Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 611: The strongest sword

The match between the brothers and the brothers, in this way, opened in a relatively cold atmosphere, a sword Lingyun did not launch an attack, keep the sword, and wait for the attack of the shadow star soul. As a strong party and a brother, he naturally does not make a move of first attack. The shadow star soul is also welcome. He steps forward and pulls closer, and the one-handed sword in his hand suddenly stabs...

"Fast!" Zuo Bianjun involuntarily issued a burst of praise.

"Although fast, but far worse than his brother." Murong Qiuqi said with a grin.


A sword Lingyun did not evade, in a crisp metal crash, the attack of the shadow star soul was blocked by a sword Lingyun's sword... The shadow star soul seemed to be expected to be blocked by his own attack. On the top, still do not use any skills, then the ordinary attack to the neck of a sword Lingyun...


It is a block.

"The judgment time of the sword block is similar to that of the shield?" Ye Tianxie looked at a sword on the stage, Ling Yun, whispered. Although a sword Lingyun will not be able to kill the second victory like Wang and evil days in every game, even if it is a long fight, his has always been without injury. It is not how high he is, and he has the ability to block the sword that can't be shocked. The probability that the sword will trigger the block is too low. Only when luck is good enough to burst, will it unconsciously trigger a block. However, in a sword Lingyun, it is common to appear frequently with eating and walking.

"The shield's block determination is different depending on the shield. My current shield block judgment time is about 025 seconds. As long as the 025 seconds are captured, the base can reach 100% block. It is between 005 seconds and 01 seconds, even one third of the shield is not as good. Even the most talented athlete in the world, it is difficult to make such a delicate reaction... A sword Lingyun can do this, he is against the sword The control power is no longer described as the word 'genius'."

"I said that his sword is faster than the bullet, and the sword is meant... Sometimes, you will think that he and the whole person are merged with the sword. When my gunshots were all blocked by his sword, I though I don't want to be convinced, but I have to praise him... After so many years, his sword is really sharper.” Murong Qiu Shui also stared at the stage and said slowly.

"Hmm..." Ye Tianxie promised to continue to look at the stage... He is more interested in why the shadow star soul should use a one-handed sword?




The attack speed of the one-handed sword will win the two-handed sword. Therefore, the attack of the shadow star soul is very fast, but the attack that is called the swift attack is even out of the five swords, but all are blocked by a sword Lingyun. The players of a sword Lingyun game are all stunned, how can't understand, what he is relying on, there will be such a terrible block ability.

"Five seconds have passed... ready to pick up." The sword that has been in the defense has been added to the sword of the star spirit, and suddenly it is low. When he finished this sentence, he suddenly saw a sneer in the corner of the shadow star soul.

The sword of the shadow star soul is withdrawn and then attacked again. His speed of the sword is quite fast in others' eyes, but in his eyes, it is generally slow to crawl with the snail. He is too familiar with the sword and is integrated into the bone. Understand that the sword of the shadow star soul has just been based, he has been able to accurately determine the trajectory it has to cross, not too bad.

But... just at the moment he wants to block and fight back after the block, his eyes suddenly bloom,

The sword of the shadow star soul... is gone.


The sound of a long sword falling on the body, the sword of the shadow star soul has been stabbed in the chest of a sword Lingyun...

-1508, -1600, -1590!

A sword, but brought up three numbers!

And, that is actually not a sword! It is a chain of three swords that can't be seen by the roots. The sound of "哧" is clearly too fast, and the sound of the three swords overlaps!

"You let me five seconds, I also let you five seconds ... I, the root does not need your hands to show mercy!" The shadow star soul did not continue to pursue, but flat sword, looking at the eyes of the eyes of a sword Lingyun.

The speed of his sword was almost as fast as a sword Lingyun did not respond.

"Fast!" Ye Tianji once again made a sudden exclamation. The sound of this amazement is much stronger than it was just now.

