illumination of the light. Among the boxes, there is a lot of snow, and in the snow, a lotus blooms proudly...

"Snow Lotus!" In the hall, someone has already shouted.

"Snow lotus is the most pure flower in the world, and it also symbolizes peace and good fortune. Feifei is the fairy of heaven, and only Xuelian can match your fairy and innocent. Feifei, this is my birthday gift, I like it. "He looked at Sufifi with a smile, and the affection in his eyes did not hide." Another year is not seen, she is even more extraordinary and beautiful, beautiful and dazzling.

"Thank you, Ye Fan, I like it very much," Sufifi said with a smile. When she spoke, she glanced nervously at the reaction of Ye Tianxie. Seeing that he did not frown, he let go of his heart. She knows very well... Although this man is arrogant outside, but selfish and overbearing, when she speaks to Bai Yefan, she is inevitably worried about whether he will be quietly angry.

And her tiny movements fell in the eyes of many people, let them frown. They certainly know what this Sophie’s subconscious mind means, what it means...

"Ha ha ha ha, Ye Xianzhen, you have a heart, snow lotus is hard to come by, not to mention that the preservation is so good, it must take a lot of thoughts." Su Luo said. Snow lotus will only open between the high mountain stream slopes at 4800~5800 and the gravel near the snow line. It is extremely rare and it is difficult to save. After listening to the words, Bai Yansong turned his eyes away from Sufifi. The baggage said: "Uncle Su, the dull child, except Xuelian, can't think of anything worthy of the noble beauty of Feifei."

"Haha, good! Liu Bo, let people take the snow lotus and keep it properly."

"Yes." Su's big housekeeper responded and personally took the box with the snow lotus.

Bai Yansong still smiles, just want to say something, another voice has already rang: "Ha ha ha ha, since the beginning of the white brother, we can not fall behind."

A young man in a white suit walked out with a long brocade in his hand. Just looking at the box was enough to imagine the extraordinary things. He smiled and said: "The Fifi sister must have seen the world's rare things, and none of the vulgar things like gems can be worthy of the Fifi sister. I have a 'camp snow blue jade' that my family came by chance. As long as you wear it on your body, it can slow down the aging of the skin. Even if you are middle-aged, you can maintain a girllike skin. The mother has always been regarded as the most precious thing around me, but I heard the life of Feifei’s sister today, I will ask for it... ... Feifei's sister-in-law's content does not need this, but perhaps it can make Feifeimei more beautiful than the past after the next two decades."

With Su's family, ordinary jewellery and other gifts, they are dismissive in front of them. Even if they are collected, they will not know where to go afterwards. To get Sulu, and Sufifi’s favor, some people who came for Sufifi were racking their brains. This is an alternative dark battle, but another protagonist tonight is not destined to be either of them.

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