Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 511: Holy Spirit Teacher

Hematemesis, all the way to the bumpy code, to a certain mountain... Wood has a network, wood has a 3g signal... I went there! 】

"Zhao Tianhua?" Ye Tianxie closed his eyes and said, panting, "Well... why should I see him?"

"Because, you are the real master of the Chamber of Commerce in July... Without you, there will be no Chamber of Commerce in July." Liu Yanyue’s action is hard, no one would have thought that this is recognized as the most attractive of China. Woman, the second longest daughter of China, Liu Qianxi, and the seventh daughter of Zuo Chuanrong, a goddess-like woman, would have made such a seductive gesture. Such a woman is not the same as a man.

Her heart is heavy, the depth of the city, the strong means, no less than her appearance and charm, she knows how to make a man crazy in love with her, know how to make a steel man into a willingness for her The guest under the death of a dead man. Once, she hinted to him, relatively concealed teasing, but at that time, she did not want to let Ye Tianxie struggle to the extent of pain, so she rarely took the initiative to find him, only in silence Injury to the mirror. And he and Sufifi, and Situ’s rain, let her not only have no heart, but have a joy... Then pass the sentence, “This is the game world, you will not really hurt your sister, it’s your sister. The care of the younger brother does not need to be responsible..." This subtle hint finally made Ye Tianxie at that time also discard all scruples and reason...

She believes that her body, her wave in the bed can make him greedy forever after enjoying it once. Let him long to be able to come to her every day.

And the fact is the same. However, his mood changes too quickly to surprise her.

"Without you, there will be no place in the Chamber of Commerce, which is a very good location in the Chamber of Commerce in July. Without the equipment and props you provide, it is impossible for the Chamber of Commerce in July to become famous, and it will not be famous for such a long time." Liu Yuyue's eyes are slanting, the red-lipped lips are moist and bright, and the red-pink hands cling to their huge white chest, holding a huge soft snowy breast profile, plump snow flakes overflowing jade Between the fingers, the upper and lower frictions are getting faster and faster, and the exquisite body curve changes under this posture for another ups and downs.

"..." Ye Tianxie was speechless for a while, I don't know if it was a kind of unspeakable sense of comfort that made him speechless, or moved to speak... He actually knew that from a few years ago, the game world So there will be a July Chamber of Commerce, all because of her. After all, Liu Yuyue is not an ordinary person. She is not as leisurely as ordinary people. If it is not for him, how can she spend so much effort to prop up a July Chamber of Commerce. In Ye Tianxie’s past game world, he has more than half of his high-end equipment, all from the July Chamber of Commerce in Liu Yuyue... Everything she has quietly paid for him has been deeply in his heart.

This time, Liu Yuyue obviously has the will to expand the Chamber of Commerce in July, because the influence of the world of destiny is too great, a virtual game that allows the support of the world, the World Bank to support, and let other virtual games close together. How can you not see the immeasurable prospects inside? However, although she has such ability, she has no extra strength and time. Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce in July, she has already stared at one person, Zhao Tianhua. This is a veritable business geek, you can whiten the Tianhua Group to achieve 100 billion assets, if you give him a perfect foundation, in the game world, he can also overturn the clouds. At that time, Liu Yuyue, who knew his fiancee's identity, waited for the day when he had nothing. Then she attacked at the right time, attacked Zhao Tianhua's death and weakness, and put him in the palm of his hand... This month, Zhao Tianhua almost spent all his efforts to plan the development prospects of the July Chamber of Commerce, only for Liu Yuyue and The words he said, the goal...

That calculation for Zhao Tianhua, the Yun family certainly made a full pot, but also absolutely can not think of the Liu Yuyue oriole in the after, to obtain, will be a greater harvest than the Yun family.

"If you don't want to see it, it doesn't matter. He is a man with a strong attachment. For his goal, he will do whatever he can." Liu Yuyue is fascinated by the fascination. The jade hand squeezed the huge soft snow hills. Fast upwards... Down... The bulging pink buds at the tip of the line swayed the **** and irritating track... Looking at her chest, the undulating and full of whiteness. Ye Tianxie’s brain constantly echoed her eclipse in the spring.

"...Zhao Tianhua entered the Chamber of Commerce in July for himself, not me. I didn't see him. He wouldn't see my interest... I chose the big sister, I wouldn't worry." Ye Tian Evil **** cold air and says that he is almost on the verge of collapse.