"I admit, this makes me very surprised." Murong Qiushui also got his body up and looked at the sudden changes in the game with great interest. A Lingyun has been blocking, no attack. And the shadow star soul... It turned out that it was always a random attack.

"Ling Jie... What is the speed of his sword? What is going on? Why is it so fast... It’s coming and disappearing? Is the sword he possesses with such a terrible attack speed?" .

"No." Ye Tianex shook his head: "Ling Jie's attack speed is only 120. The speed of the sword, the root should not appear above the attack speed."

"Why is his sword so fast? Is this too unreasonable?"

"Why is the speed of the arrow shot in a moment so fast?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"That's because he has a 'magic eye' ability in an instant... the amount, is that Ling Jie..."

Ye Tianxie shook his head and stared at the two men on the stage and said: "He is obviously not a versatile person. However, his sword speed and the speed of the arrow should be of the same nature. As for the reason, it should be Only he knows it."

On the stage, the shadow star soul has once again launched an attack, and the speed of the sword is as fast as a meteor. If you talk about the sword's ability to block the sword before, it is unbelievable. Then, at this time, the speed of the sword of the shadow star soul is clearly reaching the level that people can't believe. The sudden sword just now, what people see is equivalent to the picture of the sword suddenly disappearing, and at this time consciously pay attention, but still almost saw the existence of the sword, can only see a glimmer of phantom.

This time, a sword Lingyun did not go to block, perhaps such a slowdown, he could not find the decision point of the block, his body quickly retreated, frowning said: "Improve the deceleration... This is what you use with a one-handed sword. reason?"


"Who taught you?" A sword Lingyun voice is a bit low.


"What is the sword of our Ling family?"

"Is it, intention, speed!"

"Then you are now... Why is there only speed left? And now you are clearly only for speed! You will not hesitate to use the one-handed sword. And in addition to the speed of your attack, I can’t feel the slightest sword! You This is a wicked way! Don't think that this is the game world can be willful! The progress of the sword will affect both worlds at the same time, you simply pursue the slowdown in the game world, and your sword will be repaired. It is getting weaker... At that time, it is not the sword of my Ling family!" A sword Lingyun frowned.

The shadow star spirit does not change color, and a face firmly said: "I am not your kind of quiet and quiet person! The so-called sword meaning, I have no way to carefully comprehend and penetrate for a long time, that sword trick, I have no thoughts Learn and enlighten. Since they are not suitable for me, why should I pay attention to it! I now only want to pursue the peak speed of the sword."

A sword Lingyun brow wrinkles more and more tight: "Sword meaning, is the root of the sword! Sword strokes, is the essence of my Ling family sword ... This is my Ling family, thousands of years of inheritance!"

"The inheritance of thousands of years must not be violated? It may be suitable for you, but it will never suit me! Shaolin's swordsmanship also reads the so-called 'no tricks and tricks', 'the world of martial arts, only unbreakable '. I am the most powerful two people in the virtual world of China, Tian Moxie and Blood Demon Moon, they, which one has no speed of speed! If there is no speed, they can only stand alone and not collapse! If the sword can To reach a peak, what swords can be ignored, then the root does not need any swords and swords." The shadow star soul retorted.

The brow of a sword Lingyun sank completely, his eyes slightly picked up, revealing the light of two ice skates: "From a very young age, you are always so rebellious... Needless to say, if You want to prove what you said, what you did is right, then, defeat me to prove to me, attack it..."

The life value of a sword Lingyun is about 7,000. The three combos of the shadow star soul directly knocked out his blood tank for more than half of the blood tank. As long as he comes back the same, he will die. However, a sword Lingyun did not use the recovery medicine to restore life, so half a golden sword stood quietly, waiting for the attack of the shadow star soul, but the original calm eyes were already cold. one slice. His momentum, at this moment, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"A strong momentum!" Ye Tianxie whispered.

"This is the state in which he will play the sword to the extreme." The smile on Murong Qiu Shui's face disappeared and whispered. After several years of not fighting, he did not think that Lingyun’s sword meaning has already reached this level...

Really integrated into the bone marrow!

