Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 519: Step into the 50th level

The colorful seeds bought from the hands of the cockroaches clearly correspond to the seven elements of the sè, and also correspond to the seven kinds of crystal sè. However, he clearly noticed that the two white sè and black sè mentioned are "special white sè crystal coins" and "special black sè crystal coins"...


At the same time, he also remembers that in the No. 1 mysterious businessman, among all the goods in his hands, the five crystal coins that are used for the exchange of red, blue, purple and yellow are not black and white. So what are the special xings for these two special crystal coins?

How many crystal coins can you produce in a singular plant that can produce crystal coins?

Looking at the seven bright, crystal-clear plants in front of you, Ye Tianxie’s heart is moving. Inadvertently, he actually got such treasures from his hands at such a low cost! First these seven seeds, then the colorful ribbons... Well, shouldn't it be more and that xiǎo not do something jiāo easy? It’s too cost-effective to do it with her.

"Xueer, these seven yujing huā should be cultivated well, they will have great use in the future." Ye Tianxie Mo said with Chen Xue's head.

"Hmmm! I will train very seriously, they are so beautiful, I am not willing to let them die... There are still, my brother, look here, this is the life and life that you bring back. The seeds of the grass have already grown into a long time." Chen Xue pointed to the green faint xiǎo piece on the other side, it is not ordinary green, but a green of life that releases strong anger, this kind of green Se makes him feel refreshed at a glance. These are the seeds of the huā and the grass of life that Ye Tianxie first came to the Temple of Heaven.

The vegetation of the world of destiny is not the same as the real world. The low-level plants can be germinated in just a few days, and can start in a few days. The results will be in a few days. In general, the higher the vegetation level, the longer the growth cycle, and the highest level may be in years. But not absolute. Some advanced plant growth cycles are also very short. The huā of life and the grass of life are now growing up, and it is already a long growth cycle. After all, they are also special plants that survived in front of the Temple of Heaven and are of a relatively high level.

"The Book of Herbs contains records about the huā of life and the grass of life. After they mature, I can make the yào of the creature that my brother showed me the last time. Oh! And, the huā of life. After the special refining, the huā flap can increase the maximum value of life after eating!"

Ye Tianxie smiled and nodded. At the beginning, he spent seven days to see the "Book of Herbs" that Chen Xue got, and of course he would also know the record of the book of life and the grass of life.

"The yào of the Holy Spirit... like that, if you sell it, you can sell a lot of money." Staring at the huā and the grass of life that are not xiǎo, the eyes of Star Boer gradually become The shape of "$", then licked Ye Tianxie: "Boss! You are so powerful, you don't need this kind of yào right? If you make the yào of the Holy Spirit, give me a little bit better? Hehe... People are such a cute nv child, if they are bullied, they can be used to save their embarrassment."

Ye Tianxie certainly knows what she is thinking, and this unscrupulous root will not let go of any chance of making money. He turned his eyes, and he nodded very weakly: "Well, okay. I must give some to you at that time... However, we had an agreement at the beginning, and your things can only be sold to people inside our team. Sold to outsiders, otherwise, the monthly deposit will be..."

"I, I have not forgotten." Star Baoer licked his mouth chun, very depressed xiǎo snoring.

"But, but..." Chen Xue extended his white fingers to the rear of the position where the huā was planted. There, there was a vacant space, a bare piece, and a layer around it. The xiǎo-type fence, from the perspective of the soil looseness, this land is being cared for by the very fine heart every day: "The seed that my brother gave me last time... the most precious one, has never been long Come out, will it... will it fail?"

Chen Xue’s voice is obviously tense, because it is really a very precious seed, and it is the highest level props currently owned by Ye Tianxie, a sacred seed – collected from Red Taiyang Go to the holy destroyer props "Heart Charm Heart"!

When the seed was collected at the moment before the disappearance of the red pheasant's body, his collection was directly upgraded from the advanced level to the fairy level, and according to the description of the seed: advanced planting can be planted, after successful planting The probability of being within a fixed time will cultivate the seven ultimate hidden props of the world of destiny - Tian Mei Sakura.

Relative to its grade, this planting requirement is already very low and low, but what is disturbing is the probability that the fruit will be successfully produced after successful planting - three-tenths of a million!

