Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 510: Holy Spirit Master

This chapter is not pure, there is love can be fine, because for a long time in the future there will be an impure scene, hahahaha...]

Liu Yanyue's eyes waved, and her eyes were as silky as she showed her fairy-like style: "Teasing? Heavenly brother, I am your big sister... This is my sister, care for my brother..." Her long fingers In Ye Tianxie's chest, he put his hand on his lips and said that it would make any man collapse: "Hey, if Feifei can't make you comfortable, you must remember to come to your sister at any time, as long as I am The younger brother of the evil spirit can satisfy, any part of the sister's body, the younger brother can play casually..."

In this case, it is said from the mouth of a woman...

Still a beautiful, so seductive woman said in the mouth...

Ye Tianxie felt that there was a hot wave of madness rushing to the top of his head, almost to the top, and he slammed his hand on her waist and pulled Liu Yanyue on her body, close to her tender red lips. Sucking firmly, the left hand firmly grasped her soaring and tall chest, and the palm of her hand covered the huge cotton that could not be grasped. The other hand, holding the waist of the willow, followed her back and explored until she was high and full of elasticity. Hip, forcefully shake it up...

As soon as it came up, it was a stormy attack. Liu Yanyue’s body trembled and snorted, but it was sealed because of the lips. It sounded like a slap in the face, and her beautiful resentment was in her. The man who was raging on his body looked charming and charming, but did not resist at all. Instead, he extended his tongue to entangle with Ye Tianxie. At the same time, he raised the round chestnut that would have been coveted by Jinghua Junjie in his dreams. Let Ye Tianxie knead it into various shapes...

In the face of Ye Tianxie, Liu Yanyue will not have a girl like Sufifi, and the soft tongue is actively extended, forcedly stirred, sucked, and the two men’s saliva are thoroughly mixed together. The wrapped tongue continued to flow down, pulling up the water-colored silk thread and dampening the clothes on the chest. In the face of Liu Haoyue, who always squandered in front of him, Ye Tianxie naturally did not have the gentle care of Sufifi, and he made a handful of lips and tongues with his body, and his hand was in her ** The force of smashing, smashing, pinching, pulling, squeezing, pressing... The force is getting more and more uncontrolled. In the end, almost all the strengths are used, and the willows will be huge. The milk played with an exaggerated shape, and the attack on her Tankou became more and more fierce. She even deliberately drooled into her mouth and forced her to swallow it. She couldn’t have time to swallow and spilled her beauty. Wet most of it.

The violent action makes Ye Tianxie's eyes full of **** | the pleasure of abuse, Liu Yanyue's face is like red glow at this moment, the eyes are like silk, the shoulders are creeping, the mouth is emitting a soft vibrato, and the body becomes more Soft, if not Ye Tianxie is next to her, she has already softened to the ground.

The most beautiful place of Sophie is her long legs, and Liu Yuyue... her beautiful **** are simply not like human things. Even when she was with the glass fairy, he often thought about how to touch Liu.柒月的**. At this time, this pair of beautiful milk that can make any man crazy is in his hands. He kneads and squats, and makes the huge crisp **** more swollen and round, let Liu Yuyue The whole body was shuddering, the Yan turned to the cockroach, the squeaky man, the painful feeling of numbness and the sense of swelling, so that she even thought about whether the next milk would sprout from the already hardened tip...

Seeing her reaction so fiercely, Ye Tianxie's kinky|bust of fire is getting hotter and hotter, and the power in her hand seems to be to break her beautiful **, and pull her pink milk|tips down. . Liu Yuyue's body is already sweaty, his face is blushing, and his blood is squeaking again and again. Two milks are red and bloody, and the smudges spread from her chest to the whole body, such as a flame in the whole body. Burning, her eyebrows slightly smudged lips slightly, breathing more and more hurried, hands in the leaves of evil, separated by a fierce set of clothes | get, but the roots can not calm the body's increasingly hot fire, suddenly, She didn't know where the strength came, and she pushed Ye Tianxie away. Ye Tianxie was caught off guard. She was pushed back a few steps, and the whole body of the soft Liu Yanyue fell directly on the red carpet. The sitting posture under the wolf is still showing a curve that makes people want to boil.

Ye Tianxie hasn't had time to show his incomprehensibility. Liu Yanyue, who sat down on the ground, suddenly showed a charming soft smile. The beauty of the singer flashed the charm of the ghost, the enchanting jade powder was scattered all over, slowly, her body The clothes were faded one by one under the call of her mind, so that the beautiful and enchanting body was naked in front of Ye Tianxie. The enchanting body is so perfect that it can't be described in words. The whole body is so smooth and sleek that it can't find the part that destroys the beauty of the curve. It is like a fat jade. Ye Tianxie looked sluggish, breathing stopped in an instant...