Can he trigger such a terrible block rate!

When the sword is intended to be in harmony with the soul, and the roots do not need to be judged, the sword that is subconsciously swept is enough to perfectly block the opponent's attack.

The forward step of the shadow star soul, the sword in his hand disappeared in an instant... He relied on what to raise the speed of the sword to this level, no one knows, but there is no doubt that he can achieve such a realm, he is a true and uncompromising genius! Half a year ago, he was only a teenager who wanted to join the soul of the heavens. The result was a fiasco in the hands of Murong Qiu Shui. There was no color in the roots of the strength. But at the moment, his change is not ordinary. Big.

when! !

This scene, let the eyes of many people stop and shake!

Block! !

The sword of the shadow star soul is actually a sword Lingyun... perfect block! !

The speed of the sword that is almost invisible is actually blocked!

A sword Lingyun's eyes are cold... The blood trough, with less than half of his life, is to attack the shadow star soul with less than half of his life. Because he believes that even with such a sword speed, he can also block!

How confident this is! And such confidence is undoubtedly based on strong strength.

The face of the attacked star shadow star is obviously exposed. When a person's attack is blocked, the body will appear short and hard, this time will be completely unable to defend and avoid the opponent's counterattack... Then, the counterattack of a sword Lingyun and his voice follow... ... "Looking good! What is sword meaning... and sword tricks!"

"Ling Tianjian ninth style - dial the cloud to see the sun!!"

The sword of a sword Lingyun slammed up, and the golden sword actually drawn a bright white arc. Under this attack, the sword of the shadow star soul was picked up by the same belt, and the body was retreating under the irresistible sword.

"The 17th style of Ling Tianjian - wind and cloud!!"

The picking sword once again draws a white arc, then suddenly rotates, interweaving a dazzling arc, sweeping into the shadow of the star in the backward state...


With a soft voice, it is an incredible scene...

Under the arc of the arc, a thing shining with golden light flew out...

That is the sword in the hands of the shadow star soul... his weapon is actually flying!

"This..." The left-handed army had wide eyes and couldn't believe it.

In the skill of the warrior, when is the skill to fly the enemy weapon!

"... I didn't expect... I didn't expect this Lingyun, he turned out to be..." This time, even Murong Qiu Shui's face showed a deep shock: "He actually... can use the real world in this world." The sword trick!! The first mover's name is called Yunzhan, and you can use the sword to smash the enemy. The second trick is to call the wind and the cloud, and you can take away the enemy's weapon... He not only used the sword of the real world, but actually Can also play the effect!! What the **** is going on!!"

"...maybe, this is the effect of the sword to the extreme. The same swords in the game world have also been incorporated into the sword... These are really possible - no, it has already happened." Ye Tian Evil slowly said, at the end, and added a low voice: "This is a ... genius!!"

"...When your sword is enough, the sword in this world can also exert its power! There is no sword in the air, and the sword of this world is equivalent to ordinary attack, without any power. There is no sword in the sword, just like holding a kitchen knife that has already been rolled in. There is a knife in the air, but there is no sharp threat. The slowdown is to increase the power of the two together. No, you still don't understand!!"

"The end of Ling Tianjian - Emperor Ling Tiandi!!"

A shadow, wearing a body, a pale white light, slanted inlaid on Ling Jie's body, split his body into two...

Then, the white light exploded...


There was a riot in the audience.

It is also the ultimate power that can strike a million, but it is nearly 20,000 injuries - a sword Lingyun!

However, those high-handed ones that can strike a million, in addition to having a terrible weapon and a powerful skill, Murong Qiushui, several other... evil days, kings, dreams, clothes, and the dust after the transformation, are hidden occupations, both It has the most advanced weapons and equipment.

And he, the ordinary Berserker occupation, a common gold-level two-handed sword. The shock he brought to others is far better than all the previous ones!

Also in this game, in the face of his own brother, he finally revealed his true strength.

Perhaps, if the opponent is not his own brother, he will still not show his true strength.

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