Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 610: Brother confrontation

This chapter writes a bit of a card, first of all, and fill it up at night. In addition, there should be an rumor in the evening, which seems to be the final article. Call... Eat breakfast too. Hungry dizziness. Sure enough, playing a ride is not right. 】

At 1:02 pm, Lost City Center Arena 001.

In the fifth game of the 16th round, the arrow broke through the sky and was zero, and Situ was so ruthless to Situ.

This is also destined to be a very tangled game. Because the two people standing on the stage at this time have never handed over each other, whether it is the real world or the game world, even the practice has not been practiced.

The "Beginning of the Game" prompt sounded and fell, and neither of the two people on the stage. Under the stage, Sufifi whispered: "Heavenly evil, who will win?"

"Their two words are indifferent to victory. If you must choose a winner, it must be ruthless." Ye Tianxie replied.

When he had just finished speaking, Situ’s moment on the stage had already said: “Bitter gourd face, I swore a long time ago, I even took the knife to myself, and I will never use weapons to face you, even if this is just the game world. A game. Hey, you don't have to be too touched, I am a dead-hearted person, you don't know."

After he finished, a tone had already sounded over the court: "Hey... the players ‘Arrows the Sky’ gave up the game, congratulations to the players’ ○zero win and the next week’s quarter-finals.”

This is an unexpected and unsurprising result. However, outsiders only know that they belong to the same day, the soul of the mercenary group, there may be a situation where there is no war and one side wins, but they will not know the relationship between Stuart and Situ ruthless ordinary people can not understand. Although Stuart’s unreasonable shouting of Situ’s ruthless face every day, his ruthless affection for Situ was deeply planted at a very young age. People of that age were simple and mindless, and there would be no feelings for one’s feelings. Impurity, not to mention, it was a person who gave him life and gave him life and even his name. This kind of feeling is estimated to be dead, and there will be no slight deterioration.

Therefore, Stuart had decided to give up the game at the moment he saw the game schedule. His strength will never be inferior to that of Situ, and the strength of the two will be between the two, and if they are too familiar with each other, it is not an easy task to distinguish the winners and losers.

Situ's ruthless face was not moving. It seems that he also knew the result from the beginning. Ye Tianxie also obviously knew this result early, and Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiushui were not surprised at all.

At this point, three of the six people of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary have entered the quarter-finals of tomorrow. The two people who were eliminated were all due to their teammates and had to give up.

The sixth game of the 16th. The opponents of this game are equally entangled.

A sword Lingyun and the shadow star soul. The first heir and the second heir of Lingjia, Ling Yun and Ling Jie!

It’s not surprising that a sword Lingyun can enter the top 16. From the start of the game to the present, almost all the games are unscathed. His sword defense is even more seamless than the shield’s shield defense. . His sword was so fierce that he actually won the assassin's outbreak. The ordinary profession, in the state of no high color in the hands of the hands, will be interpreted as a true master of the sword.

Lingjia, among the three hidden families, inherits the strongest ancient Wu family for thousands of years. They have no abilities, and they never touch hot weapons, but it is the sacredness of this family's sword, which makes Hua Xia's supreme regime have to be jealous.

However, the shadow star soul can enter the top 16, but it is quite a lot of people... especially the Ling family. Ling Jie is born to be strong. Since childhood, he has been aiming to surpass Lingyun, but he is also very entertaining and active. Without Ling Jie’s heart, such as calm water can integrate sword into the bones and soul. Therefore, his accomplishments in the sword. It’s not a little bit worse than Lingyun.

And no matter how the movie star soul enters the top 16... He and Ling Yun's matchup seems to have no suspense.

In today's virtual game world, it is impossible to achieve perfect fairness. Because the virtual game world can change a person's physical physique, it can change the person's appearance, and can give everyone exactly the same initial attributes. However, it cannot change the consciousness and spirit of people. If consciousness and spirit can change, people will not be able to play like this, and no one will dare to touch such a game. Thus, for those who are used to the sword in the real world, the sword meaning, as well as the understanding and proficiency of the sword, the ability to control, will not be forgotten and discounted in the virtual game world. The impact of the same nature is endless. If you must say the absolutely fair game world... the 21st century virtual game that manipulates the characters on the computer screen is possible.

Therefore, with Lingyun's sword, even if there is no good equipment, it is still the strong among the strong. And Ling Jie...

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the game officially began.

A sword Lingyun face like water, the look is as indifferent as before, and his opponent is Ling Jie. A three-foot-long gold sword in his hand, the blade is smooth, without any extra sculpting and decoration. Opposite, Ling Jie is holding... but a one-handed sword!

One-handed swords are generally only used by shield guards. Because single-handed swords are light and attack speeds are fast, but the general swords are narrow. The one-handed swords of the same grade and the same grade are far less than the two-handed swords in length and lethality. Suitable for one-handed swords and one-handed shields. The two-handed sword is slightly heavy, but it has a high lethality and a wide range of damage. It requires two hands to hold when waving. The warrior profession can not be equipped with shields. If a combat profession uses a one-handed sword, it is the one-handed sword that is not the general best. The lethality is more than the two-handed sword, or the head is clipped by the door.

The one-handed sword that appeared in the shadow of the star spirit attracted a whisper of no suspense. Ye Tianxie glanced at the attribute of the sword, and it was also a look of surprise... The sword has absolutely no attributes of color, and it is a one-handed sword of the gold-level warrior and the shield guard. The attribute is lower than the left hand. That is even worse.

"Begin." The shadow star spirit first opened, and the sound calmed and surprised a sword Lingyun.

"You use this sword?" A sword Lingyun frowned. The Shadow Star Spirit has always been in the top ten of the rankings, but since he was stubbornly retired from a few months ago, he claimed to challenge his own limits and find his own powerful road. The top of the ranking list is one hundred. This time, his level is barely at level 50.

In a few months, a sword Lingyun never knew where he was and what he was doing. And his talker is always in the state of blocking all calls.

"Yes!" The shadow star soul answered a word.

"Come on." A sword Lingyun hand wrist flip, the gold sword directly refers to the shadow star soul, the invisible sword is released instantly.

"Yes." g! ~!

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