Looking at Ye Tianxie’s sluggish expression, Liu Yuyue showed a smile of the soul. She softened her waist and twisted it slightly. She adjusted her sitting posture slightly, and then slowly, she will straighten the plump and beautiful legs in Ye Tianxie. The gaze opened a little bit, and the beautiful land of water is unobtrusive in the face of Ye Tianxie... She holds up her beautiful **** with both hands, looks at Ye Tianxie, and sends out in the mouth. The voice of trembling and letting go: "The evil spirits... hurry up, my sister can't stand it... just plug in and do it... Come to dry sister..."

Beautiful face, goblin-like body, sullen voice... Ye Tianxie almost felt his head blasted open, and he rushed to Liu Yuyue like a beast, holding his hands under her hips. It will be greatly separated from the shoulders, almost exhausted all the strength, hard to penetrate into her body, all at once, and then it is a storm-like impact.

The nightmare is filled with dreams, and the day and night craving fills up the screams of Liu Yuyue’s satisfaction. The crystal-clear jade’s arms cling to Ye Tianxie’s tightly, and there is no depressing wave of sputum, so that the nightingale standing outside the door is shaking. The legs are unconsciously rubbing against each other, and the face is even more blushing, such as smearing the blush powder...



The madness of Liu Yuyue, only Ye Tianxie knows.

This dreamy lover of countless Chinese men is an uncompromising fairy.

That seven days, day and night lingering, this is only a few days passed, they are together with the rain and clouds... Ye Tianxie can no longer simply treat Liu Yuyue as a "big sister", and can no longer evade... and he It seems that it is no longer ready to escape.

After the madness, Ye Tianxie sat on the sandalwood chair where Liu Xiyue was sitting in peace. His eyes were half-closed, and his mouth was constantly giving a slight inhalation sound. The exhausted Liu Yuyue was not in the air, and the white jade body was down. In the legs of Ye Tianxie, the dagger swayed up and down, and brought a sucking sound of "汲汲"...

"Heavenly brother, you seem to have become different from the original..." Liu Yuyue served with his mouth docilely, looking at his eyes with a pair of eyes, and his mouth was ambiguous.

Such a picture made Ye Tianxie almost unable to endure the desire to press Liu Yuyue on the ground. He quickly looked up and closed his eyes and enjoyed: "Well...where is different."

"Don't tell you, but it is to make my sister more love, giggling..." She gave a smirk and slammed it, letting Ye Tianxie feel a whole body, almost erupted in her mouth. In fact, Ye Tianxie knows what the change that Liu Yuyue said is... The former Ye Tianxie never took the initiative to look for her, and in the face of the teasing she always showed, he would flee every time...

Because he cares too much about this big sister, he doesn't want to hurt her because of his impulse, just as he refused to accept Sophie. But now, his heart is completely without the scruples of the original, looking at himself. The "big sister" between him, his only thought is to turn her into her own woman, no one else can touch it! Because he likes Liu Yuyue, regardless of her person, or her body... Since I like it, I have to belong to myself.

This change in state of mind began on the first day after the end of the seven sins of baptism.

"Well... um... you called me today... What is it?" Ye Tianxie adjusted his breathing and said. I have just tossed for so long, and the original intention of coming here has long been forgotten.

Liu Yuyue did not immediately answer the question of Ye Tianxie. The action of Tankou was getting faster and faster, and the hand was used together, but still did not let Ye Tianxie have signs of eruption. She looked at her eyes and raised her head to shout out. : "Night, come in."

The sweet girl in a yellow dress came in and sneaked a glimpse of the scene in the room, her head lowered and she no longer dared to lift it up, and even her footsteps became soft.

The entry of the nightingale made Ye Tianxie a little flustered, and the subconscious would have to stand up and cover up, but listened to Liu Yuyue’s soft voice and ordered: “Come, kneel down, serve your host with your master.”

"Yes Yes."

The sound of the nightingale was slightly trembling, and she slowly crouched down next to Liu Yuyue, sticking out the pink tongue, and squatting in the lower half of the entrance. Moved up, from beginning to end, she did not dare to look at Ye Tianxie's eyes.

The two women's two sweet and soft tongues left and right, and the soul of Ye Tianxie almost flew up. He looked up high and his mouth could not suppress the breathing. Such a picture seems to have never appeared in a dream.

Ye Tianxie’s reaction made Liu Yuyue smile softly. She looked up and gave a sigh of relief. The body moved forward and grasped Ye Tianxue with the giant giant chest. Get up, the nightingale bites the tip and sways. Tankou got a soothing Liuyue month, and then he said, "The **** of evil spirits, Zhao Tianhua has been here for us for a month. He is indeed a genius. He has been perfectly designed in a month. The development of the Chamber of Commerce in July, his ambition is not the big one... Do you want to see him?"

Look at the title of this chapter...]

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