Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 518: Jade flower


"Boss, that sister seems to be very powerful." After Hua dreams to step out of the courtyard, Star Boer looked at the direction she left, with a strange expression.

"Well, it's really amazing... eh?" Ye Tianxie brows and asks, "How do you know that she is very powerful."

"Feeling." Star Baoer blinked and replied. "It is like suddenly she feels so good... It must be like this. If it is not bad, why should the boss accept her into our team? Right?"

Call out the control panel of the mercenary group, the new members above: Angel Wings: Level:? ? ? ? , occupation:? ? ? ?

Even in the team, it does not show her name and career... such a strange situation can no longer be explained by the level too high. Is it... she has the ability to hide her information?

It seems that this should be the case. Not only hides its own information, but even the atmosphere is perfectly hidden. If it wasn't for her active exposure, Ye Tianxie would never know, and she would not have thought that she would have such a terrible strength. Even he would not know that there is such a person in the world of destiny. Close to her close several times, with the intensity of his perception, she has never felt the same from her.

"Boss! I have done another good and good thing, do you want to look at it." Star Baoer said with enthusiasm.

"Well, let's go." Ye Tianxie has a lot of thoughts, and his mind has been thinking about the few words that he said after his dreams... The more powerful he becomes, the closer he will be to what he desires most...


He turned and walked to the backyard, and in his heart, there was already a decision that would not change.

He didn't know what it was waiting for him in front of him. He didn't know what it meant to be so many unbelievable things around him... but no matter what, he couldn't keep up with his eagerness to see the glass fairy. If you become strong, you can see her soon, then, what else can he hesitate?

It sounds very mysterious, but even if it is fake, even if only a trace of it may be true, he has to do everything he can.

Ye Tianxie turned and walked in the direction of the backyard. Star Baoer saw that he had no interest at all, and shouted anxiously: "Oh ah... boss, it’s really awesome, you will love it, and the price is cheap... boss!"

"Fruit, the flower that dreams of something, do you know something?" Ye Tianxie walked silently and asked silently.

"..." Fruit did not answer.


"...Hey, the master, the fruit has said, can't wake up the fruit when the fruit is sleeping... oh... the fruit continues to sleep." After a while, it came. The fruit has a pronounced sleepiness.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

With his understanding of the fruit, she has two possibilities for making such a gesture... One is that she is really sleeping, the other is that she knows, but she does not want to tell him, and then uses various methods to fool the past. However, this time should be the former, because before the Chamber of Commerce in July, she did not run out to eat the dragon essence... Since I fell asleep, I should not have heard him talking with flowers and dreams...

Forget it...

The backyard is like another world. There are flowers, grasses, fruit trees, pools, hills, pavilions, and some things that Sufifi has added to his liking. Every day, it will be carefully cleaned up by Chen Xin. Girls often like to lie and talk in the lawns or flowers lying here, look up to the sky, and sometimes sleep on them. They don't like monsters every day in pursuit of strength.

Seeing Ye Tianxie walking in, the snow that is carefully watering the flowers and plants is very far away and shouted: "Brother... Brother, come on, the seeds you gave me last time are all sprouted, and they are beautiful. so beautiful!"

Chen Xue shouted, saying that Chen Xue and Su Feifei only noticed that Ye Tianxie came in, followed by the star tail of the little tail. Xiao Xi and Xing Li ran to him, occupying his left and right. Ye Tianxie took the hands of two girls and walked to Chen Xue, and looked at the few young plants that were obviously just sprouting in front of her. Although they were small, they released a dazzling array of colors. Seven trees, each with different radiances... red, blue, green, purple, yellow, white, and black. However, their young shoots are not like a plant at all. The whole body is green and crystal clear, and it is translucent. If it is not the standard leaf shape of the two pieces, it is a crystal that is artificially inserted into the soil.

"Look, pretty! After the general seed is successful, you can grow the young shoots in three days, but this has been used for a long time. I thought the planting failed, but now... oh." Chen Xue laughed very happy. . She has been on the sidelines of life and death since she was a child. She has tasted real death. When the day turns into a past, she is so optimistic that her face is always pure and pure.

These seven strange buds grew out of the colorful seeds that Ye Tianxie bought from his hand.

Ye Tianxie relies on a little closer, trying to see their attributes:

Jade Crystal Flower and Water: The bud state of the jade flower of water contains the source of water. After maturity, it will continue to grow blue crystal coins.

Jade Crystal Flower Fire: The bud state of the fire jade crystal flower contains the source of fire. After maturity, it will continue to grow red crystal coins.

Jade Crystal Flower Wind:............ After growing, it will continue to grow green crystal coins.

Jade Crystal Flower Ray: ......... will continue to grow purple crystal coins after maturity.

Jade Crystal Flower · Soil: .... will continue to grow yellow crystal coins after maturity.

Yujinghua·Light:............ After growing, it will continue to grow white special crystal coins.

Jade Crystal Flower Dark:............ After growing, it will continue to grow black special crystal coins.

Ye Tianxie: "!!"

After maturity... grow crystal coins! ?

Ye Tianxie was not surprised by the small!

What is the concept of crystal coins?

Since seeing the merchandise of the No. 1 mysterious businessman, he has thoroughly understood the price and preciousness of this crystal coin. The Holy Spirit's medicine, the ultimate rejuvenating prop that can fill all the lives in an instant, without cooling time, is immeasurable, and even if there is more money, there is nowhere to buy. And a blue crystal coin can be exchanged for ten. Suzaku's cockroach is such a powerful and powerful sacred instrument, hundreds of crystal coins can be exchanged... even if he had destroyed a **** of mysterious beast, Yu Bing, but only a hundred crystal coins .

Its value is self-evident.

And these are the seeds that he was forced to buy from the hands of the cockroaches. After growing up, they can actually crystallize the coins! !

This is like smashing a few trees on the road, and the result is that it has become a cash cow with a real money and silver...

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