From Ye Tianxie, this "Heavenly Charm Heart" was given to Chen Xue, and then planted by Chen Xue and Chen Xin. The time has been gone for more than ten days. Even if their sisters understand the world of destiny is not so thorough, but also fully understand what the word "holy destruction" represents. So they are cultivating with their greatest xiǎo heart... But after so long, there are no signs of germination. This makes them very upset. A sacred item has failed to grow, and the loss is immeasurable.

Ye Tianxie looked at it and shook his head indifferently. He smiled and clicked on the tip of Chen Xue’s nose. He said: "The more advanced the plant, the slower it develops. Cher should know more than I know. So don't worry. It may take months or years to come out... It doesn't matter if it really fails, it's just a seed, and it's good to have snow, if it's because of a xiǎoxiǎo The seeds made my snow unhappy, so I should have thrown it away."

"Oh, it won't. Unless my brother doesn't want me, I won't be upset." Chen Xue said with a smile. Ye Tianxie smiled and shook his head, whispering: "Snow, if you want to run away from me, I will catch you back."

Sophie Fei came to him and asked her face strangely: "Heavenly evil, pray for her..."

"This is the best thing, don't ask, I let her join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary. It is not a matter of heart. Feifei, since you know her, you should also think that she has a lot of different places from normal people. "Ye Tianxie said.

Sophie nodded: "I dreamed that she did give me a very special feeling. I feel... I don’t think she should belong to this world. Well, it’s wonderful."

Ye Tianxie: "...she won't say anything about her, Feifei, I have one thing... I need you to help." Ye Tiancai paused, wondering what should be done with Sufifi... eight hundred billion what! A number of days that can scare the normal. Although this may not be an exaggerated speed for the Su family, but the Su family business is no bigger, it should not be indifferent to the number of billions.

"Well? What's the matter... Ah? Want me to help?" Sophie blew her eyes and looked at him with a strange look. It’s no wonder that she’s such an expression, because it seems that Ye Tianxie first told Sufifi to ask her for help.

"I want to borrow money from you... Dad." When Ye Tianxie spoke, some unnaturally used the knuckles to rou face. Borrowing money... seems to be the first time. Speaking of it, he always hates the feeling of owing others things.

"Let's borrow money?" Sufifi's gaze is even more bizarre: "Heavenly evil, you seem to have a lot of money now, what else do you have to borrow money for? You don't want to buy anything particularly expensive..." The voice was aloud and asked: "How much do you want to borrow? If you borrowed it, Dad will definitely agree."

"Eight billion Chinese coins." Ye Tianxie said the number that Liu Yuyue told him, while paying attention to Sufifi's reaction.

"Eight billion?" Sufifi was obviously surprised, but it was far from the degree of "stunned" that Ye Tianxian expected. She thought for a moment and said, "What are you going to do so much?"

"Develop the July Chamber of Commerce." Ye Tianxie answered with a calm and honest answer, and then smiled smugly: "My own words, you have the nv of the richest man in Asia, I just want to lack money."

Sophie Philippine powder chun a squat, lu out a delicate smile: "Oh, of course! Xiǎo sister likes you, is your blessings for several generations, um... eight hundred billion. I don't have so much Money, I will talk to my dad after the meeting. If this number is used, he will definitely agree."

Eighty billion, the number of scared people, decided on such a simple sentence. This is the Su family. In the same way, it is also Sophie’s unreserved contribution to him, entrusting him to his life, and he will pay attention to money. Ye Tianxie’s mouth twitched, no more mention of borrowing money, but his right hand extended, the light flashed, a long, floating ribbon with seven sè appeared in his hands: “Fifi, this is for you."

The appearance of this ribbon, all of a sudden attracted the attention of the surrounding nv children, all looked at the yàn. Nvxing days xing likes beautiful things, and this natural release of colorful light is even more immune.

Sufifi’s colorful glaze, the result of the colorful ribbon xiǎo heart, she did not go to see it belongs to xing, but held it in her arms, ridiculously said: "Thank you for the evil, it is really beautiful, Let me think about it... this seems to be the fourth thing you sent me! Right, where did you find this?"

"If you look at its genus xing, you know." Ye Tianxie said.

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