"How do you know that Zhao Tianhua doesn't want to see you?" Liu Yanyue scorned his tongue and gasped in his mouth. "I have seen Zhao Tianhua's planning book. His business sense is indeed unparalleled. He is a true genius. His ambitions are many times larger than his original 'Tianhua Group'. His plan points to a business empire that dominates the entire "destiny" world."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"The current prestige and foundation of the Chamber of Commerce in July is already an excellent starting point, and there is no shortage of manpower. The only thing missing is the guarantee of funds that can support the neat veins." Liu Yuyue finished, scornful Look at him.

"...how much?" Ye Tianxie knew what she meant and said.

"With the particularity of the "Fate" world and the current foundation of the Chamber of Commerce in July, many things are easier to promote and handle than the real world. Therefore, the amount of pre-funding required is not too much... 80 billion."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"In addition, he also hopes that you will be the first to go to the lost city, and then put down as many of the best places as possible. So, he asserts that he will be able to return within a year, at least double within two years, two After the year, it will increase several times a year...I can't realize these, but I don't know, but 80 billion... Hey, it's really easy for your baby Feifei." Liu Yuyue laughs more and more Mei, scorned: "Heavenly brother..."

Liu Yuyue suddenly tried hard, the soft and huge two groups rubbed up and down harder, suddenly let go, and at the same time, the night squatting up and down the dagger fiercely pressed, in her low voice, let her I can't get enough of the whole roots to swallow, running through the throat, straight to the bottom. Under the huge stimulation, Ye Tianxie shuddered, and the hands of the subconsciously pressing the nightingale's dagger did not allow her to lift up, spurting out in the body's tremors, the nightingale's body trembled like the leaves in the wind, overflowing in the mouth. Long-term whine...

After a long time, Ye Tianxie grew a sigh of relief, letting the nightmare's dagger open, the nightingale holding a hand, painful coughing, the white thick pulp was directly in the stomach, a little half was coughed by her. Above the carpet.

"Giggle, it’s a waste." Liu Yanyue covered his mouth and laughed. The watery beauty of the beautiful radiant flow, suddenly licking the neck of Ye Tianxie, and the sweet and smooth tongue passed into his mouth, Ye Tian Evil at this time still have any scruples about her, hands out, unscrupulously take her body soft and smooth. The two have forgotten to suck, exchange, and kiss, and the body is twisted, and the body is rubbing against his body. The delicate skin touch is like pearl grinding, but it takes only a few seconds to let it vent. Ye Tianxie's body was once again burned up, and the tip of the tongue made every effort to turn around in her chewing mouth. The kiss was hot and hot and squeaky. The nightingale that wheezed again slammed forward, slamming his tongue between his legs, and continued to serve his tongue, seemingly fascinated.

At this moment, Ye Tianxie's communicator rang, and Sufifi's voice came: "Heavenly evil! Did you hear it... Ah?" Where are you now?

Liu Yanyue licked his lips slightly, sighed and turned his head, biting his earlobe, and the tangled hair hangs on the shoulder of Ye Tianxie. Sometimes a few soft silk sticks to the cheeks, and the gorgeous face rises. A piece of peach-like seductive pink. Ye Tianxie took a breath and picked up the talker: "Fifi, I am outside now, what is it? Isn't Star Glass looking for me?"

The lips of Liu Yanyue are in the ear, and the breath of the flower rushes into his nose and ears, so that he can't help but hold her big breast and knead it.

"No, there is someone looking for you... Hey, it’s still a big beauty." Sophie’s voice is obviously so bitter, but if she knows what Ye Tianxie is enjoying at this time, I don’t know. What will be the reaction...

"Looking for me? What is her name?" Ye Tianxie was slightly confused. A woman who can make Sophie’s special call to go back... He searched in his mind for a while, but he didn’t have a clue.

"She won't let me tell you... In short, you are coming back. I know her, you have seen it, and... oh! In short, come back soon!"

Waiting for Ye Tianxie to answer, the call will be hung up. Ye Tianxie is holding a talker, still can't think of who will find himself.

Blood demon month? It won't be her.


"Would you like to go back?" Liu Yanyue said.

“Well,” Ye Tianjian indulged, and said: “There is always a very special feeling... I will go back and see it.” He reached out and took the nightingale’s dagger, which was still struggling to rise and fall, smiling. : "Little night, I will feed you milk next time..."

I have to admire Liu Yuyue’s ability to teach people, so that a girl can be so docile, and when she performs her duties, she will become extremely cold and ruthless... She is the maid of Liu Yuyue and her first A guard. Under the delicate and sweet appearance, it can bring life to life.

"Remember... what my sister said." Liu Yanyue stared at his legs, and the soft tongue of the crispy powder licked from top to bottom, so that Ye Tianxie couldn’t help but break into her lips again. between.



Remind again, pay attention to the title! 】

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